Nathalie Kriek

  • Author
  • Copywriter
  • Astrologer
  • Tarotist
  • Dreamduster

Nathalie Kriek

Nathalie Kriek

Very nice of you to come and take a look at my website. Do you have a moment?

In fact, there is quite a lot to see here and especially if you like hoverless spirituality and are interested in tarot, astrology, dreams and (creative) psychology, you are bound to spend some time here.

At least, I hope so!

Open Card Productions, my company, consists of two departments. I would like to tell you more about them.

  • Open Card Productions
  • Spriblogger

Open Card Productions provides texts for various media. Creative content, spiritual texts, astrological content, OKP effortlessly adapts to your target audience. In addition, OKP publishes books in the non-fiction and esoteric genres and it is possible to have your own (web) texts corrected and/or edited.

Spiriblogger blogs lustily about spirituality, tarot, astrology and the human psyche. As a company or entrepreneur, you can come here for sponsored blog posts, advertorials or paid links in (already existing) blogs.

For the sake of clarity, you will find direct links to the various departments within this website at the bottom of this page.

I wish you lots of reading -and doing fun!


What can I do for you?

Open Card Productions

Open Card Productions

Here you will find the services I offer as a copywriter and the names of the media companies I have had the pleasure of working with so far.

Spiritual entertainment

Spiritual entertainment

Here you will find some examples of spiritual entertainment in the media ('spiritainment'). Spiritual entertainment is suitable for e.g. TV, website or podcast. BN-ers are themselves entertained in this way, which often triggers fun conversations.

Online oracles

Online oracles

Playing cards, tarot cards, and dominoes for enlightening advice in any field. Unique is the gypsy oracle, domino oracle, deceased loved ones tarot reading and monthly online erotic tarot reading.



More awareness, less b*llshit. As a spiriblogger, I write about spirituality, tarot, astrology, mindfulness, the human psyche and paranormal matters, among others. I am open to sponsored blog posts, advertorials and paid links.



Here you will find the books I have written and published from 2004 to date. The topics range from tarot to numerology, from glass spinning to (psychological) slimming and from Chinese astrology to ADHD.


Open Card Productions

Chamber of Commerce number: 64627969

VAT number: NL002106493B92


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