Astrological tarot reading
The astrological tarot reading involves laying out 12 tarot cards in a circle. Each card represents a House in astrology and tells you what to expect in this area of life this year. The astrological tarot reading is valid for one year.
A thirteenth card is placed in the centre of the circle, this card represents the energy of the coming year.
Tarot consultation in Dutch and English. (Translation button at the bottom of the page).
House 1
The First House shows what is important to express outwardly. What do you stand for? What do you want to be known for? How do you come across to others?
House 2
The Second House reveals the financial situation with an eye on income and expenditure. Is everything in balance? Where can setbacks be expected and where prosperity? And... what can you do yourself to keep everything (back) on track?
House 3
The Third House shows what needs more organisation and what you need to find out more about. What can you learn yourself and what information can you disseminate to others? What do you need to pay attention to with regard to communication?
House 4
The Fourth House represents the home situation. What is the atmosphere here and what might deserve some extra attention?
House 5
The Fifth House stands for sports, games, relaxation and entertainment. Are you in for a creative, fun-filled year?
House 6
The Sixth House reflects your health. What do you need to stay fit? What do you need for this, what are you fine without and what do you need to get rid of immediately? Are working conditions OK? How can you make yourself useful to others?
House 7
The Seventh House is all about relationships. What can you expect in terms of love? What goes well and what needs improvement?
House 8
The Eighth House reveals secrets related to meaning. What deserves deep examination and where would an overall transformation not be a luxury? This House also tells something about other people's money in the form of a gift or inheritance.
House 9
The Ninth House contains information about any international contacts, travel or study that could take you further. It is also not uncommon to find information on advocacy or jurisprudence.
House 10
The Tenth House shows your position in society. What is important to focus yourself on or outwardly emphasise. What have you already achieved and what can you still achieve? What are you known for and is this top of mind or is this something you should not want?
House 11
The Eleventh House stands for groups of people, e.g. your social network, colleagues, associates, club life - in short, anything characterised by mutual equality. Who do you need, who do you feel good with, who can you trust and with whom would you like to exchange new ideas?
House 12
The Twelfth House is the House of retreat, silence, stillness and self-reflection, but also of secrets. What is kept from you and what are you not allowed to talk about yourself?
The astrological tarot reading can be requested at any time of the year. There is no need to wait until your birthday or New Year's Eve. The prediction goes into effect the moment I do it for you.
For example, if you request the annual laying in April, it will start for you in May. This annual laying is then valid until April next year.
How does the astrological tarot reading work? Quite simple really.
- You send me your question with photo (close-up, preferably looking into the camera and without sunglasses) by e-mail to:
- I will confirm your request and give you the date when you can expect your astrological tarot reading in your mailbox.
- After receiving your payment, I will start working for you.
You will receive the answer to your question by email attachment in PDF file, including the picture of the cards I have drawn for you during the consultation, so you can actually see what each card means to you.
Rates astrological tarot reading
- thirteen cards (one for each month, the thirteenth card shows the energy of the year)
- including quintessence (additional numerological message based on the numbers of the cards)
- including a very comprehensive report
- including a photo of your laying pattern
- PDF file
- €120.00, incl. 21% VAT.
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