Why astrology is popular with smart women
Astrology has been very popular for a while now and especially among smart women. In this blog, I will give you 5 reasons why women with a higher-than-average I.Q do value astrology and horoscopes.
Whereas in the past, astrology was immediately dismissed by many as sheer nonsense and quackery, now more and more women are admitting that they are, after all, open to the idea that the sun, moon and planets could have an influence on us. And that they can actually do something with their horoscope.
And not just women. When it comes to business, some men can secretly have a few too!
One does not even have to believe in astrology 100 per cent for this, it is mainly about how one interprets the horoscope itself.
Especially young educated women deal with astrology in a playful, creative yet serious way. Even with the horoscopes published in newspapers, magazines or on the internet.
Not by blindly taking the predictions for granted, but by being inspired by them when making choices or thinking about possible new opportunities.
Birth chart
Most women who have a birth chart done do so not with the intention of living by it, but with the intention of get to know themselves better and thus pay more attention to their own personal development.
This is because a natal chart calculated from personal details such as birth day, place and time mainly reveal a person's deeper personality.
"Nonsense!" scientists will now shout in full voice. And they may.
Of course, the workings of astrology still don't scientifically proven is. But no matter how loudly people cry that a horoscope has nothing to do with the influence of planets and is mainly based on the psychological Forer effect, the fact remains that very many people do recognise themselves in the description of their star sign.
What is also striking is that after interpreting their birth drawing, they suddenly understand why they react the way they do in certain situations or act the same way over and over again. That this also makes them actually see how this could possibly be done differently or better.
And then what does it matter whether this is done on the basis of the Forer effect or because of an actual influence of the planets? Surely the most important thing is that someone benefits.
There are so many people who adhere to a religion where nothing can be scientifically proven either. Precisely because many women can no longer identify with traditional religions but still need a certain amount of guidance, they find a nice alternative in astrology.
Personally, then, I certainly do not include astrology under the heading of 'science'. Nor under the term 'religion'. I see astrology primarily as a art form. Indeed, until the advent of ingenious astrology software, making a comprehensive horoscope required quite a bit of manual work.
Each astrologer also interprets the planets in the Houses, the Houses in the signs, the aspects within the horoscope and everything around it in his own way, which makes each horoscope a unique, personal and personalised work of art. A figurative 'mirror' on a psychological level.
Just as a painting can touch people emotionally and offer insights, a good hand-crafted horoscope can indeed touch someone's sensitive chord.
Whatever the reason someone likes to read her horoscope or visit an astrologer; the main thing, of course, is that the person feels good about it and gets support from it in the first place. If one takes advantage of this in one's own way and does not bother others with it, what is the problem at all?
Fortunately, educated women do not care about ignorant arguments or rigid theories. Whether or not astrology can be scientifically proven, what certain scientists say about it or not, they simply draw their own plan in this. Whether or not inspired by their horoscope.
5 reasons why astrology is popular with smart women
- Because of their creative thinking abilities, they are able to relate what is written in their horoscope not only to themselves but also to be inspired by it.
- Because of their ability to make connections, they find it interesting to see what their horoscope predicts and how it could possibly apply to them.
- Because of their ability to put things into perspective, they understand very well that they themselves influence what is written in their horoscope and that certainly not everything is 'fixed'.
- Because of their intellect, they are perfectly capable of seeing astrology as a ' psychological tool' in personal development, love, friendship, finance, study, work and well-being without making this into more than it is: a helping hand.
- Because of their sense of humour, they recognise that the horoscopes in the media mainly fall under 'spiritual entertainment' and can laugh heartily at the horoscopes of themselves as well as those of their friends or loved ones when there is something recognisable in them. Whether or not they believe in the power of astrology, it is mostly fun.
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