Basic meanings tarot cards

This page describes in clear, plain language the basic meanings of the 78 tarot cards. The book The Tarot in Brief, from which these texts are taken, discusses the symbolism of the cards in more detail.

However, with a view to interpreting the cards, my preference in this blog is for short clear descriptions. This way, in fact, enough room is left for one's own interpretations based on one's intuition.

In itself, of course, it is very interesting to know what each detail on the cards means, but personally I find that the essence, what it is really about (especially for the beginning tarotist) gets a bit lost in a (too) long story. So in this blog article, I prefer to opt for simplicity and overview. 

Some of the texts below have previously appeared in the book The Tarot in Brief.

This book includes three mnemonics for each card to make it easier to remember its meaning.

For more interesting articles on tarot, see the Tarot Blog.

Copyrights of the Rider Waite Tarot on this page: U.S. Games Systems.


The classic Tarot game by A.E. Waite

In discussing the basic meanings of the tarot cards, all 78 cards of the Classic Tarot Game by A.E. Waite pictured. This tarot deck is the first deck in which all 56 cards of the Minor Arcana are also illustrated.

The much older Tarot of Marseille for example, only depicted the number of Rods, Swords, Cups and Pentacles on the Minor Arcana, without these symbols telling a story. This makes it Classic Tarot Game by A.E. Waite very suitable for learning about the tarot and using it for all kinds of questions on all kinds of subjects.

The symbolism of the cards can also be related to love, career, finances, one's own spiritual development, mental and physical health and basically anything you can think of. This makes it possible for you to use the tarot to answer all your questions.

But let's start at the beginning: The basic meanings of all 78 tarot cards. I recommend that you grab your own cards and see if you can identify with the meanings. Whether you can place them with the images of your own tarot deck.

Order Rider Waite Tarot cards?>KLIK

Need help interpreting the tarot or need a (short) consultation? I can be reached on the Tarot Live Chat.

Five minutes: €10.00

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Major Arcana

Basic meanings tarot cards 

0. The Fool

The Fool is at the beginning of his journey; although he is facing a precipice, he is not afraid. He trusts his his intuition and takes the plunge (or not) confident that things will work out.




Basic meanings tarot cards1. The Magician

The Magician is known to be strong-willed, creative and full of initiative. With these qualities, combined with the four elements depicted for him on the card, he can get anything he wants done.





Basic meanings tarot cards


2. The High Priestess

The High Priestess is known to be intuitive, patient, spiritual and wise. She is guided by her inner voice. However, she is sometimes a bit passive.





Basic meanings tarot cards


3. The Empress

The Empress is known as fertile, 'pregnant', creative, and is often associated with the birth of something new and its growth.





Basic meanings tarot cards


4. The Emperor

The Emperor is known as orderly, responsible, level-headed, decisive and strict. Sometimes he gets a bit carried away in this, but usually he manages to achieve his goal step by step. In any case, he knows how to set limits and thinks with his mind rather than his heart.




Basic meanings tarot cards


5. The High Priest

The Hierophant is known as the counselor, the coach, and is associated with sincerity, trust, values and good advice. He also represents a traditional life or ditto way of doing things 'Just do it, and you'll be crazy enough'.




Basic meanings tarot cards

6. The Beloved

Known as loving and binding, the Beloved are associated with following one's feelings, choosing one's own path and overcoming adversity and disappointment.






Basic meanings tarot cards



7. The Zegewagen

The Zegewagen mixer is known to be optimistic, strong-willed, decisive, open to new ventures and not afraid to turn his back on the old to move forward. However, he does sometimes have a tendency to run past himself.



Basic meanings tarot cards

8. The Force

The Force is known for its joie de vivre, attraction, passion, patience and willpower and for the inner strength that comes out. The Lion is tamed with patience and policy rather than aggression. Also, this is the card of fitness, good condition and ditto health.





Basic meanings tarot cards


9. The Hermit

Known as serious, wise, the Hermit is associated with the need to be alone for a while, to go his own way where he does not let himself be pushed or influenced by others. To gain more self-knowledge, he shines his light inwards rather than outwards; after all, that's where he finds all the answers.




Basic meanings tarot cards

10. Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel is known as the time of change and your own input into it. It is associated with acting at the right time, creating the moment of change yourself instead of waiting for the right moment. Those who stay on the Wheel will keep spinning in the same circle forever.





Basic meanings tarot cards

11. The Justice

Justice is known as honest, wise, decisive and responsible for its own actions. With the scales, everything is carefully weighed against each other and with the sword, a knot is finally tied, a decision taken.





Basic meanings tarot cards


12. The Hanged Man

The hanged man is known to be powerless, sometimes depressed, and sometimes struggles with a (necessary) turnaround. When he hangs upside down, he suddenly sees things from a different angle. 





Basic meanings tarot cards


13. Death

Death represents closing the past so you can open up completely to the future. The old gives way to the new.






Basic meanings tarot cards



14. The Moderation

Moderation is known as calm, balanced and is associated with inner peace, health, relaxation and mastery.





Basic meanings tarot cards


15. The Devil

The Devil is known as the Great Seducer and is associated with our own 'dark' side; not being able to let go of addictions, destructive thoughts and/or behaviour, not being able to measure up. Sometimes he represents surrendering to someone who tries to control and dominate us. Or...our own obsession with something or someone!




Basic meanings tarot cards

16. The Tower

The Tower is known as a figurative liberation and is associated with opening one's eyes, growth after disappointment, the need to let go of the old. The Tower partially collapses and is then rebuilt. However, the foundation is still standing. As a result, the Tower becomes stronger than before!





Basic meanings tarot cards


17. The Star

The Star is known as the card of the future and is associated with positivity, hope, confidence and successful plans that reach far into the future.





Basic meanings tarot cards


18. The Moon

Known as uncertain, the Moon is associated with illusions and the fear of taking certain steps because you don't know where the 'road' will lead. Sometimes the Moon is associated with past problems that have not really been processed yet, causing you to fall into old habits.




Basic meanings tarot cards


The Sun

The Sun is known to be positive, self-confident and confident. She is associated with success, overcoming problems and enjoying life. And...warmth!





Basic meanings tarot cards


20. The Judgement

Judgement is known as redemption and is associated with a new opportunity, overcoming difficulties, coping with disappointments and breaking free from problems. A change for the better, a figurative rebirth! Old things are revived.




Basic meanings tarot cards


21. The World

The World is known as the goal achieved and is associated with 'coming home', completing a project, bringing closure to the past in a proper way allowing one to move on again at a better, higher level because so much has been learnt. The Fool's 'zero' closes around the World; the circle is complete.



The Minor Arcana, Staves


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod Ace

The staff with new fresh leaves attached to it is grasped as if a new opportunity is being handed and tackled. The card radiates strength and because it is an Ace - the first card of a series - it indicates a new beginning.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod two

Much has been achieved, yet there is still doubt about the future. There is still a long way to go before you can actually enjoy what you have achieved so far. Don't keep thinking about the future, but above all enjoy the 'now' and share it with someone else if necessary. Together you are stronger and you might have more fun.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod three

A long road is behind you and now is the time to reap the harvest and let go of the uncertainties of the past. It is time to enjoy what you have worked so hard for. Be proud of yourself and make sure you keep what you have achieved.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod four

There are celebrations or gatherings where your company is wanted. Groups of people of two or more having a good time together. A card with a positive look that welcomes you! Dare to show yourself and take initiative.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod five

There are struggles, but in a playful way. Yet there seems to be some rivalry, people want to 'prove themselves'. Also called: inner doubt, indecision. A battle with one's own 'selves'.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Bar six

A victory march. The winner, the hero, is brought in amid joy and cheers. He brings good news and gets the appreciation he deserves.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod seven

The person on the card seems to want to defend himself. Possibly people disagree with him or he actually feels 'attacked' and feels he has to defend his position. The card also points out that, above all, you should not let others throw you off balance, that you would do well to (continue to) stand up for what you think and feel!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod eight

The rods are flying through the air and are already landing. They indicate rapid, positive, developments and they are already on their way to you! Something (good) is in the air!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Bar nine

There is a difficult past in which the person on the card has already had many struggles. As a result, he has become more cautious in the present, inclined to wait and see what happens and build a wall around himself to avoid new disappointments.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Bar ten

The person on the card is misallocating his energies. He may want to do too much at once, making things unnecessarily difficult for himself and losing sight of the forest for the trees.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Bars Squire

This Squire has a positive influence. Sometimes he is a messenger who brings unexpected good news or sends you an invitation or proposal. Sometimes he represents an event that sparks your inspiration; that motivates you. He also stands in connection with (spiritual) messages.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod Knight

This knight brings with him a somewhat impatient atmosphere. His horse is itching to leave this place and the knight seems to be struggling to keep him in check. He is about to set off at a full gallop. Over-enthusiasm.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod Queen

This queen is beautiful inside and out. She is understanding, helpful, but also knows very well what she wants for herself. She is warm-hearted and self-confident.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Rod King

This king is likeable, serious, strong-willed and motivating. A rock you can build on and trust. He finds it important to get his act together now for the future. Self-confident and enterprising.


Minor Arcana, Swords


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords Ace

The sword can 'cut a knot', therefore this sword represents a decision to be taken. This should be done with full intellect and not on feelings.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords two

The person in the picture seems to be protecting her heart. She may have been hurt before, failed before and now closes herself off to avoid being hurt and/or disappointed again. The swords each point in one direction indicating doubt.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords three

Swords pierce a heart, but there is no blood. These are old wounds, old hurts that can be stirred up. Sometimes this card represents a decision taken against feelings.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords four

The person on the card is taking a rest. Usually by necessity in order to heal or to sort things out for himself so that he/she can continue rested and with fresh courage.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords five

There has been fighting and there may have been harsh reproaches, unfairness and/or foul play. Both winner and loser feel uncomfortable.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords six

The boat sails across. There have been turbulent times - judging by the woman's crooked back and the rippling water on the right side of the boat. Those in the boat hope for a better, new beginning. One enters 'calmer waters'.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Sifting swords

The person in the card is trying to say goodbye to the past, but because he keeps looking backwards and is not honest with himself and/or those around him, something will always linger and he will never get rid of it. Also, he cuts himself on the swords he tries to take unfairly. This card often represents falling into the same mistakes/ habits over and over again, 'cutting oneself'.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords eight

The person on the card is bound and blindfolded, indicating that she dare not look ahead. But why not? There are no knots, she can unwind herself like this and take off the blindfold. The way forward is free, but she has to want to see it!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords nine

The person on the card is worried, but are these worries well-founded? The swords on the card do not touch the person, but rather tell her that all obstacles can be removed one by one. She is better off putting her energy into this, rather than fretting about it!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords ten

The person on the card is pierced by swords. A gruesome sight. Yet it is only a symbolic meaning; it is the death of worries. A better time follows, this is a 'ten'; the end of a cycle. The sun rises on the horizon!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords Squire

This Squire has a restless influence. He does not have both feet on the ground and discord is in the air, which is why he is vigilant; ready for battle! Criticism or disagreement belongs to this card, as well as a somewhat immature way of acting. The clouds show that a firm discussion can clear the air.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords Knight

Dhese Knights bring with them a restless atmosphere. Aggression, strife, and impulsiveness. There is strife in the air.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords Queen

This Queen is insightful, somewhat cool, straightforward, intelligent and independent. She is aloof, intellectual and independent.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Swords King

This King is somewhat stubborn, dominant, rigid and authoritarian. He does not tolerate contradiction and is easily irritated. He is mostly rational, not emotional.


Minor Arcana, Cups


Basic meanings tarot cards

Cups Bait

The cup overflows with goodness. Happiness, health, prosperity, on every front, this card is a harbinger of happiness and prosperity!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups two

Slowly but surely, two people come together. This is something special, something permanent, which, although it needs time to grow to develop, will not be transient. The foundation is right!


Basic meanings tarot cards

Cups three

Several people have a good time together; there is a happy ending, a 'happy ending' that is toasted. The goal is/will be achieved! The ripe fruit represents fertility, growth and health.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups four

The person on the card sits looking dissatisfied in front of him and does not see that he is being handed a goblet. This card represents sulking about a particular situation and being so absorbed in dissatisfaction that obvious solutions are overlooked even though they are there!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups five

The person on the card is grieving for what has been lost and is so sad about this that he does not even realise that behind him there are still a number of goblets upright and that a bridge leads to a beautiful place where he can go. He gets so stuck in the grief and disappointment that he fails to see that there is still plenty to look forward to.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups six

Memories fill the mind. Everything used to be better and more beautiful, it really? What can you do now to bring back that feeling, the atmosphere, of the past?


Basic meanings tarot cards


Sifting cups

The person on the map does not seem to be able to choose from all the options presented to him, or that he comes up with himself. Which options are feasible for him and which are not? This card reminds us of the danger of dreams that cannot be fulfilled, perhaps because they are too high, making disappointment almost inevitable.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups eight

Dhe person on the card is saying goodbye to his current lifestyle. The cups are arranged in such a way that it looks like one is missing. Yet there are really eight. Feelingly, the person is missing something. Although he is still uncertain about what is to come next, he perseveres. Gradually it will become clear which new path he will take.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups nine

The person on the card is content , but also a bit smug. Perhaps he enjoys everything he has a bit too much and struggles to control himself when things get cosy...Goblets nine is also called 'the nine months card' (pregnancy).


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups ten

The people on the card are grateful and content, appreciating and enjoying what they have. This card is always a positive omen, in any field. Goblets ten represents the achievement of a goal, a wish fulfilled. Joy and gratitude. Nevertheless, also a warning that nothing can be taken for granted and that we must keep fighting for our happiness ourselves. In short; hard work pays off!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Goblets Squire

This Squire is a charmer and brings with him love, a reconciliation, dreams or flattery. He not infrequently offers new opportunities like a new education, a new relationship, new spiritual impulses, or even a (literal or figurative) birth!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Goblets Knight

This Knight brings an air of love, helpfulness and relaxation. He is kind to you and willing to lend a helping hand.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups Queen

This Queen is loving, sensitive, caring, and above all intuitively well-developed, but also a dream star. Spirituality and seduction.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Cups King

This King is sympathetic, compassionate, responsible, yet has a certain need for freedom. Also, he is very sensitive to temptations, as betrayed by his foot which is almost about to commit a slip. This burgundy-minded king enjoys life to the fullest!


Minor Arcana, Pentacles


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles Ace

The Ace is in a beautiful setting that exudes peace, happiness and well-being. Inner and outer wealth. This is again the first card of a series, so again: a new beginning, a new opportunity with a high success rate.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles two

Dhe person in the card does not have both feet firmly on the ground, but nevertheless seems to keep himself in balance. This card represents being able to adapt well to new situations, but without actually going anywhere (yet). Balance is still missing. The card has a somewhat playful character and does not indicate serious plans, rather a preliminary hesitation.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles three

Dhe person on the card gets a chance to show what he can do. He is willing to work for his goal and does his best for it. He takes the advice of others to heart, but in addition he continues to follow his own intuition. The combination of his own common sense, following his intuition, plus the advice of others that he may or may not follow by feeling, means he can go far.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles four

Dhe person on the card 'sits' on his assets, and possibly his feelings. He finds it difficult to take a risk now and then. He prefers to hold on to everything and keep everything as it is. This way he knows what he has, but with this attitude he also misses out on a lot of nice good new things! He is so keen on certainty that he misses out on new opportunities.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles five

Dhe persons on the map feel sick and all sorts of things are missing in their lives. Yet they refuse to ask for help because they may then have to change themselves. Change takes effort and so they prefer to continue living in uncertainty... Dare to ask but also keep working on your own development.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles six

Dhe rich man gives money to the poor, but ... he doesn't throw it around. He looks at what they need and weighs his gifts carefully. They get nothing more or less. The poor welcome his support and extend gratitude to him. Support can be very important! Provided it is not misused.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles seven

Dhe person on the card is waiting for his bush to grow and flower. He knows he has done the right thing, digging, sowing, tending, only now he finds it difficult to be patient until real results of his efforts can be seen. Still, it is important to wait and not force anything. After all, everything needs time to grow...


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles eight

Dhe person on the card is enjoying his work and actually enjoys it because he is doing a job he has chosen. It takes him time and energy and he still has a lot to learn but nevertheless it gives him satisfaction! That too is wealth!


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles nine

Dhe person on the card is enjoying the beautiful surroundings. She seems to have to put little effort into all the beauty around her. In the past, she has made the right decisions that allow her to enjoy all that has been achieved.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles ten

Dhese card usually represents family ties, heredity, the family. There is much learning, peace, harmony and sociability. Inner and outer wealth. A stable foundation and security. Sometimes: an inheritance.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles Tawny

Dhese Squire have a valuable, stable influence. New, welcome lessons and help are to be expected. He brings a lucky coin.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles Knight

This Knight brings with him a stable, familiar atmosphere. Although he is somewhat slow, he is strong and persistent and slowly but surely reaches his goal.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles Queen

Dhe Queen is reliable, helpful, intelligent and caring. She is 'the mother' and values domestic sociability and her family. She does not lack anything and enjoys everything around her to the full. The bunny symbolises fertility.


Basic meanings tarot cards


Pentacles King

Symbolism: This King is honest, consistent, leading, but also sympathetic. He holds a good position which enables him to support himself and his family and make sure they have everything they need. That he is kind-hearted and successful is proven by the ivy that fuses with his cloak.


Reading tip: Tarot Study Book.

Still prefer to read the extensive meanings? The Tarot Study Book covers in detail not only all the basic meanings and symbolism of the tarot but also the elements and the positive and negative aspects of the cards. The book is full colour and definitely one of the favourites in my own tarot library.


Copyrights of the Rider Waite Tarot on this page: U.S. Games Systems.

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