The best tips for the tarot beginner

The best tips for the tarot beginner

The best tips for the Tarot beginner! Do you want to learn to read Tarot? Then it's a good idea to apply the tips below!

Go for a 1-3 card spread instead of the Celtic Cross

Almost every Tarot beginner's book contains the Celtic Cross Tarot spread. It is a nice spread, but with 10 cards, it is not a great place to start for the Tarot beginner. Instead, use simple Tarot spreads of 1-3 cards. You'll be pleasantly surprised how much insight you can gain from reading even one card.


Read the image on the map

One of the easiest ways to understand what a Tarot card means is to look at the image. What is happening? Why is it happening? What is the moral of the story? Then relate it to what you are experiencing. What can the story on the card tell you about your life right now? What new lessons can you learn? The best thing about this technique is that you don't have to memorise meanings! You can just go with what you see in the picture of the card every time.


Create a personal connection with the Tarot

Many people start learning the Tarot cards by first reading Tarot books and trying to memorise the meanings. This is not helpful! As a result, you often forget the meanings, while also having no personal or intuitive connection to the cards. Instead, you need to relate to the Tarot cards on a personal level. This tip should be applied by every beginner!


Draw a Tarot card every day

The best way to learn Tarot and create a personal connection with it is to draw a card every day. Ask the Tarot every day, "What energy should I focus on today?" and manifest that energy proactively throughout the day. Or ask the Tarot: "What might I experience today?" At the end of the day, bring together what happened during the day and what you know from the Tarot card you drew. Over time, your 'bank' of personal experiences with the Tarot will grow and expand.


Read Tarot for yourself

Ignore anyone who says you have the Tarot cannot read for themselves. Tarot is such a powerful tool for personal development and self-discovery, so take advantage of it. If you start reading Tarot, you are even your best customer! So make time every day to do a short Tarot reading for yourself. You will learn more about the Tarot and about yourself. Bonus!


Keep it simple

It is easy to get lost in the complex esoteric systems that make up the Tarot, but if you try to learn all these systems at once, you will find that you quickly become overwhelmed. Instead, make a commitment to yourself to keep it simple, which also comes with a car insurance can be useful. Stick to simple spreads, meanings and techniques. You will find that your self-confidence grows tremendously if you keep it simple.



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