Getting a birth chart

If you want to have a birth chart done, at VIP Astro you can choose between a customised astrological advice or a fully elaborated birth chart.

Through the birth chart, it is possible to get to know yourself better. But also to discover what your talents, qualities and pitfalls are and how best to deal with them. I see a natal chart primarily as a guide for life.

Astrological advice

What can you expect from an astrological consultation based on your birth chart? I am happy to explain it to you.

If you have a question about just one topic (love, friendship, work, living, money, health, family, study, travel, etc.), I will look through a astro consultation only to the area of life that matters to you. So I do your horoscope drawing, but only work out in writing the areas you have a question about. Less work for me, more beneficial for your wallet. Last but not least: a clear, lucid answer to your question.

An astrological consultation based on your birth chart is suitable for almost all questions about your own personal development.

The cost for an astro consultation based on your birth chart is €78.65 including VAT per question.

Getting a birth chart

If you prefer to have your entire horoscope worked out, this is also possible. For summary information or ready-made computer printouts, VIP Astro is the wrong address. To avoid mistakes, your horoscope drawing is made by computer. The interpretation is worked out entirely by hand. A complete birth chart is +/- 30 pages in A4.

The cost for a complete birth chart is € 907.50 including VAT. You will receive the horoscope by e-mail in PDF file or, at an additional cost, in a bound booklet (ring binder, glue spine or stapled).

Ordering can be done via the >contact form.

More information on the birth chart can be found below the image.


Understanding the horoscope drawing

Since you will also receive your birth chart with the astro consultation or the fully elaborated horoscope, it is nice if you understand how it is put together. Not necessarily, as the interpretation will of course be typed out for you in language that everyone can understand, but in case you like it I will explain how the radix is put together using the illustration below.

The inner circle of the horoscope drawing shows the top view of the earth.

The outer circle of the horoscope drawing concerns the cosmos where the star groups are located. The star groups are better known as our constellations. This 'circle' covers 360 degrees and is divided into 12 'pie slices'; the 12 Houses.

The middle circle is the orbit around the Earth in which the planets move through the Houses, each time moving into a different star group (constellation) as a result.

The coloured lines in the centre of the horoscope are the aspects, the geometric angles that show how the planets are in relation to each other (in a triangle, square, sextile, etc.). These give additional information about you.

Besides the planets, the Houses also play an important role in the horoscope. This is because each House represents an area of life. The position of the planets in the Houses is therefore very important when interpreting the horoscope.

The planets in the natal chart

Let's start by looking at what the sun, moon and each planet stands for.


Shows your most visible character traits.


Provides insight into your behaviour towards the outside world and how you come across to others.


Show your main needs emotionally (which may lead to certain habits you fall into again and again).


Shows the way you learn and communicate.


Show what makes you happy, what is important to you.


Reveals your activity and assertiveness.


Show where your luck and opportunities lie.


Shows where your responsibility lies and what sometimes tests your patience.


Shows where you need new insights but also originality and freedom.


Shows where you should be alert to cheating, but also where your creativity and/or spirituality lies.


Point out major sweeping changes, often accompanied by chaos or as a result of crisis.

The Houses in the natal chart

Now that you know what the sun, moon and planets stand for, it is important to see where they are located in your birth chart. Each House (pie point) represents a specific area of life.

First House

The First House is where your identity is formed and how you come across to others.

Second House

The Second House is the House of possession and your own attitude towards material things like money and stuff. Whether the money is easily earned and whether you get happiness or help in this area.

Third House

The third House is the House of self-expression, communication and siblings. But also of short journeys like commuting, for example, everything that takes place in the immediate vicinity.

Fourth House

The Fourth House is the House of Home. Your childhood home, but also the house where you will later live with your own family.

Fifth House

The Fifth House is the House of self-expression, creativity, fun, hobby, sports and children (including your own inner child) but also of love affairs.

Sixth House

The Sixth House is the House of health, but also of service, charity, selflessness, work, colleagues and your vocation.

Seventh House

The Seventh House is the House of marriage and other partnership relationships, both romantic and corporate.

Eighth House

The Eighth House is the House of death, transformation and other people's money.

Ninth House

The Ninth House is the House of higher education, travel, religion, spirituality, philosophy, life questions and law.

Tenth House

The Tenth House is the House of our careers, of how we develop ourselves in society. This includes our career, our ambitions, but also our parents' influence on it.

Eleventh House

The Eleventh House is the House of group activities, friends, hopes, desires, ideals, social awareness, social events.

Twelfth house

The Twelfth House is the House of everything hidden, from family secrets to enemies, illusions to chimeras, as well as the mystical, spirituality and religion. And institutions such as prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, etc. And... Karma!

Also important

The way the planets interact (which aspects make them interconnect) gives a lot of additional information about your personality.

Planets and Households

Both the placement of the planets in the Houses and the location of the ruling planets of the Houses give clear clues about you as a person and what needs extra attention.

Black Moon

Exposes the darkest, hidden side of yourself and shows you what spiritual lesson you need to learn to deal with it.


Reveals which part of your personality needs healing and why.

MC and ICU

Showing why you are suited to which career and how, on the other hand, your attitude is towards the home situation.

The moon nodes (Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail):

The northern node (head) shows your personal growth and shows what you are trying to achieve in this life. The southern node (tail) shows remnants of the past that still affect you in the present.


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