Breaking black magic

Black magic, what are the symptoms if someone has worked on you and how can you break the curse? If you suspect that someone has used black magic on you, it can make your life quite difficult.

Note: Following the article below, I receive emails and emails from people asking me to help them break black magic on a regular basis. I do not offer this service.

I have shared the step-by-step plan at the bottom of this page here for free for those who want to try this themselves, as many people had good experiences with it. If you need personal help and guidance regarding black magic, unfortunately I cannot help you!

Do it yourself?

Protect against black magic with talisman candle

Protect your home from negativity talisman candle

Ritual candles with manual

Reading tip: Voodoo Hoodoo spellbook. This very comprehensive, informative and above all helpful book offers clear explanations on Voodoo spirits and the 7 African Forces, among others. You will also find information on powders, oils, ointments, talismans and candle magic and learn prayers, psalms and more than 100 spells for protection, breaking incantations, love, luck, fertility and much, much more.

Below the image, you can read about how thought power plays a huge role in suspecting that you have been worked with black magic and what step-by-step plan you can carry out yourself at home in this case (or do together with the person who believes you have been worked with black magic).


If you are convinced that someone has remotely worked you with black magic, you will actually experience bad luck or illness or perceive other spooky things that are not actually there.

'What do you mean, 'which aren't actually there?' I'm sure someone used black magic on me!'

Even if you know for sure that you have been worked with black magic, the fact remains that thought-power has an enormous influence on how you experience things. When you expect something scary to happen, you will set yourself up for it and you will actually experience things as scary.

Suggestion is very insidious because it can cause us to project our fears onto the environment that actually enables us to see or feel our own thoughts. By no means everything is the result of black magic, even though in many cases it may seem so.

Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. Before I share with you the practical roadmap, let me first explain a bit about what suggestion and thought power can do to us.

Take, for example, a woman who wants immensely to get pregnant.

A woman who fervently hopes that she is pregnant and assumes that she has succeeded, will suffer from all sorts of pregnancy ailments like fatigue, nausea or even cravings for "strange" things until her period returns.

Even if, in reality, she is not pregnant at all, her thought power will be so strong that this will enable her to fool herself into thinking she is physically changing. After all, human beings really are capable of thinking themselves sick, weak or nauseous!

What one believes can feel miraculously real. So you can imagine that it is also quite possible to scare yourself to death just by think That someone has cursed you.

Black magic symptoms

If you strongly suspect that someone has used black magic on you, you may suffer from the following symptoms:

  • depletion
  • lack of energy
  • dizziness
  • pass out
  • insomnia
  • mood swings
  • depression
  • suicidal thoughts
  • hear voices
  • impotence
  • infertility
  • nightmares
  • sleepwalking
  • asthma attacks
  • epileptic seizures
  • violent anger attacks
  • aggression and violence
  • concentration disorders
  • amnesia
  • constant bad luck and misfortune
  • disease

When you feel that someone has bewitched you and this thought scares you, it is quite possible that you will start imagining all sorts of things to yourself (especially at night) and you will actually perceive the things you are afraid of.

Scary sounds, shadows, shadows, footsteps, symptoms and phenomena that take place mainly in your mind are projected onto the environment by your own anxiety.

Your thoughts and fears can run away with you to such an extent that what you think you see, hear or feel seems so realistic that you genuinely believe it is actually 'there'.


When you are afraid of hearing something beforehand, you start focusing yourself on everything, which will make you perceive even the smallest sound. After all, if you focus fully on something, you will always find something that makes you think "see!

Go outside and deliberately look for yellow cars. You almost never come across one, until you start looking for it in a focused way!

Then you will focus even more and hear even more, making yourself even more afraid. Precisely because you are already afraid that someone has bewitched you, you will associate the sounds you hear with this.

For instance, sounds that have actually always been there - e.g. working wood, bubbling heating pipes, footsteps next door, birds in the gutter - and to which you have never paid attention, may suddenly catch your eye and then implicate them all in black magic.

Instead of soberly thinking or figuring out where the sound in question is actually coming from, you crawl deep under the covers with the idea that someone is completely in control of you, when in that moment it is mostly your own fear that is gripping you.


When you attribute your constant setbacks in life to a curse, you will also stop trying your best to redeem yourself. After all, you are 'cursed', there is 'nothing you can do about it'.

The nasty thing is, when you constantly have negative thoughts, you will also experience everything around you as negative (thought power), making it seem as if nothing at all is positive anymore and you are indeed the victim of an evil spell.

The setbacks will only pile up this way, upon which you can then say, 'see, more setbacks, see I'm cursed!' Thus you will end up in a negative and downward spiral just because you believes That someone has used black magic on you.

If you truly believe that you have been remotely bewitched with the result that you no longer have any control over your own logical thinking ability and as a result you can no longer put things into proper perspective, the suggestion so basically the cause Of the (alleged) 'curse'.

Just as a woman with a fervent desire for children is able to convince herself that she is pregnant which makes her feel really tired and nauseous, you can really make yourself depressed or have physical symptoms just by thinking that someone is constantly targeting you.


When you are convinced that you are bewitched, you will relate all sounds (including from outside or neighbours), events in the house (caused by draughts, gravity or technical faults), pain, itching or nausea (perhaps caused by tension, new fabric softener or a dormant flu) to a 'curse'.

Sometimes in such cases, a priest, witch, psychic or ghost hunter called in, who will perform certain rituals to lift the curse. At that point, the victim naturally has full faith in this specialist and will also assume (expectation and thought power!) that he will actually be released from the curse.

The very belief that everything will be all right will ensure that the complaints and symptoms will actually stop. Because the person helped by the priest believes that everything has been sent away, expelled and purified, he will actually experience that peace has returned to his mind and home.

Although we can drive ourselves crazy with fear with our own thoughts, suggestion works fine the other way around too, and we are also quite capable of reassuring ourselves by believing that everything is fine (again).

Whether or not the priest will actually lift or remove anything; his coming can indeed have a beneficial effect on anxious persons. Therefore, his work is mainly based on the trust and faith of the people who hire him.

And if - after the priest has left - people feel that everything is peaceful again in the house, that is of course absolutely fine. After all, some people benefit greatly from a placebo. in any form.

Breaking and removing black magic, roadmap

Some advice I gave my clients (for free!) when they approached me in practice saying they felt they were bewitched or cursed:

  • Hang a mirror on the outside of the front door so that Evil is reflected and thus returned to the sender.
  • Place a handful of clear (mountain) crystals in each corner of the room. These are known to absorb negativity. Then give the crystals back to nature by burying them in earth or throwing them into the sea while thanking them for taking away Evil.
  • Place a white candle in a candlestick in water in such a way that the candle is half in the water. Burn this candle for thirteen minutes every day while returning Evil to its sender. The moment the flame of the candle touches the water and extinguishes, the curse is broken. Then bury the other half of the candle in the earth and forgive the sender.
  • Sprinkle salt in the house and cleanse the entire home with sage and/or myrrh incense. Put/place gemstones known to remove or absorb negativity, black magic or other incantations (for example: Agate, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline, Tiger's Eye, Nuumite) or wear such a pendant around your neck in several places in the house (especially where you experience Evil).
  • Sprinkle a salt circle around your house.

On the pretext that it won't hurt, you could try the above if you feel that someone has worked you with black magic. For the people who asked me for advice at the time, this actually always worked.

In hindsight, I think this did not actually lift an incantation, but mainly the expectation that it would work did its job in this.

Shopping list

myrrh incense

sage incense

rock crystal




tiger eye

black tourmaline

weighted candlestick

white candle


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