Just off balance horoscope

Almost everyone suffers from hormonal imbalances from time to time. A minor or major imbalance that takes us out of our element for a while. What does this manifest itself in you and... what can you do about it?


Previously published in VROUW Glossy April 2021.


Aries (March 21 - April 20)

When your hormones kick in, almost nothing is left of your fuse and it takes very little to make you jealous and intolerant. Your hormones make you bossy, impulsive and even a little childish. In those moments, try to recapture your enthusiasm and focus on something that distracts you and that you are passionate about.


Taurus (21 April - 20 May)

If you are suffering from hormones, those around you will notice it mainly by the fact that you are not moving forward, eat more comfort food and are extremely hung up on the past. At those moments, you almost drown in melancholy and nostalgia. Especially then, it is important to pay more attention to creative activities you enjoy.


Gemini (21 May - 20 June)

You are not naturally calm in any case, but when your hormones kick in, you are a real bouncer. At those moments, you are overcome by acute boredom, suffer from nervousness and become impatient and even a little unreasonable. If you are in that flow, use the talent of entertaining others for yourself for once.


Lobster (21 June - 20 July)

Played-up hormones make you hypersensitive, possessive and a tad selfish. Since your irritation level is particularly low, you prefer to be alone at these moments. Feel free to give in to this need, but do let those around you know that this mood is temporary and that it is not their fault.


Leo (July 21 - August 21)

When you suffer from your hormones, you become hot-tempered, stubborn and a real drama queen who can blow up the smallest details into the biggest problems. Besides, you like to be the centre of attention and prefer to be put on a pedestal. The best thing you can do in those moments is hold up a mirror to yourself. Is this really you?


Virgo  (August 22 - September 22)

Hormones fluttering around turn you into an irritated and over-critical cat that sees everything in a negative light and has an opinion and a prejudice about everything and everyone. Before you open your mouth, think about how much you regret your statements afterwards and you might actually manage to swallow your words.


Libra  (September 23 - October 22)

If you suffer from your hormones, you become a real coward and get seriously depressed. Despite this, you know how to manipulate your environment like no other and turn out to be a real know-it-all. At those moments, become more aware of the fact that this goes against your original nature and focus on others in a positive way.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)

Played-up hormones make you suspicious of your surroundings and reckless in your behaviour. In the process, you can also be jealous and possessive. Making sarcastic or even insulting remarks at these times goes astonishingly well with you. If you use your innate intuition, you know best whether you are being unreasonable or not.


Sagittarius (November 23 - December 20)

Hormonal fluctuations make you impatient, easily irritable and restless. You prefer to flee your home to 'get away from it all'. You can also be rather preachy at those moments and lecture those around you unasked. What you can do in those moments is ask yourself whether you would put up with it yourself if someone acted that way towards you.


Capricorn  (December 21 - January 19)

When your hormones are out of balance, you are mostly melancholic, cynical and a bit selfish. Normally, you are always ready to help others, but now everyone has to leave you alone. Normally, you think carefully before you say or do anything and that is also the advice at times like these.


Aquarius  (20 January - 18 February)

If you are plagued by your hormones, you will suffer from separate obsessions, have less self-confidence, become stubborn and tactless and have trouble compromising. Use your innate creativity and intellect to deal with this the right way. After all, you won't let yourself!


Fish (February 19 - March 20)

When your hormones kick in, you become more dependent on your environment, feel more self-pity and tend to blame yourself for things that go wrong. Your hormones also intensify your temperament. Use your spiritual aptitude to help yourself through this by drawing an insight card or oracle card (online for free) for appropriate advice.


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