Slimming blog

Slimming blog about losing weight without a diet, packed with valuable tips to lose weight responsibly and effectively. Because yes, that is indeed possible!

Whatever diet you choose, the main thing is to take in fewer calories than you burn, and the willpower to keep it up is mostly in your own head.

If you only practice eating a hamburger and mayo peanut fries every day, you will also lose weight. And if you only shove a hair salon under your nose every day, too. Voilá: the hair salon diet! It's just that you will then lack important nutrients and end up getting sick. So that is not the point.

So, if losing weight is just about taking in fewer calories than you burn, this can be done just fine with regular healthy foods from the Dishes of Five.

After all, the right carbohydrates, protein, fibre and a little fat have never made anyone fat. It is when you eat too much of these and take in more calories than you burn. As I did.

Besides, my slimming method wouldn't be my slimming method if I didn't also add a creative psychological touch to it. After all, losing weight starts in your head!

Nothing succeeds without our own willpower. The slimming blog on slimming down without a diet will therefore focus a lot on this.

The nutrition charts in this weight-loss blog have been approved by a GP, a dietician and a personal trainer.

Photo: At half! 20 kilos off in five months. Another 20 kilos to go...

The latest slimming blog updates can be found at the bottom of this page.

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How can you apply this slimming method? Quite simply.

  1. Read all the chapters below in order as you would read a book. (Don't feel like reading 32 pages? In that case, you can ask yourself how badly you want to lose weight and what you would be willing to do...)
  2. Follow the step-by-step plan under the heading 'Slimming down without a diet month by month' at the bottom of this page.
  3. Every Monday, click open a new 'tip of the week page' and take the advice to heart.

The chapters

Why do you want to lose weight?

The body

The psyche

The programme

The coach cards

Nutrition tables

lose weight without dieting tips

Slimming down without dieting month by month

Have you read the chapters above? Then you can start the Balance weight loss programme now.

  1. Click open the monthly introduction every first of the month.
  2. Every week on Monday, click open a new 'tip of the week page' and take the advice to heart.

1st month: The very beginning

2nd month: Practice makes perfect

3rd month: Unlearning bad habits

4th month: It's going to work!

5th month: At half-time

6th month. You feel good

7th month. Keep moving!

 8th month. Pay attention to your nutrition

9th month. Good habits

10th month. Stumbling blocks


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