Why trance mediums are always actors

Channelling, what exactly is it? And what does a trance medium do? In the blog: The history of the Ouija board, you have already read that before the Ouija board came on the market, spiritists frequently used automatic writing. But even after the Ouija board appeared and people discovered the method of "glass spinning", many spiritists still preferred automatic writing, also called channelling called mediumship, because here the medium is used by spirits as a channel to pass on their messages.

This channelling can take place in different ways.

  • Telepathically
  • Based on a partial body channel
  • Based on a full body channel

Of course, this is usually explicitly warned against. Not only through the Ouija board or the pendulum could one attract evil spirits, also through channelling - by opening oneself up to it - a spirit could take possession of the body just like that.

Yet it is not as scary and serious as it is all portrayed to be. After all, it has never been proven that a spirit could actually speak or write through a medium's body while channelling. If this cannot be done with the medium's permission, it is at least unlikely that a spirit would enter the body without permission.

Telepathic channel:

During a telepathic channel, the spirit transmits its energy, emotions, as well as literal information to the medium through telepathy. All information coming from the spirit with whom the medium is communicating at that moment is thus transmitted through thought power.

The medium 'hears' in his mind what the spirit wants to transmit. The mind itself consists only of energy, but even without a brain the mind is capable of thought transmission because - so spiritists claim - thoughts are also energy. The medium can therefore pass on or write down all the information he receives from the spirit.

This way of channelling is not actual automatic writing because real automatic writing is actually automatic without any influence from the medium himself. In a telepathic channel, the medium is fully conscious and writes in his own handwriting on paper what the spirit dictates to him, so to speak.

Personally, I believe that in a telepathic channel there are especially communicating with one's own subconscious.

Partial body channel:

In a partial body channel, the medium gives the spirit permission to use only part of its body to transmit messages; via the hand. This, according to spiritualist teachings, is the 'real' automatic writing.

Noteworthy here is that if the medium himself is right-handed, but the spirit was left-handed during his life here on earth, the medium's left hand will also be used.

In this method of automatic writing, the medium himself has no influence on the choice of words, language and handwriting. Everything in this area comes from the spirit, which is allowed to pass on its messages through part of the medium's body.

At least, according to spiritualist teachings. Again, I believe that the information obtained does not come from spirits, but is mainly the work of a creative brain. Perhaps some trance mediums even go so far as to teaching themselves to become ambidextrous. Can.

Full body channel

Then there is the most difficult form of channelling; the full body channel. In this method, the medium himself goes into a full trance and allows the spirit to fully enter his body. With the intention that the spirit is allowed to make full use of the medium's body and bodily functions.

So now the spirit is also able to assume its own body posture (the posture of when it was still living here on earth) so that the medium now sits, stands and walks like the person (spirit) that is 'inside' him at that moment. Because the spirit can now make use of the medium's vocal cords, the spirit can also speak through them.

Thus, if the medium is a woman, and a male spirit has entered her body, she will start speaking in a low male voice. It is also possible for the spirit - also through the medium - to speak in its own language, even if the medium himself is not familiar with this language.

Often in a full body channel, the medium allows his own soul to temporarily leave his body - steps aside, so to speak - to give the spirit all the space it needs.

Often, after such a session, the medium does not remember anything that happened or was said during the channel, which usually deeply impresses the audience. Yet the entire body channel is based on deception. I will explain why.


Man's voice is unique. Every person has their own sound. Its own sound and its own 'timbre' or 'colour' as they call it. Everyone has their own unique sound. It depends on how the larynx is shaped in the body. This vocal apparatus (larynx) is built differently in everyone, making every voice sound different.

The larynx is made up of cartilage, muscle tissue and mucous membrane; it also contains the vocal cords. The sound of the voice is determined, among other things, by the skeletal structure and the length of the vocal cords. The shorter the vocal cords, the faster they vibrate when speaking, the higher the vocal pitch.

Male vocal cords tend to be longer and thicker than female ones, making them less likely to vibrate during speech. As a result, men generally have a lower voice. In short; the sound of the voice is a physical matter. It depends on how things are shaped and constructed in the body.

Therefore, if it were at all possible to have a spirit speak through your body, it should not detract from the sound of your voice. This is because the sound depends on bodily factors. If, for example, a female medium were to allow a male spirit to enter her, it is therefore nonsense that the messages this spirit gives through her would be spoken by a male voice.

In short, sheer charade. After all, the medium's larynx remains the same shape at all times!

Mediums who claim to be able to do a full bodychannel by temporarily allowing a spirit into their body, thereby changing the tone of voice while speaking (not to mention adopting a different body posture or pulling a silly grimace) are thus doing nothing more than putting on a usually very laughable play.


However, some of them are particularly good at what they do, which makes the audience jump in with both feet and believe everything they are shown and told. Partly because they also like to want beliefs. Expectation and thought power!

It has never been proven that a spirit can actually enter a human body! The spoken dialect or language spoken by the medium during a channel session may have been secretly learnt by the medium.

The information given may have been looked up by the medium via the internet or (when the internet did not exist) be based on the medium's own intuition, prior knowledge gained elsewhere, creativity or imagination. The voice, body posture or movements may have been self-taught by the medium to appear more credible while channelling.

Usually, these mediums are unaware of the fact that due to the lack of an earthly body of its own, the spirit has to make proper use of the medium's body and, for biological reasons, it is impossible for the medium's body to undergo physical changes during the channel.

In fact, nothing can be changed about the construction of the larynx and the size of the vocal cords.

So if it were even possible for a medium to allow a spirit into his body, this spirit will really have to make do with his physical body. With its voice and even with its possible physical limitations. So channelling in this form always involves deception.

You can read more about clairvoyants, mediums, possession, auras and spirits (summoning) in the book: Glass spinning is not (un)dangerous. For online ordering click >HERE

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