Business annual horoscope

If you want a corporate annual horoscope, you can choose between a customised astrological advice or a fully elaborated corporate horoscope at VIP Astro.

Astrological advice

What can you expect from an astrological advice based on your business annual horoscope? I will be happy to explain it to you.

If you have a question on just one topic, I will look through a astro consultation only to the (business) area of interest to you. So I do your horoscope drawing, but only work out in writing the areas you have a question about. Less work for me, more advantageous for your wallet. Last but not least: a clear, lucid answer to your question.

An astrological consultation based on your business year horoscope is suitable for almost all questions about your business.

The cost for an astro consultation based on your company annual horoscope is €78.65 including VAT per question.

Have a business horoscope made

If you prefer to have your entire horoscope worked out, this is also possible. For summary information or ready-made computer printouts, VIP Astro is the wrong address. To avoid mistakes, your horoscope drawing is made by computer. The interpretation is worked out entirely by hand. A complete business horoscope is +/- 30 pages in A4.

Through the business year horoscope, it is possible to discover which themes deserve more attention this year, what are the highs and lows of your business and how can you best deal with them?

The cost for a complete business annual horoscope is € 907.50 including VAT. You will receive the horoscope by e-mail in PDF file or, at additional cost, in a bound booklet (ring binder, glue spine or stapled).

Ordering can be done via the >contact form.

More information on the business year horoscope can be found below the image.

business horoscope

Explanation business year horoscope

Both the sun and the moon as well as each planet has its own energy. Because the cosmos is constantly moving, the planets are now in the sky differently from how they were when you started your business.

These movements are called 'transitions'.

When the sun, moon and planets enter other signs and other Houses with respect to the natal chart, important changes await you. Not only in view of external influences, but also with regard to your own attitudes and interests.

Using a business year horoscope, besides some predictions, you can especially chart how your business will develop this year.



The life area/theme of the House where the sun is located will play an important role this year.


The ascendant in your business solstice largely determines the nature of this year and the attitude you will take on business this year.


The life area/theme of the House where the moon is located will bring emotions, turmoil or changes.


The life area/theme of the House where Mercury is located will give you much food for thought and bring changes in the business or financial field.


The life area/theme of the House where Venus is located shows which relationships or social contacts will become important to you this year and whether you can expect positive financial developments.


The life area/theme of the House where Mars is located shows where new initiatives can be taken and where you can take action yourself but also where discord can be expected.


The life area/theme of the House where Jupiter is located in your business year horoscope shows where you can expect happiness or will get help. In doing so, Jupiter shows what you will want to learn more about this year.


The life area/theme of the House where Saturn is located shows where you will need to take more responsibility, what you need to process and where you can expect some delay.


The life area/theme of the House where Uranus is located shows where there may be some stress, turmoil, but also new insights.


The life area/theme of the House where Neptune is located alerts you to the things you need to take off your rose-coloured glasses and reveals where chaos or hidden flaws are to be expected. It also indicates where you could use some more spiritual insight.


The life area/theme of the House where Pluto is located points you to drastic changes, not infrequently due to crisis or other external factors. Or... for calm before the storm! Handy to be prepared for...

Aspects of the horoscope: The way the planets connect gives a lot of extra information on how best to deal with the upcoming influences.


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