Contacting your guide, about guides and Google

A guide, what is that? Does everyone have a guide and if so, how do you get in touch with your guide? Many people try to get in touch with their guide through automatic writing. And often with success! Just to be clear; according to spiritualism, a guide is a wise soul (spirit) that has lived so many times on earth that it does not need to come back here to learn new lessons. Everything the soul has had to learn, it has learnt. When all the lessons are accomplished, this soul can act as someone's main guide.

Your main guide is a soul who has been with you from birth and with whom you have had a connection in a past life. Over the years, you may also be temporarily guided by assistant guides. Auxiliary guides are usually deceased loved ones you have known in this life. They still have some learning to do on the Spirit side and guiding you - under the supervision of your main guide - is part of this.

The main guide's job is: to guide you 24/7 in everything you do. Telepathically-often without you being aware of it-your guide gives you advice, tips and warnings. Some people learn to consciously communicate with their guide over time, while others will never even become aware that they have one.

When you try to get in touch with your guide using automatic writing, the information you get through will always be correct.

Why? Because you expected that the information will be correct and because you would like to want That the information is accurate. If you yourself are fascinated by Roman history, a guide will probably appear in the form of a Roman emperor. If you are more interested in Indian culture, an ancient wise chief will probably present himself. So guides are nothing but imaginary wise leaders that you create in your own subconscious from a certain need.



If you truly believe in the existence of guides (as I myself did for many years), it is hard to accept that your guide could well be your own figment of your imagination, created from your own fantasy and wishful thinking. Still, if you dare to look very deep inside yourself and be very honest with yourself, you may have to admit that you have created this patron or woman yourself based on the need for someone to show you the way combined with something you are interested in. 

By now, when I had reached the point where I dared to admit to myself that this really was the case, I took the test. More about this later. First, let me tell you how I came into contact with my guide for the first time.

Indeed, at the moment I first sought real contact with my guide, I still firmly believed in the existence of guides. So I also expected (!) that something would really happen when I would completely open up to my guide. Gathering information through the Ouija board or glass spinning I did not dare at that time, so it became pen and paper.

One evening when everyone in the house was asleep, I sat down at the dining room table with a notepad, a pen and, of course, a white candle and purifying frankincense (myrrh) for protection. I asked my guide to protect me from any malicious entities I might attract in this way, visualised myself in a white radiant protective light as I had learned to do so, and put the tip of the pen, which I held loosely in my hand, on the blank page of the notepad.

I definitely didn't want any during the channelling just anyone would come 'into me', so I agreed with my guide that he or she would pass on any messages to me telepathically so that I could write them down myself.


A few minutes after I sat - staring into the flame waiting for what was to come - at the table, I suddenly had a vision of a black woman with a friendly face. Although she had an African cloth wrapped around her head, I instinctively knew that under this cloth she had short black frizzy hair. This had to be my guide! Then, out of nowhere, all sorts of loose words popped into my mind. I did my best to write everything down as quickly as possible and, to my surprise, finally saw this on paper:

  • 1863
  • slavery
  • plantation
  • Kenya
  • sister

From this, I deduced that the black woman I had just seen in my mind must have been related to me. She used to be my sister. Apparently, we were both Kenyan and had worked together as slaves on a plantation! I was now quite curious about her name....

I was convinced that, for the first time, I had had real contact with my guide and thanked her for the information she had passed on to me. Since I was keen to call her by her name during our possible next contact, I asked, "Guide, could you please tell me your name? In response, I was shown in my mind, in a flash, a short clip from the children's film 'Matilda', the story of the girl with telekinetic powers.

'Is your name Matilda?" I asked in confirmation. In my vision, the woman nodded at me kindly.

How happy I was! It couldn't be missed. After all these years of guessing who he or she was, I was actually in touch with my guide! I thanked her again and immediately decided to find out the finer details on the internet.

I typed in all possible word combinations on Google, but soon I got stuck. In Dutch, I only found the year; this was the year when slavery was finally abolished. At least this information did match the other information (plantation, Kenya, slavery) I had received from Matilda!


After this initial contact with my guide Matilda, an extensive search of two days and nights followed. I typed in English one stream of words after another into the search engine bar. Slavery - black woman - Matilda - sister - black slavery woman - etc. I got to the bottom of everything and eventually I had found all the missing pieces of the puzzle. I now knew exactly who my guide was, what her name was, where I knew her from and what her life story was. And....why she had chosen me of all people to guide!

GuidesMatilda Jane Burton (1848 - 1934) was a black slave girl who was sold as a child to a farm family in Kentucky for whom she worked on a plantation, where she would later meet her husband Willis Murphy, who worked on the adjacent farm. Despite it being highly unusual, the lovers were given permission to marry. Although the woman for whom Matilda worked kept her far from textbooks, she did teach her a thing or two about poetry and music which Matilda enjoyed immensely.

Like me, Matilda loved music. As a young girl, I did nothing but sing and dance. I also wrote my own poems from the age of 10; Matilda must have helped me with this, given her love for poetry.

With Willis, she had two sons; Rob and Buddy. Willis joined the army after the end of slavery, during the Civil War after which he was never heard from again. Matilda assumed he had been killed.

I myself lost my beloved the moment we had decided to get married. Matilda had surely assisted me in coping with this grief given her experiences.

Matilda moved to Dayton with her two sons and worked there as a laundress. In the process, she attended night school and learned to read and do arithmetic in order to keep her own records. She also met the twenty-year older military veteran Joshua Dunbar and had another son with him; Paul Laurence Dunbar (1862 - 1906) . Matilda's sister Rebecca Voss gave Paul his middle name Laurence.

Rebecca was Matilda's only sister; this should have been me then given the word 'sister' I had been given...

As it was difficult for them to make ends meet, both Matilda and Joshua worked long hours and then took out their annoyances and frustrations on each other when they came home. Joshua lost his job and started drinking more and more. When Paul was just two years old, his parents divorced.

I myself was also divorced from a man who could not stand alcohol, Matilda had firmly supported me in this and helped me cut the knot to leave him.

Paul Dunbar

Paul Dunbar started writing when he was barely six years old. His mother Matilda encouraged him to read a lot and got him excited about poetry. He adopted her love of poetry and would later become the first black writer and poet to actually publish books. Thanks in part to the unconditional support of his mother Matilda, he managed to achieve this.

GuidesWhen Paul was nine, he had another sister. Although Matilda and Joshua were divorced, Matilda turned out to be pregnant with him again. Although Joshua wanted nothing to do with the child, Matilda kept the baby. She had a baby daughter named Elizabth Florence (1873 - 1876) who died at the age of three due to illness and malnutrition. Although she led a hard life as a single mother, she faithfully helped Paul with his homework and worked hard to pay for his education.

Matilda's efforts enabled Paul to attend Dayton's Central High School where he was the only African American student. She also supported him through thick and thin in his plans to become a writer.

I too had children from several marriages and, like Matilda, had to manage as a single mother for a while. For years, I tutored my youngest son both at home and at school because he was struggling to learn. Matilda must have helped me with this at the time!

Paul died at the age of 34 - unfortunately far too young - from the effects of tuberculosis.

At the age of 34, I published my first book. I was therefore definitely convinced that Matilda had also helped me with this and had shown me the right way in this.


With everything I read, my mouth fell open in amazement. Everything was so recognisable! It was inevitable that Matilda had to be my guide. Given her own experiences during her life here on earth, she could assist me like no other during the difficult moments in my own life and show me the right way.

For years, I believed my guide was Matilda. I even had whole conversations with her in my mind because - so I thought - she was also the one who helped me during the tarot and photo readings I did for my clients. Later, as I learned more about psychology and (human) intuition, I started to put everything more into perspective and made some remarkable discoveries.

As a teenager, I loved watching a Dutch TV series titled 'Vrouwenvleugel', about the ups and downs in a women's prison. One of the prisoners was Smorrie, a kind, wise Surinamese woman who was imprisoned there for murdering the man who had given her daughter a drug overdose.

Smorrie occasionally made clairvoyant observations for her fellow inmates. While doing so, she smoked a big cigar which helped her go into a trance. As a teenager, I would have loved to have known a Smorrie who could have done this for me one day. So it was not surprising that years later, when I tried to get in touch with my guide, I saw in my mind's eye a black woman who resembled Smorrie like two drops of water.

All the words I 'got through' in response to the black woman were, of course, also related to Afro-American history. After all, the subconscious mind is always looking for connections and recognition. It would have been highly unlikely, after 'seeing' a black lady, to write down words that were related to the fall of the Berlin Wall, to name a few. (Although I am almost certain that even then I could have made 'correct' connections on the internet after a long search!)

TV guide

As for her name; Matilda. So how did I just come up with that? If I am completely honest, the week before I tried to get in touch with my guide, the film Matilda was being aired on TV. And although I hadn't seen the film at the time, I did read an article about it in the TV guide and saw a sneak peek of it during the commercial breaks on TV, so this fragment was stored in my subconscious.

Not just the name Matilda, but the visions and images I saw in my mind during that first conversation with my guide were, on reflection all Coming from my own subconscious. And the information I subsequently found on the internet as a result of this clearly had the Forer effect on me...(see: warm reading)


At the time I tried to get in touch with my guide, I was not yet aware of the workings the Forer effect. I came across the information on this subject only a few years later when I started to have my doubts about all that I had learned about spiritualism as a child and started researching on my own. It was only when I learnt more about the Forer effect that I understood that I had implicated all the information about Matilda on myself, because I also liked to wild That she was my guide.

I decided to put it to the test once more.

Based on my own creativity, I wrote down some random keywords offhand. On the internet, I would again search for any connections between these words. This with the intention of seeing what would come out of it and, above all, whether I would recognise myself in it.

  • 1833
  • Mimi
  • dancer
  • Paris
  • music

Via Google, the following came out. Of course, much more information can be found about Mimi, but I am just noting the most relevant from the text to show that Mimi's life story also had similarities with my own life and so she too could have qualified as my guide, had I Googled the above keywords that first time.

Contacting your guide, about guides and GoogleMaria Fransesca Bia (1809 - 1889), also known as Mimi, was a dancer, singer and stage performer. She married twice. (Like myself). The first time to Reinier Engelman, stage actor and Theatre Director.

How coincidental, my own - first - great love was also working in showbiz.

With him, she had four children. The second time she married Jan Eduard de Vries, stage actor, decorator and theatre director. Mimi's parents were both well-known dancers which soon introduced her to the show world.

Because of her striking talent, she danced in major ballet performances at a very young age. At ten, she got her first speaking role in weeping play Athalia, in which she played the role of King Joas.

I could have taken this as a wonderful coincidence, since my own name Nathalie is a derivation of the name Nathalia.

At 14, Mimi first performed as a soprano singer.

Although I am not a soprano singer, I did perform for several years as the lead singer of a rock cover band, so I could have thought that Mimi as my guide in this area at the time would have helped me get and keep my voice in shape and overcome my stage fright.

She first performed at the Dutch theatre in 1824, where she met Reinier Engelman, who was 14 years older than her.


Mimi made a career as a singer, dancer and later a stage performer. The reviews she received were rave reviews. Not only for her performance on stage, but also for her beauty, charisma and personality.

I was quite insecure as a teenager, so I started looking for ways to make myself more beautiful with make-up. In this I struck out a bit at the time, my make-up looked dramatic, with lots of kohl, mascara and dark eyeshadow. If I had believed that Mimi was my guide, I might have thought that Mimi - with all her stage experience, which undoubtedly included a lot of make-up - would have shown me the way.

In 1845, Mimi's husband died after a long illness.

I could have related this to the period when I lost my own first lover, also to a debilitating illness. Had I still believed in guides, I might have thought that - given her own experience - Mimi would have assisted me while processing this grief.

In 1865, Mimi remarried her new love Jan Eduard de Vries.

Had I believed that Mimi was my guide, I could have seen a coincidence in this too. I also remarried the second great love in my life after losing my lover.

Conclusion: Actually, you can make all kinds of connections with any words and extract similarities from all texts - about anyone - that relate to your own experiences. So all the similarities I read in the pieces I found about my - supposed - guide Matilda were nothing but a nice coincidence. Thereby wild of course, I was also keen to see the similarities. After all, I had not googled and puzzled almost two days and nights in a row to get the whole story 'conclusive' for nothing!

The information I subsequently found on the internet about Mimi, following my self-devised keywords, also contained some striking similarities. After all, there is always something you can relate to yourself that could make you believe this information comes from the cosmos, the afterlife or the spirit world.

So even automatic or telepathic writing has nothing to do with guides, spirits or other contact with the Spirit. It all stems from your own subconscious and then the internet fills in the rest for you. Dangerous? No. Fun? Possibly. Interesting? Absolutely!

It might be a nice idea to try this yourself. Not so much to find out who your guide is, but to see what can be conjured up from your own subconscious. Who knows what fun things you might read on the internet that you would never find out otherwise? Special combinations can emerge from all the words you write down. Finding the right connections between all the words can take a lot of time, sometimes even a day or more, but the result is usually very entertaining.


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