Coronavirus under control in the Netherlands?
When will the coronavirus be under control in the Netherlands? When will we regain some freedom of movement?
Following my first Corona hour angle regarding the development of the virus in the Netherlands, here is now a follow-up goroscope in which I asked the pressing question for many of us: when will the coronavirus be under control in the Netherlands?
To recap:
- The Dutch government is willing to take slightly more risk than other European countries.
- Despite tremendous sense of responsibility, exhaustion in care is looming, resulting in: making mistakes and causing accidents.
- Divorces are on the rise and business partners are breaking up due to soaring tensions even before the virus will be under control.
- Relatively fewer people will die from the virus in the Netherlands than expected.
- People no longer allow themselves to be locked up so easily and are rebelling against not being allowed to visit their parents, grandparents or children in institutions.
- In six weeks (late May, early June 2020), we may get a little more freedom of movement; in six months (around October), the coronavirus in the Netherlands will be to some extent under control.
- Nevertheless, even then we will still spend more time in the house than we did before the corona crisis.
Below the image is the extended, detailed version of this coronascope.
Retrieved: 18-4-2020
Divorces and bickering business partners
The First House, the House of society itself (society's ascendant), is in Leo. This means we are getting a bit fed up with being predominantly indoors. Fortunately, ascendant in Leo also shows that the government understands this and may be more committed to easing measures.
The ruling planet of Leo is the sun. The sun is in Aries in the Ninth House, the House of scholars, higher education, university studies. The sun is 'in exaltation' here which means that the sun feels supreme in the sign of Aries with a slight tendency towards hubris.
From this, I gather that the government is keen to move forward and is even willing to take a bit more risk for this than most other European countries, which may work out well.
Sun in Aries in the Ninth House shows that our government is busy and working very hard in the scientific and medical fields to find the answers to the huge uncertainty currently prevailing in our country. The government also thinks it is high time for some good news again.
So chances are that a somewhat more optimistic attitude will soon be adopted with regard to new discoveries with a view to fighting the coronavirus and stopping its spread.
Aries' ruling planet is Mars. Mars is in Aquarius in this hour angle in the Seventh House, the House of relationships and partnerships.
This is less favourable. Mars is a planet you would rather not encounter in the House of relationships and partnerships. Not only in the private sphere but also in business, this is a less than pleasant combination. Mars in Aquarius is very fond of freedom and likes to do things his own way without being hindered in this. Oh dear.
However, those who got along well anyway have nothing to fear from this combination. Those couples and business associates who were already struggling to communicate or treading a little water, can expect a huge outburst this period due to hefty disagreements.
Even before the virus will be under control in the Netherlands, these people will face quite a lot of hardship in the form of arguments, divorce or, on a business level, the inability to put their shoulders to the wheel together.
Over-tiredness in healthcare
The ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus. Uranus is in the sign of Capricorn in the Sixth House. The Sixth House in this hour angle is the House of Public Health.
Uranus in the Sixth House is very restless and definitely not going to resign itself to the current situation.
From this, I conclude that all nurses, as well as doctors, researchers and anything and everything that has anything to do with healthcare will continue to fight for improvement and work to invent a vaccine, drug or some other means to attack the coronavirus as effectively as possible.
However, exhaustion does threaten, which means new solutions must be found, especially for nursing staff, to give them much-needed rest! Exhaustion is not infrequently accompanied by making mistakes and causing accidents, this must be avoided at all times.
The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn. Saturn is also in the Sixth House in Capricorn in this hour angle. The fact that Saturn is in its own star sign is very favourable in terms of public health!
Saturn in the Sixth House represents a huge sense of responsibility combined with a huge work ethic and also success through hard work. From this, I clearly infer that both healthcare and medical science will go on until the end and will not rest until the virus slowly but surely gives in.
So right now, everyone involved is working extremely hard to get the coronavirus under control!
Irrational fear of death
Since in horary astrology the moon plays a particularly important role, I also looked at where it is located. The moon resides in the sign of Pisces in the Seventh House, the House of relationships and partnerships, as does the planet Mars, as you have already read above.
Moon in Pisces is enormously sensitive and is on her toes at the drop of a hat or feels overruled. This combined with Mars also residing in the Seventh House is asking for trouble. It highlights the rifts in both private and business areas that can be expected in the time ahead.
This period will see an increase in divorces and, in addition, business partners will also leave in droves. Probably not only because of financial circumstances; they will also clash terribly among themselves on a personal level in the coming period.
This means that many lovers and many business partners will say goodbye to each other even before the virus will be under control!
The ruling planet of Vis is Neptune. Neptune is entrenched here in the Eighth House, the House of death and rebirth.
Since Neptune has quite a tendency to lose its sense of reality, and this is compounded by the fact that Neptune is in its own sign Pisces, society is likely to be more worried than necessary. Both much of the government and the population currently have an irrational fear of death.
Of course it is a horrible virus and it is absolutely wise to (continue to) take precautions, but as I also in my previous hour corner saw: proportionally fewer people will die from coronavirus than expected.
Many people turn to spiritual counselors, coaches and therapists this period for extra guidance. If you feel comfortable with this too, no problem, but don't get unnecessarily frightened (or knock money out of your pocket)!
When will the coronavirus be under control?
To answer the question of when the virus will be under control in the Netherlands for public health and economic reasons, it is important to see whether the planets involved make aspects with each other. And if not, when they will. Indeed, the next aspect may shed light on the time frame in which things will become clear.
An aspect is a particular geometric angle at which the planets relate to each other. What aspects with moon and ruling planets? The protagonists of this horoscope that can give us the answer to the question is first and foremost the sun and the moon and, in addition, the planets:
- Mars
- Uranus
- Saturn
- Neptune
Right now, the moon is making aspects with Uranus and Neptune.
The moon makes a sextile with Uranus and a conjunction with Saturn.
For the moment, this means that many people take a more positive view of the situation with the result that they are more likely to be in the company of their loved ones. People are less likely to be 'locked up' with the result that more altercations on the street between citizens and enforcers can be expected.
On the other hand, people (the elderly and other weaker members of society) who are no longer allowed to receive visits are becoming more and more frustrated. Loneliness increasingly plays into their hands, causing personality changes and harshness towards the care staff in old people's homes, nursing homes and other institutions where visitors are kept out.
Where people no longer allow themselves to be locked out so easily, they also no longer allow themselves to be locked out without mercy.
These developments will potentially have a major impact on the government and any new decisions they take on the matter in the coming period.
When will the coronavirus be under control in the Netherlands?
But... when will the virus be under control in the Netherlands to the extent that we can go out and do our work normally again?
For this, I looked at which of the 'protagonists' of this hour angle will be the first to make an aspect with the moon. In this case, that is the sun making a conjunction with the moon exactly in six days; a favourable development!
The aspect that predicts the time frame in which we will get clarity takes place in six days. In horary astrology, one counts each day, each degree of the horary chart for 1. In this case, it is up to the astrologer to determine whether it is one hour, one day, one week, one month or one year in which the prediction is going to come true.
Do I think we will get clarity in 6 hours? Unlikely. In 6 days? Mwah. 6 weeks? Could be. 6 months? Yes, I consider this very likely. 6 years seems a bit too pessimistic in this case.
Nevertheless, even then, the home situation will still play a hugely important role. Even if the virus will indeed be under control in six months, we will still spend more time at home than we did before the corona crisis.
In other words, the coronavirus will be reasonably under control in the Netherlands in six months' time (around October 2020). But let's hope that within now and six weeks (late May, early June 2020), we will already have some more freedom of movement - still observing the 1.5-metre rule if necessary - so that we can all pick up the thread soon.
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