Business astrology

Hi Nathalie, you are speaking to the assistant of (...). Via Google I came across your page ''Business astrology' ended up. Could you do a corporate horoscope for us?

Out of the blue, I get a call from the assistant of a very well-known and wealthy entrepreneur. For privacy reasons, I will omit his name here but obviously I am very pleasantly surprised.

We are now several years on, we are in regular contact and I faithfully make his business (yearly) horoscope every year but at that moment I had to gulp on the phone.

Incidentally, it is not unusual for entrepreneurs and other businessmen to be interested in corporate astrology. Large companies like KLM, KPN, some banks and even the Ministry of Defence also consult an astrologer from time to time.


Personally, I am regularly approached by self-employed people in various industries but also by, for example, psychologists, doctors and lawyers who want to know more about business astrology. The amounts on which people seek my advice range from thousands of euros to several tons and in some cases from millions to even billions.

A huge responsibility where I also always point out to the client in question that I am not omniscient and they may or may not follow the astrological advice I give them at their own risk.

So too with this wealthy businessman. Nonetheless, he wanted a business horoscope from my hand, which I delivered with great care, precision and, of course, pleasure.

A few weeks after Mr X received the company horoscope, I receive an e-mail from his assistant asking if I would like to visit him at the office to explain the horoscope in person.

Of course!

On the day of the appointment, I stand somewhat nervously in front of my wardrobe. What do I put on? How do I do my hair? Do I wear jewellery or not?

I opt for a business look with my hair pulled up, a basic black jumper and ditto jacket, fabric trousers and black half boots. Neat, if I do say so myself. I leave out jewellery, my tattoos are actually decorative enough.

For a moment, I wonder what Mr X will think of my tattoos but I quickly decide to let that thought go. His main concern is his company's horoscope, right?

Business astrology

In my briefcase, apart from a copy of the company horoscope and some more astrological information, I also brought a pack of tarot cards. You never know.

When I enter the entrance hall of the huge building and report to the front desk, the receptionist kindly asks me to take a seat in the luxurious waiting room.

Not long after, I am picked up by another lady and taken to the office where Mr X welcomes me enthusiastically. As soon as I enter, he stands up warmly and shakes my hand.

When I sit opposite him and an awkward silence falls for a moment, he says, laughing:

'So. There he sits. Disguised as a gentleman. '

Apparently, he notices that I am a bit tense.
Spontaneously, he takes off his jacket and hangs it over his chair. He unbuttons the top button of his shirt. I may also just call him by his first name.

'Let's just make it a pleasant afternoon. Coffee? Tea?'

What an incredibly likeable guy!

After we have gone through his horoscope for almost two hours and he has asked me hundreds of questions about my other work, he asks interestedly what else I have in my suitcase.

When I show him the pack of tarot cards, his eyes start shining.

'How exciting! Can we do that too? Can you also use those cards to answer questions about corporate astrology that I have in response to the horoscope?'



When the cards have given him beautiful additional messages and advice and I finally say goodbye to him, most of the staff have already left for home. This afternoon has really flown by.

Just like when I entered, he stands up but instead of giving me a hand he grabs my hands with both hands and thanks me for this special experience. About my tattoos which I was a bit worried about at first, he does not mention a word. That they did not bother him at all is evident from the compliment he gives me.

'It was fantastic. Hope to see you soon. I think you're mieters!'

When I inform him that the pleasure is entirely mutual, he suddenly asks me what I am doing for the weekend two weeks from now.

'My son's birthday is then. He is also quite spiritually inclined. Would you like to come to the party with your cards? We'll celebrate in the garden. '


To be continued ...

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