The Intuitive Tarot

Do you sometimes have an urgent question you would like to have answered right now? For instance, when you are in love, when your relationship is not going so well, when you are in doubt about another job or a move, when your financial situation is a bit more difficult, when... (fill in your own words).

The Intuitive TarotIn this book, you will learn how to get instant answers to any question of any kind, how to "predict" the future and even how to read pictures with the tarot. And all this with just one card!

Certain images or descriptions spontaneously (intuitively) offer you more insight into feelings, fears, insecurities or a certain lack you were struggling with but did not know (consciously) what caused it.

Now that you know how the tarot cards work on your subconscious, or rather how your subconscious reacts to the tarot cards, it is time to look for the answers to what is on your mind yourself.

The book is now out of print, but may still be available for pre-order via the link below.

The Intuitive Tarot


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