Versatile columnist

Are you looking for a freelance, all-round and therefore versatile columnist? Perhaps I can be of service to you. I am not only creative with language, but - not unimportantly - also with the story!

Having worked with people from all walks of life for decades, I can empathise perfectly with your target audience. What do they see the humour in? What moves them? What annoys them? What makes them go through the roof with excitement?

Are you yourself the one who needs to write a column but are momentarily lacking in inspiration or suffering from a writer's block? I don't think in problems but in solutions: using my service in the field of ghostwriting you will still meet your deadline. When you sleep well, I effortlessly pull an all-nighter for you!

Versatile columnist with a sense of humour

While a versatile columnist should first and foremost, of course, be knowledgeable about the subject he/she is writing about (I digress completely), it is also not unimportant to provide the text with the necessary biting humour and critical comments here and there.

Personally, I do like a bit of cynicism and sarcasm, it's okay to be a bit abrasive. On the other hand, also understand that this is not always and everywhere appropriate or desired.

The tone of voice of the column is entirely up to you, as is the limit. However, I cannot promise that I will not just cross it....

Despite the fact that I write the text, you fortunately have the final say. So there is always room for corrections and other changes. Or still a slightly more moderate tone if desired.

How do you want to come across to your target audience? What do you want to convey?

Your wish is my command.



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