
What is numerology and how does it actually work? Everything can be reduced to a number and each number has a special meaning. Many people would love to know what their birth date means numerologically. Or their wedding date. Or perhaps their house number, postcode or the number plate of their car.

Even letters can be converted into numbers. This makes it super fun to calculate how someone is at birth (christening name) and how they develop later (call sign). The possibilities are endless!

Numerology also lends itself to general forecasting as a handy tool. I can make the calculations on the basis of regular numerology or - to make things more playful and visual - on the basis of numerology in the tarot.

Previously, I did numerology-based predictions for ParaVisie and VROUW.

An example :

This year, 2017, according to numerology in the tarot, is a 10-year (2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10). This means that the tenth card in the tarot - in this case, the Wheel of Fortune - sets the mood and exerts its influence on friendship, love, finances, work and well-being. What is recognisable to you?

The Wheel shows us that sometimes life works the same way as the Wheel of Fortune. Life is sometimes daring to take a risk, and sometimes hoping that the Wheel (the 'Fate') will stop turning at just the right moment, so that you get lucky. But what is also very important is precisely not to wait and see what the Fate brings us, but to decide the fate yourself!

Stay in control. Don't wait for the Wheel to stop turning, but dare to jump off at the right moment to determine your own luck and thereby give your own Fate a helping hand, before you end up spinning in the same circle with the Wheel year after year!





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