Chasing ghosts, a roadmap

Chasing ghosts is mainly done using thought power. As with black magic is the case, even in spirit summoning and spirit chasing, your own expectations play a huge role. If you are sure there are negative energies in your home, you will actually feel or even perceive them. Suggestion can cause us to actually see our own thoughts.

Before you think now: What kind of suggestion? There really are ghosts in my house!

Then read on anyway. Over the years, I have been able to relieve many people of free and gratis negative entities in their homes using a practical step-by-step plan that anyone can do at home themselves.

One of my clients even told me that after implementing my step-by-step plan, she had seen her house spirit leave through the flue of the fireplace!


Yet it is common for certain events to be dismissed as the work of ghosts when this need not be the case. Thought power, suggestion or fear can play a big part in this.

Although we can really drive ourselves crazy with fear with our own thoughts, suggestion works fine the other way around too; we are also quite capable of reassuring ourselves by believing that everything is fine (again).

Not infrequently, people call on a psychic, priest or ghosthunter to have their home cleansed of negative energies.

Whether or not 'something' is sent away, cleaned or purified through the actions of these energetic counsellors, their services can indeed have a beneficial impact on anxious residents.

The work of a spirit hunter or energetic house cleaner relies mainly on the trust and faith of the people who hire him.

And if, after his departure, people experience that everything is peaceful again in the house, allowing them to sleep peacefully again, that is of course totally fine.

Of course, you can also purge your home of negativity and/or chase away any spirits yourself. Or do this for someone else who may be sensitive to this.

With this step-by-step plan, I have been able to rid many people of hauntings, besides, it is completely free and you can do it yourself (alone or with the kids). Perhaps it will work for you too?

  • Open all windows
  • Clean your home from bottom to top with regular cleaners with a scent you find pleasant. I am really referring here to regular cleaning products from the supermarket.
  • Vacuum the whole place, run the feather duster over your belongings and wield the duster. With a fresh mop, finish the cleaning session.
  • Now that everything is literally clean, you can start energetic cleansing. To start with, you do this by lighting a cleansing incense (myrrh, sage).
  • With the burning incense stick, walk through the rooms you want to cleanse (the whole house is also possible if you are comfortable with this). Pass the incense along the walls saying clearly: 'By this I remove all forms of negativity from my house!'
  • The crystal Selenite is known to ward off spirits, so if you feel comfortable with this, you can place a Selenite rod in your home. Small clear rock crystals also seem to absorb negativity. Place these in groups of three to five stones in the corners of your home.
  • Leave all the windows open against each other for a while so that the negativity can get out and the fresh air (positivity) can get in.
  • On the outside of your house, you may want to attach a mirror to reflect Evil back to where it came from.
  • Finally, you can make some changes to your interior as a 'clean slate'. Think about rearranging your furniture or placing plants and atmospheric tea lights here and there. A bunch of fresh flowers on the table often works wonders too.
  • When you are completely done, sprinkle some (common kitchen) salt in all corners. Salt is known to offer protection and have a cleansing effect. It is also said to drive away negativity and entities (spirits) and then also keep them out.
  • Some people like to sprinkle salt around their home as well, so that it is in a protective circle.
  • After a few weeks, bury the used small rock crystals in the ground or throw them into the sea while thanking them for their purifying effect. They have done their work on which you now give them back to nature. The rod of Selenite may remain in the house for prevention!

Order your complete house cleaning kit here

Order your selenite here

Order your rock crystals here


Read more about glass spinning, spirit summoning and spirit chasing in the book:

Glass spinning is not (un)dangerous.For online ordering click >HERE

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