The eagle-eyed criminal

As a tarotist, you sometimes experience unusual things. No day is the same, no client either for that matter. The story of the eagle-eyed criminal who was doing the flowers. That's a different kettle of fish!

'With Nathalie Kriek.'

'Good morning Nathalie Kriek, you are speaking to...'

A loud voice with a flat Amsterdam accent speaks to me over the phone.

'Listen, I've heard good stories about you. I need your help'.

I feel honoured because of apparently good word of mouth and politely ask the man how I could be of service.

'I'd like to discuss that with you in person, it's quite a story. When do you have time?'

I flip through my diary.

'Next Friday could possibly be possible.'

But the voice does not take kindly to it. It is quite urgent and in fact he wants to come by this afternoon. If it's not too much to ask.

Actually, it is. It is screamingly busy today and although I normally do not allow myself to be so easily overwhelmed, I still give the impatient customer his way. After the good reports he has heard about me - I wonder from whom - I don't want to disappoint him. I do go on for an hour longer today.

That same afternoon, the impatient customer is at the door.

First, a large bunch of flowers arrives, followed by the face of a man dressed in all-black, a tree-length man with enormous charisma. 


'A flower for the effort, because you made time for me right away anyway'.

Grateful and surprised at the same time, I take the expensive bunch from him. It is not often that customers bring flowers on their first visit.

'Thank you, please come on...'

As he takes a seat at the table, I ask what he would like to drink (coffee) and if he would like a biscuit with it (yummy!)

'Just put those flowers in water before they die,' he says. 'That would be a shame, wouldn't it!'

'I'll just put them in a bucket,' I reply from the kitchen.

"Don't you have a vase?" he asks in surprise.

'Yep, but I also have to cut them off and that takes a while'.

'Go ahead,' sounds from the living room. 'I have the time'.

Yes, you might, but not me, I think to myself.

Still, I do as he says. Maybe he wants to see how they look on the table. So after I serve him a mug of steaming coffee and a bowl of butterscotch biscuits, I stand flower arranging for just ten minutes.

'Delicious butter cake!' sounds smacking from the living room. 'Homemade?

'Bought it myself,' I reply faintly.

'Really lol!" he repeats. 'I'll come more often!'

It is very strange, I have never seen this man before but we talk to each other as if he has been coming over here for years. Although he is quite dominant I still find him likeable. He has something.

When I enter with the vase of flowers, the bowl is empty. Sipping his coffee, he says: 'Look how beautiful!'

'Yes, beautiful huh?'

'Definitely! Yes... the flowers too you know...' he smiles mischievously while giving me a wink.

Since flirting with the client is not part of the package I don't go into it. Instead, I sit down opposite him and ask him what brought him here.

Then the catch comes out.

'Yes, listen....I'm going to start a trade with someone soon. Not legally, so to speak. The guy I'm going to do it with has very good contacts but to be honest, I don't have a good feeling about him myself. I don't trust him. '

While he explains to me as succinctly as possible what 'the trade' consists of, I try to keep my gaze as ordinary as possible. The customer is king, he can ask me anything.

'In short, I can make a lot of money with him, but if he screws me, I can lose a lot more, so to speak.'

'And now you want to know from me whether he can be trusted...' I complement him.

He grins contentedly.

'You get it.'

I hand him the cards and let him shuffle them.

'You surely don't have a picture of him?' I ask.

'No, dear. I don't think that's very convenient'.

For the reading, yes, I think, but I decide to keep my mouth shut further.

On reflection, a picture doesn't really prove necessary either. The cards he draws and the way they fall into the lay pattern actually say enough.

'I wouldn't do it,' I advise my client against it. I tell him honestly what I see in the cards and why it is not wise to engage with this gentleman.

'Goddammit!' he curses, slamming his fist rock hard on my table. 'I knew it, the dirty sneak!'

Stoically, I look at him. Not reacting to this outburst of anger seems the best thing to do right now. With pitch-black eyes, he looks at me piercingly. 'Goddamn....' he curses slightly softer now. I raise my eyebrows.


'You're right too,' he says more calmly by now. 'I'm not going to do it either. Bastard. At least I'm glad you're being honest with me.'

I nod, "Of course.

When he finally stands by the door again with his coat on and I shake his hand, he holds it longer than necessary and looks at me piercingly once more with his eagle eyes at close range.

'This will stay between us won't it, beauty?'

'Discretion assured'.


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