Erotic tarot cards

Bestaan er ook erotische tarotkaarten? Jazeker! Alleen waren er tot dusver geen online kaartleggingen van te vinden.

While the internet is full of tarot readings on love and various relationship advice, after all these years, a tarot reading specifically focusing on sexuality was still missing.

Too bad, because sex is precisely something that concerns many people. Almost everyone wants it, does it or thinks about it.

Heeft u twijfels over uw eigen seksualiteit, is uw seksleven toe aan verbetering of kunt u gewoon af en toe wel wat handige tips gebruiken, een gratis online advies op dit gebied leek me een gratis online seks tarot monthly reading een welkome toevoeging op het huidige tarot aanbod.

Since I regularly get questions about which tarot cards I use for this purpose and where to buy them, I just dedicate a little blog on this one.


What erotic tarot cards are there?

Op het gebied van erotiek zijn er best nog wel wat tarotdecks verkrijgbaar, maar persoonlijk vind ik niet alle kaarten even bruikbaar voor erotische tarot readings. Ik zal me op deze pagina dus beperken tot de kaartendecks waar ik zelf graag gebruik van maak en die ik ook echt mooi vind.

Tarot of Sexual Magic

The Tarot of Sexual Magic is a beautifully illustrated card deck whose style I would personally describe as sexy and erotic. Although love is clearly being made on the cards, the illustrations omit explicit images of genitals. However, some cards do feature topless ladies.

The Tarot of Sexual Magic is >HERE to order.


Manara Erotic Tarot

The Manara Tarot is also overwhelmingly a 'naughty' card deck of which many (not all) cards show sexual acts. Generally, these are erotic illustrations with some images showing the genitals. A few cards show bare breasts and/or buttocks.

The Manara Tarot is >HERE  to order.


Decameron Tarot

The Decameron Tarot is a playful erotic tarot deck where love is made exuberantly on several cards. On many cards, the pleasure drips off. Here and there, genitals can be seen. the acts, on the other hand, leave nothing to the imagination. Some people might label this deck as 'vulgar'.

The Decameron Tarot is >HERE to order.


Erotic Fantasy Tarot

The Erotic Fantasy Tarot is a somewhat fairy-tale, magical, dreamy-looking deck with beautiful illustrations. The focus is mainly on beautiful, sexy ladies and sometimes a tough, muscular gentleman. Here and there, there is kissing. Although quite a few bare buttocks and breasts are shown, there is little talk of sex.

The Erotic Fantasy tarot is >HERE to order.


© of all Tarot images belong to Lo Scarabeo.

IG/FB: @loscarabeotarot


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