Exercise and weight loss when do you burn fat?

Exercise and slimming when do you burn fat

Exercise and weight loss and when do you burn fat? Nobody loses weight (quickly) without a lot of exercise. Especially if you are already considerably overweight, you will not manage to lose weight by eating less. You will have to burn the fat already stored in your body with intensive exercise.

After all, fat is nothing but stored energy. And to get rid of this fat, you will have to make sure you consume extra energy to tap into this stored energy source. And... preferably also use it up.

In addition, there is another annoying side effect when you exercise little or not at all: oedema!

Those with little to no exercise retain more fluids. As a result, you also weigh more! You will see that when you start moving, the kilos of excess weight caused by fluid retention disappear like snow in the sun!

It is important to exercise for at least half an hour a day, and preferably half an hour at a time.

Fine modes of exercise (besides sports) include cycling, walking, swimming, intensive housework and vigorous gardening.

Make sure you exert yourself to the point where your heart rate goes up, your body temperature rises and you even sweat. When you perspire, this is a sign that your inner 'furnace' is burning and thus energy is being consumed.

Just make sure you don't get completely out of breath. Panting a little is no big deal but when you get really short of breath and can no longer talk, you've pushed yourself too much. Especially if you are not used to exercising, this is not recommended! Build it up slowly and expand the exercise little by little.

Doing some physical activity every day promotes your health because you improve the condition of muscles, heart, lungs and circulation. This is important because with it:

  • reduces the risk of obesity
  • strengthen bones and muscles
  • reduces the risk of diabetes
  • lowers blood pressure
  • lowers cholesterol levels
  • it lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack or stroke)
  • it relaxes and reduces stress

Remember to exercise intensively for at least half an hour a day. Cycling, walking, running, swimming, playing tennis, badminton, squash a team sport; all fine. But ballroom dancing, street dancing, skating, ice skating and roller skating are also very intensive ways of exercising. The choice is entirely up to you.

If you like to exercise at home, an exercise bike and/or step machine might be the answer. Both machines are very effective, half an hour a day of stepping and/or cycling is enough to burn quite a few calories and even fat, and get in shape!

Personally, I am a huge fan of the rowing trainer because it trains all your muscles. Think about:

  • shoulders
  • arms
  • back
  • belly
  • legs

Rowing is strength training and cardio in one.

Click >HERE For a fine home exercise bike.

Click >HERE For a good scooter.

Click >HERE For a good rowing machine.

TIP: When you want to buy an exercise machine for your home, it is important to check how much weight the machine can carry and how much space you need to set it up and use it.

Exercise and slimming: when do you burn fat?

It is nonsense that you start burning calories only after half an hour of exercise! Your body burns calories even when you are sitting or lying down!

However, it is true that the longer and more intense your exercise, the more calories you burn, but... when do we really burn fat?

During the first 15 to 20 minutes of your workout, the energy you consume comes from the carbohydrates already stored in your body. These are in the liver and muscles. These provide the first dose of energy because, after all, this is already 'at hand'.

Only when you run out of this supply will your body switch to tapping into the stored fat to get energy (fuel) from. This stored fat also initially entered your body as excess carbohydrates and was stored by your body as an extra energy supply.

This stored fat is so to speak loosened from the fat cells during intense exercise or training, enters the bloodstream and is transported via the blood to the liver, which converts this loosened fat back into glucose (energy!) 

From the liver, this glucose is transported back to the muscles where it is converted into glycogen (fuel) and consumed (burned).

The more muscle mass you have, the more energy these require. The more energy you need, the more fat you burn! This is why strength training is so important!

The more muscle mass you have, the faster you burn fat, the faster you lose weight.

The fat cells do not disappear, but they are emptied in this way, making them smaller and - if not fed again and again - in the long run slowly shrivel. This takes time and also requires patience. However, patience is a virtue and will actually be rewarded in the end.

At home, you can do a huge number of exercises with a simple dumbbell set to gain extra muscle strength in shoulders, arms, back, legs and even buttocks!


The exercises can be found >HERE

A cool dumbbell set can be found >HERE

Losing weight locally is not possible!

Doing your abdominal exercises faithfully every day will strengthen your abdominal muscles but will not make the fat on your belly burn faster!

There are people who have very strong abdominal muscles, but in whom this does not show because many layers of fat are stored around them!

PLately losing weight by doing abdominal exercises is not possible. Slimming down really only happens when you do aerobic training, also known as cardio training. Preferably in combination with strength training.

The role that strength training plays in losing weight is still underestimated by many people.

Cardio training ensures that you burn quite a few calories (and eventually fat), while strength training strengthens your muscles, which means you use more energy even at rest. After all, muscles use more energy than fat.

Having more muscle mass not only speeds up the weight-loss process but also makes for a nice sleek figure.

If you only lose weight without also building muscle through strength training in the process, chances are very high that you will lose weight but not get the tight body you would like.

Either way, losing weight locally is not possible.

Source photo:Skin Deep.

Double chin

Only if you lose weight across the board while doing strength training will your (stomach) muscles eventually become visible. The same goes for a double chin. Only when you lose a lot of weight will the double chin decrease and the jawline become more visible.

If you really want to exercise fanatically and burn fat optimally to slim down, do get yourself examined before you start working out. Have your GP listen to your heart and lungs and measure your blood pressure!

While exercising and burning fat, you naturally consume a lot of energy during which you sweat a lot and lose fluids, which also need to be replenished.

Drink water throughout the day. Not just during exercise. In fact, while working out, it is better to drink small sips of water each time. Avoid belly sloshing that can make you nauseous!

What is super nice during training is an isotonic or hypotonic drink. These kinds of sports drinks regulate fluid balance during an intense workout.

Click >HERE for low-calorie refreshing and uplifting sports drinks in a variety of flavours. Just make sure to note which ones are better to drink before, during and after exercise! This is mentioned in the description.

Whatever home workout you do, it is advisable to do a warm-up for ten to 20 minutes first. This way, you prepare your body for more exertion.

When your body temperature rises, blood flow improves, giving muscles more oxygen so they can perform better and become less injury-prone.


The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.

The Balance Book


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