Face (Ta)2 Face, face tattoos


Kevin Specker, 32 years young.

Where do we know him from?

People know Specker (actually nobody calls him Kevin) mostly as DJ and Producer of rapper Steen. Specker produced his latest album 'Baby' and toured with him as a DJ.

To what extent do your facial tattoos hinder you from doing your job (or do they actually work in your favour?)?

I am the owner of G's and Gents Tattoo Parlour and G's and Gents Recording Studio in The Hague. I also have a business in electronic smoking called Vapers Rule The World. The vaporisers I sell contain a liquid that is 95% less harmful than tobacco. I started this because I wanted to quit smoking, this turned into a passion and from that a professional business was born.

I don't think my face tattoos hinder me, but rather bring benefits in my industry. Outside of work, it is an easy topic of conversation. People on the street sometimes look strange or ask me questions about my facial tattoos, which allows me to tell them that I just have a job, a tattoo shop and a recording studio.

So your tattoos actually act - besides the fact that, of course, you mostly like it - as indirect promotion. Handy. Do your face tattoos also have a personal meaning?

Face (Ta)2 Face, face tattoosThe one on my nose is special, though. I was 19 when I dreamt at night that I was wearing exactly this tattoo. When I woke up, it made me feel very special. I then spent a week drawing the design with marker on my nose until I was sure I should get this tattoo tattooed. People warned me about it because they thought I would never be able to find a job again, to which I replied: 'This is something that belongs to me and is also a piece of commitment to the work I do and always want to do.'

That shows not only passion but also fortitude. I'm curious, though, why you also got your other tattoos done precisely on your face and not on another part of your body?

They are all tattoos with deep meaning for me, such as True Story under my lip and Repentless above my eyebrow. True Story I had it put because everything that comes out of my mouth is the truth. Repentless is the name of Slayer's latest album, my favourite band that I have been listening to all my life. These tattoos mean a lot to me and deserve a nice place on my face.

Besides that, is there anything else you want to highlight with your face tattoos?

The art of tattooing is a big and important aspect in my life and my passion and love for tattoos is endless.

And what do you want to hide with it?

I'm too handsome for this world, without facial tattoos it wouldn't be fair to everyone else. Hahaha!

Apart from not being the most handsome now, have your facial tattoos changed your life in any other way? 

In my opinion, my face tattoos haven't changed anything for me. I still do what I like to do, my tattoos are part of me and sometimes I even forget I have them because they have become part of me.

So you won't regret getting certain tattoos put on your face either.

I honestly don't regret any face tattoo. However, I did get a blow-out of the ink when touching up the tattoo on my nose which I am not too happy about.

Are there any face-tattoos planned?

Yes indeed, I have plenty of room for more face tattoos, but whether I want to get the whole of my face tattooed, I haven't decided yet.


Text: Nathalie Kriek

Photos: Vincent Verhoef, Laguz and Kasper van Steveninck.



Nikita Hakkens


Nikita Hakkens, 24.

Where do we know Nikita from?

Social media (tattedsnowflake) and from tattoo conventions where she can be found regularly.

Do you have a job and, if so, to what extent do your facial tattoos hinder you from doing your job? Or do they actually work in your favour?

I work at Inkaholics (tattoo shop) and it never actually bothered me. I did work in a gym until I was 20, where tattoos were not appreciated.

When did you decide to get something tattooed on your face and why?

3 years ago, I started in my face. This I decided out of the blue , I just wanted it.

So what have you had put on your face and what is the meaning behind it?

My first was the snowflake under my eye, a frozen tear/drop for myself. Because I didn't want to cry about the past anymore. In my face I see it every day , that's how I'm reminded of it. Like the number 1 on my cheek, because I must not forget to learn to put myself first. Above my eyebrow is TL. When someone asks me what this stands for I sometimes joke . Then I say it stands for Scum Life or Tits Licker, hahaha! But really, it just means True Love.

What do you want your face tattoos to highlight?

It is purely for myself. Meant as an extra helping hand.

And what do you want to hide with it?

To be honest; it also acts somewhere like a wall that I hide myself behind. I don't want to let people get too close to me.

Does that help?

(Laughs) Not really! They just find it somewhat interesting. So it does indeed not have the desired effect. But I don't really have much faith in humans these days, unfortunately, so I try to keep my circle as small as possible.

Have your facial tattoos changed your life in some way? 

For me, it hasn't changed much , the only thing is that I wouldn't be able to get a normal job. Which, by the way, I wouldn't want either, so no problem. Behind the till at the Kruidvat, for example. I shouldn't think about it.

Have you ever been refused entry somewhere because of your face tattoos and if so, how did you deal with that?

I have never been turned down , perhaps because most people think I still look cute.

What's the most positive reaction you've had to your face tattoos?

That I have guts to do this.

And the most negative?

Some people think it's a waste of my face. But it doesn't bother me, it's my own choice.

Are there people who have broken off contact with you because of your face tattoos, and if so, how does that affect you?

So far, no one has broken contact. However, it does get said by some people who find it really ugly that they don't want to walk down the street with me. Yes... (looks serious:) Apparently, this world still revolves around outward appearance rather than the inner self.

What would you like to say to these people?

I have nothing to say to it except that it is a pity. Everyone's choice and everyone's life. I don't like or like everything others do either. Just let everyone have their dignity!

Face (Ta)2 Face, face tattoos
Photo : by Nikita Hakkens

Are there any face-tattoos planned?

There's one more in my planning and it's getting pretty big too... (mum you don't like it but I do love you).

Don't want to tell us what and why yet?

Yep. I would like a text from my chin to ear: Maleficent. It means you are capable of doing evil/dark things. In doing so, it is also one of my favo films!


Text: Nathalie Kriek

Photo: Carly Schipper



Royal Bastard


Who?  Steve - Royal Bastard - Geerts, age: still relatively young.

Where do we know him from?

Steve is a tattoo artist in Antwerp and owner of tattoo shop Royal Bastard Tattoos. He has been in the newspaper before regarding an article on tattoos in old age. In Greece, Steve did a short interview live following his face tattoos

You have your own shop, so surely your face tattoos will not hinder you in your work?

That's right. As a tattoo artist, it actually works to my advantage. The tattoos on my face were done by quality artists and are technically very good. One can always argue about taste, but I personally think they are super and that's what matters. It's a point of contact for a lot of people, and in my sector, therefore, an advertisement.

However, it is true that when I started with tattoos - especially the visible ones - it was not so easy to find and or keep a job. I even covered some hand tattoos with, say, a plaster during work so as not to cause offence in meetings, which at the time could potentially cost you your job. I note that this is a phenomenon that is quietly improving and tattoos are already more accepted in most workplaces.

Face (Ta)2 Face, face tattoosThis is indeed a positive development. What was your first face tattoo and does this tattoo have a special meaning for you?

The first one was suddenly the big text from my ear to my chin till death do us part. This is first and foremost for my missus and on the other hand it relates to the ink I am wearing.

Beautiful! And why exactly did you have this text applied to your face and not another body part?

Everything else is full, hahaha, well yes full or already planned... so everything is really specifically chosen both the design, and its meaning. And so also the place... maybe subconsciously some form of priority of meaning?

So the tattoos that are most visible - in the face - therefore have the most important meaning for you.

It is the tattoos that indeed hold the most value of meaning for me. The face tattoos are to me what the preface in book is... it sums me up very briefly.

Clearly articulated, again beautiful. And what do you want to hide with it?

Age wrinkles, hahaha! No I have nothing to hide with it, but I do note that it helps in certain situations. For example, when there is a fight in a bar, I am the last person they pick to fight with. The prejudice many people still have about tattooed people also sometimes works in your favour. (Winking)

Face (Ta)2 Face, face tattoosHave your facial tattoos changed your life?

No, I've been getting myself tattooed since I was 14, so it hasn't changed anything. Tattoos have always been a part of my life. I did consciously get my face tattooed only when I had a certain job security and was already a self-employed tattoo artist.

Perhaps a redundant question, but do you regret certain tattoos you have had put on your face?

No, of none, I am proud of every tattoo both the one on my head and on my face.

Are there any face-tattoos planned?

Right in the face not, though the centre of my head still needs to be done and on the left side of my face I would also have the hairline taken to the centre.

What is the most positive reaction you have received about your facet tattoos?

I quite like it when people want to take photos with me when I'm walking around somewhere or something sometimes.

Face (Ta)2 Face, face tattoosAnd the most negative?

Really negative things they dare not say, hahaha. And children are super too. They point and say 'mama, look at that meneeer' and then they often squeeze their hands or something. And that is the most negative thing I experience. So it's not that bad. I have three adorable little princess daughters myself and when I'm out and about with them, you see people watching. Then they suddenly see that other side of me that they hadn't expected. Just like when I pick up the children from school. At the beginning of the school year, when the parents are all waiting outside, everyone looks at each other and when the children come out, you see some parents really searching for a child with a Mohawk comb, full of rings or tattoos that matches the daddy they see standing next to them. So their surprise is often great when those three little girls run towards me with their bows, dresses and Frozen book bags!

So your daughters are true princesses, real girls. So what does their mother, your partner think of your facial tattoos?

I have a wonderful wife, she stands with me in the shop and thinks it belongs to me. It certainly doesn't bother her. She herself also has two very small stars on her temple.


Text: Nathalie Kriek

Photos: Incident Light, Christopher Olivier Photography, Frans Heidenis Photography


Cor Gold



Cor Goud, 65.

Where do we know Cor from?

Of course, we know Cor as Tattoo Planet's convention manager. He faithfully visits every tattoo convention where he is always in for a chat. He also sometimes sits on the jury at tattoo contests. We also know Cor as the chained man behind glass who is forced by Elles Springs to 'chase the peeps' in the music video It's a sin of The State Sinners. But Cor could also be seen on the BZT show (ZAPP children's programme) where someone wanted to pimp a beard and has often been a model for various magazines and photo books.

Besides working for Tattoo Planet, do you have another one a job and if so, how do people here react to your facial tattoos?

I no longer have a job because I am retired. Previously, I was a conductor with the NS. But back then I didn't have tattoos on my hands and face, I only did that afterwards. In my work for Tattoo Planet, my tattoos are often a cause for conversation. But that's just fun.

Face (Ta)2 Face, face tattoosWhat did you get put on your face and why exactly there and not anywhere else on your body?

It is a Maori tattoo and I have loved this from the moment I first saw it on TV on people from New Zealand. I had it done on my face because I had nowhere else to put it. My legs were already full of Maori too. So I continued with it on my head. And so now I really don't have space anywhere else.

Is there anything you want to highlight with these facial tattoos?

Actually, no. For me, it's just a decoration of my body.

So you don't want to hide anything with it either?

No. I don't want to hide anything with it either.

So you just think it's beautiful. Do other people understand that too, or do you sometimes get negative reactions to your tattoos?

I haven't actually heard much negative. Yes, or they say it behind my back, of course I don't know. And even if they did: I don't care. I like it and if others don't, that's mainly their problem. But my experience is that most people like it too.

Of course, you had them done for yourself and not for someone else indeed. However, there is still sometimes prejudice, especially when someone has tattooed their face or head. Have you ever been refused entry somewhere because of your tattoos?

I haven't been turned down anywhere so far because of my tattoos.

Your face is the only part of your body where you would possibly have room for some fresh ink. Do you maybe still have plans to have something added?

So far, I have no plans to go further in my face but you know; never say never, because maybe in a few years I'll think it's bald like this. But so far I have no plans for that. If you fill up your whole face you still have a chance of your facial expression disappearing. Many people now think I have expressive eyes and I would hate to lose that by having too many tattoos on my face. So for now, I will leave it as it is.

Would you like to say anything to readers yourself?

People, just do what you like or think looks good on you and don't care what others think because you will never get it right.


Text: Nathalie Kriek

Photos: Cor Goud

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