FC Exit

To several years ago, I provided annual predictions for ParaVisie for a few years in a row, along with a group of other astrologers, tarotists and mediums.
Because I then went in the more psychological direction with my practice and this was not really in line with how I used the cards for divination, I eventually stopped. Still, I have always enjoyed doing it.
Indeed, it even won me the admiration of the ever-cynical reporter Jan Medendorp...
'I've just handed in the predictions for next year's football, dad,' I inform my father who at that moment is cozily sitting with my mother on the sofa with me.
My father is a football animal at heart and an avid Ajax fan.
'And? Who do you think is going to win?'
'FC Twente.'
My father almost chokes on his cake.
' Huh!
'FC Twente.'
My father puts his saucer down.
' How can you say...? FC Twénte!?'
I can even see panic in his eyes.
'Have you sent it away yet?'
' Yes dad, it's already with the editors.'
My father shakes his head.
'They are in heartbreak too. FC Twente. What a defeat.'
'The cards said it' , I shrug.
'FC Twénte,' my father repeats again.

Football column

A few weeks later, my prediction is loud and clear in ParaVision and it turns out my father is not the only one who does not take my prediction seriously.
A friend sends me a link via e-mail to Jan Medendorp's football column in which I am the unmissable target by name.
Despite the cynicism dripping off it, I burst out laughing hard. 'My cherry', well yes. And he calls me an 'authority'. Go on.
Not long after, I send Mr Medendorp a message to let him know that I have read his column and that I can appreciate his humour, to which he again informs me that he is surprised at my reaction.
'Most forecasters get angry when they are brought to heel.'
'Not me, it made me laugh a lot.'
Meanwhile, I also shared the column in question on Hyves and my friends there have been following FC Twente closely from then on.
On the day the championship takes place, I get a text message from a Hyves friend who is also a good client of mine.
Nathalie! It's on the radio! I was in the car and it was just said! FC Twente is champion! My husband didn't understand why I was cheering. He said:' Why are you happy? You're for Ajax!' I said: 'I'm cheering because Nathalie predicted this!'
Incredibly sweet of course, but the biggest surprise I got a few days later when a huge bunch of flowers was delivered to my door.
Looking curiously at the card that came with it, I got a smile from ear to ear.
Above all, keep predicting.
Jan M.
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