Free online weight-loss programme weighing moment

Free online weight-loss programme weighing moment

The free online weight-loss programme naturally includes a weekly weigh-in. It is advisable to measure the circumference of your chest, waist, hips and thighs. If necessary, you can also measure the circumference of your upper arm. After all, that is also where you will lose fat.

Besides weighing, measuring is important for two reasons.

  • It better charts your results. When the scale indicates you have lost nothing or even gained weight, the tape measure may tell you something else.
  • It is motivating to see that despite the scales not so enthusiastic is, your body did get tighter.

For this reason alone, you wouldn't want to skip measuring.

Source illustration: Shakeplus.

Weighing and measuring

Every week you may weigh and measure yourself.

Take over the data in your own workbook. These are an important part of the journey to your healthy BMI.

TIP: Weigh yourself every week on a fixed day at a fixed time. Preferably in the morning just after waking up, after going to the toilet and before breakfast. Naked, in your boxer or your ponnet, it doesn't really matter as long as you do it the same way every time.

>HERE you will find the ideal tape measure. I use this one myself. You can find cheaper ones, but they are made of less sturdy material and break easily. This one works absolutely fine.

>DIT Is the scale I also have myself. Strong and accurate.


Waist in centimetres:
Abdominal circumference in centimetres:
Size of hips in centimetres:
Upper leg circumference in centimetres:
Lost weight this week:


You can fill in the evaluation table below every fourth week of the month. It gives a nice and clear insight of what you have achieved so far.


How much did you lose in total?
Have you achieved any of your goals?
How many cm have you lost in total in terms of chest size?
How many cm have you lost in total in terms of waist?
How many cm have you lost in total in terms of hips?
How many cm have you lost in total in terms of thighs?
How do you feel about this?
What did you do for it?
Have you gained weight? If so, how much?
How is that possible?

How do you think you can start doing something about this?

(Ask evt. the cards for advice)

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The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.

The Balance Book

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