Terms and conditions Open Card Productions


Open Card Productions

General terms and conditions

Open Card Productions

Owner: Nathalie Kriek

Work: writing texts, articles, columns and horoscopes for magazines, journals, newspapers and websites. Also: doing tarot readings, creating horoscopes and providing other spiritual entertainment in the media.



  1. An agreement can be entered into either verbally or in writing.
  2. Quotations are at all times non-binding, with a validity of 30 days.


  1. Failure to achieve the desired result after publication of texts provided by me is not my responsibility.
  2. Openness on both sides is the basis of our cooperation.
  3. Although I work carefully, it may happen that an error creeps into the text unexpectedly. It is the client's responsibility to check the texts I supply for any errors and inaccuracies.
  4. If the client fails to pay or fails to honour other agreements made, I have the right to discontinue my work at any time.
  5. If the client decides to discontinue the cooperation, I will respect this decision. Nevertheless, the payment obligation in relation to my work performed until then will remain.


  1. The date of completion will be decided by mutual agreement.
  2. For urgent or rush jobs where the client wishes to have the text(s) in your possession within a few hours to a day, I reserve the right to charge an urgency fee. Depending on the circumstances (working at night or at the weekend), this may vary from 25 to 100%. Of course, I will let you know in advance.
  3. If the client attaches value to SEO, I will charge a surcharge for this. The amount of this surcharge will be determined on the basis of the length and subject of the desired text and will, of course, be made known to the client in advance.
  4. After agreeing on a deadline, I do my utmost to meet it. Of course, there may be cases of force majeure such as illness or breakdown. If the deadline is not met (which, incidentally, is very rare), I am not liable for any resulting damage, unless otherwise agreed.
  5. Texts are delivered via e-mail attachments as Word or PDF documents. In consultation, other ways of delivery are of course possible.


  1. The client has the right to return the text delivered by me at any time for making minor changes. This right remains in force up to one month after delivery. No additional costs will be charged for this.
  2. If, despite previous agreements, large parts of the text need to be rewritten, I reserve the right to charge extra for this. Naturally, I will inform you of this in advance.
  3. A request for changes to the text should be made by e-mail.


  1. Invoicing is done digitally via e-mail.
  2. Payments must be made within 30 days of receipt of the invoice unless otherwise agreed.
  3. If the payment deadline is exceeded, the bill will be increased by statutory interest calculated from the day after the expiry of the payment deadline.
  4. If, after several reminders and reminders, payment for the work delivered is still not made, I reserve the right to engage a collection agency whereby all extrajudicial collection costs will be for the client's account.
  5. In case of any payment problems, I am willing to make an arrangement whereby payment can be made in instalments. Here, it is important that the client is open about the problems so that we can come to a solution together.
  6. If I have reasons to doubt whether the client is fulfilling his/her payment agreements (e.g. in case of bankruptcy or cessation of business operations), I reserve the right to stop working. However, the obligation to pay for the work carried out up to that point remains.


  1. I retain copyright over my work at all times, unless otherwise agreed, e.g. in the case of ghostwriting.
  2. I may demand that my name, company or website not be mentioned in a publication or text I have written on commission.
  3. Publication rights are transferred to the client when the client has paid for the order in full.
  4. My commissioned texts may only be used by the client. Publication rights may not be transferred or sold to third parties without my consent
  5. If the agreement involves a third party, the publication right may be assigned to them by me.


  1. I am not liable for damages due to inaccuracies, incorrect or incomplete information in the texts.
  2. By agreeing to my delivered work, client indemnifies me from further liability.
  3. The client is at all times responsible for checking the content, form and quality of the texts provided by me.
  4. In the unlikely event that I am or can be held liable in certain cases, the amount recoverable from me will be limited to repayment of the invoice amount to the client.
  5. My possible liability never applies to indirect damages such as consequential loss, loss of income or loss of investment and/or savings.
  6. Should any one provision of these General Terms and Conditions be impossible to comply with or be found to be in conflict with the law, all other terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.


  1. Should a conflict arise between myself and client during or after the execution of the assignment, attempts will be made to resolve the problem between them. Both myself and client will endeavour to do so. Only when it appears that a solution to the problem cannot be found in this way, a lawyer will be engaged and the case will be pursued in court.


Open Card Productions

Chamber of Commerce: 64627969

en_GBEnglish (UK)