Halloween tarot reading

Perfectly suited for Halloween is the exciting Halloween tarot laying: Trick or Treat. Here you can use your own tarot cards but if you want to do it all in style, the Halloween Tarot highly recommended.

If necessary, you can supplement your reading with an additional message from the Halloween Oracle.

A great book to consult in this regard is: Tarot, rituals, fantasies, facts.

During this reading, it will become clear what you will be treated to over the next three months and how you will be tricked by others (or yourself!).

Method Halloween tarot reading

  1. Sit with your cards in a place where the atmosphere is good, if necessary light a candle and/or incense if you feel comfortable.
  2. With eyes closed, shuffle the cards while focusing on the next three months.
  3. Spread the cards (blind) on the table.
  4. Open your eyes and choose four cards that 'stand out' for you.

While shaking, pronounce the following words: Trick or treat, what is sour, what is sweet?

In other words, what is nice to be able to receive in the next three months and by whom or what should you not be fooled?

Put the four cards in front of you on the table.

  1. Trick (what is not what it seems)
  2. Treat (what gets you in the lap)
  3. Sour (which gets tricky)
  4. Sweet (what will be fun)

Identify the cards intuitively or find the meanings on this website on or in a tarot book you like.

If you are interested in more interesting tarot laying patterns, I recommend the book: 365 tarot spreads


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