Healthy weight loss: change of diet. Tip of the week 8

Healthy weight loss, change of diet

Losing weight in a healthy way: a change of diet makes you happy. Eating a varied diet is not only healthy because it means you get all the nutrients and vitamins you need, but with a bit more variety in your menu, you can also look forward to the three main meals.

That way, you will also immediately feel less need for (irresponsible) snacks, as your focus is on the treat you may eat in a few hours.

If you often eat the same thing, chances are you will stop liking it and see the main meals more as 'necessary evils' because you are must food.

This increases the chance that you will also indulge in snacks, because you do like them. This is okay if you choose responsible snacks, but this is often not the case.

Because you reluctantly eat your main meals, you may feel that you deserve a biscuit, Mars or frikandel in between...

But, of course, that's not how it works. So it's important to look forward to your three main meals as well.!

Healthy weight loss and a change of food in the form of a varied menu are inseparable. This not only makes food tastier, but also makes shopping and cooking a lot more fun.

Win, win, win and win!

Never run out of inspiration again? >HERE you can create your own daily menu to suit your taste every day in no time.


This week you also get to weigh yourself and it's time for the monthly review! Click >HERE for handy weighing and measuring tips.


The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.

The Balance Book


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