Hormones horoscope

Each zodiac sign has its own weakness in the body and therefore a specific hormone that goes with it. Which hormones belong to your zodiac sign and how do you keep them in balance? The tarot card associated with your zodiac sign will tell you!



Cortisol is your hormone. It suppresses inflammation, regulates blood pressure and affects your sleep. Stress increases your cortisol levels, which causes depression, insomnia, storage of belly fat, forgetfulness and lack of concentration. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands. Your tarot card is The Emperor which advises you not to let your emotions take over.


Thyroxine is your hormone and is made in the thyroid gland. Unfortunately, you yourself have no influence on thyroid function. Complaints that may indicate an underactive thyroid are: fatigue, lethargy, muscle pain, sluggishness, dry skin and hair loss. Your tarot card is The High Priest which advises you to seek reliable medical advice about your health when in doubt.


Adrenaline is your hormone. Adrenaline is produced in the adrenal gland and gives you extra concentration, alertness, activity and quick, clear thinking. And too much of this hormone gives symptoms like nervousness, stress, headaches, dizziness, gastrointestinal complaints. Your tarot card is The Beloved, advising you to relax more and, above all, do what makes you happy.


Gastrin is your hormone. Gastrin is made in the stomach wall and stimulates stomach acid production. Too much stomach acid causes stomach pain, a burning sensation behind the sternum or radiating pain to the neck, back or shoulders. Your tarot card is The Sea Chariot which advises you to work on your willpower and not to eat too much (fat) or drink alcohol.


Oestrogen is your hormone. Oestrogen is made in the ovaries and in fat cells. It acts vasodilator and controls your emotions. With poorly balanced oestrogen levels, blood vessels constrict, you get cranky and sleep badly. Your tarot card is The Force which advises you to eat healthy, exercise more and ensure a healthy BMI.


Cholecystokinin is your hormone. Cholecystokinin is made in the duodenum and causes the gallbladder to release bile. Too much or too little bile can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation or discoloured stools. Your tarot card is the Hermit who advises you to look at your lifestyle from various angles and stop any unhealthy habits.


Antidiuretic hormone is your hormone. This hormone is made in your kidneys and ensures proper hydration. Complaints when functioning less well are fatigue, headaches, nausea and problems with blood pressure. Your tarot card is Justice which advises you to limit your salt and sugar intake, drink enough water and do fitness or (morning) gymnastics consistently.


Erythropoietin is your hormone. It is made in the kidney cortex and ensures the release of haemoglobin to the blood, thus transporting oxygen through the body. Complaints with reduced functioning are dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, sweating and anaemia. Your tarot card is Death which advises you to say goodbye to white products and opt for the wholemeal (iron-rich) varieties.


Testosterone is your hormone. This growth hormone is produced in the adrenal glands and ovaries. More testosterone is released during vigorous (leg) training and provides more stability and better posture. Symptoms of deficiency include depression, lowered libido, reduced muscle strength and hair loss. Your tarot card is The Moderation which advises you to keep your body well balanced.


Progesterone is your hormone. Progesterone is made in the adrenal glands and ovaries. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency or excess are skin problems, back or joint pain, irritability, irregular (short, delayed or excessive) periods. Your tarot card is The Devil which advises you not to let others dictate your mood, improve your attitude, get enough sleep and don't overexert yourself.


Aldosterone is your hormone. Aldosterone is made in the adrenal cortex and regulates the amount of sodium and potassium in the blood. Complaints when Aldosterone levels are too high are salt and fluid retention and potassium deficiency, causing blood pressure to rise. Your tarot card is The Star which advises you to keep the circulation going (lots of exercise) and keep your fluid levels up.


Insulin is your hormone. Insulin is made in the pancreas and lowers blood sugar levels. Complaints when blood sugar is too high are headache, weakness, nausea, thirst and faintness. Your tarot card is The Moon which advises you to give up alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and animal fat as much as possible for the benefit of the pancreas and not to postpone GP visits in case of complaints.


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