How the Great Lenormand saved me from a big misstep

How the Great Lenormand saved me from a big misstep. It is a true story that I still think back on regularly. The story also makes it immediately clear how tarot cards, oracle cards, Lenormand cards and insight cards can have a big impact on our future.

Throughout my career as an author, tarotist, astrologer, there have been several occasions when my work went far beyond my own limits. I often did not know when to stop and not infrequently worked late into the night.

You don't have to be a senior scholar to understand that I ended up paying the toll for this in the form of incipient burnout symptoms. 

One Saturday afternoon, during a relaxing walk in the forest, it all suddenly became too much for me. It was so peaceful and I was enjoying nature and the peace around me so much that I thought: this is what I would like to do forever!

Unreachable for phone calls, messages, organise your own time, no more deadlines; heaven!


Of course, I did not intend to stop working altogether, I still enjoyed it far too much for that, but taking everything down a notch would really not be a luxury.

I already had enough work, so - I reasoned - how nice it would be if I could hang up my elaborate website. No longer available to new clients, no longer available to journalists, no longer available to people with problems who preferred to call on me for free.

And no more that constant urge to constantly want to update the website with new posts. The website gone, how much peace it would give me!

I was absolutely sure. The entire website including all my contact details had to go immediately. After ten years of continuously updating all kinds of pages and being available to everything and everyone 24/7, I was ready to pull the plug for good.

In terms of work, I would only stick to my current clients and nothing else. I no longer needed the website for them anyway, they already knew for a long time what I did and what they could or could not use me for.

Once I got home, I couldn't wait to boot up my laptop and delete the entire online portfolio. Absolutely sure was my mind.

I opened my account and went to settings. 'Delete website'. Click. And done. That was it. Ten years of day and night work, ten years of media articles, ten years of 'look at me' gone in one click. Rest!



Until I realised the next morning that maybe deleting the online portfolio hadn't been so useful after all. Because what if I ever wanted to approach someone with an idea again myself, what if people who were interested in my books wanted to read some more information about the author?

In cases like that, surely having an extensive website with a wealth of experience on it would give a more reliable impression than complete untraceability...

Was it right for me to delete my website?

There was nothing for it but to draw a card and see what subconscious feelings it would trigger. How would my subconscious react to this card? What subconscious knowledge would this bring to the surface?

I chose the Great Lenormand and drew the card Clover nine with the letter I.

Please. The card of success in commerce and communication. And the letter I here also represents serving your fellow man and showing them the right way.

Well. Trade and communication without a website is like a pub without beer. I could think of that myself.

And pointing others in the right direction.... with this card, it became clear at once why I had had doubts about deleting my website after all. Because wasn't that precisely what I had always loved about my work? Helping people who just didn't know what to do next?

To be on the safe side, I drew another card. It became Four of Diamonds, with the letter O.

The meaning: success and windfalls, realisation of plans and good cooperation. The O here stands for a warm-hearted, responsible person.

The Great Lenormand

This gave me pause for thought.

Success and windfalls. What if, by deleting my website, I missed out on a very nice assignment that I would like to make time for? What if I would be untraceable for someone I didn't want to be untraceable for?

And heartfelt doesn't mean you should let people roll over you or take advantage of you. I would do well to distinguish between emails worth replying to and messages that are immediately deleted can be. Why should I just answer everything nicely? Some people just aren't neat themselves....

Little by little, it became clear to me that I had made the wrong choice after all. You don't get peace by being unreachable. That is flight behaviour. You create peace by taking responsibility yourself. By indicating your boundaries at the right moments. Not only to others, but especially to yourself!

And why this self-imposed obligation to have to blog every day? Once a week is actually just fine too!

I created a new website that same day. This time in WordPress, which I had never done before. Fortunately, my domain was just still valid and, with the help of my new web host, I was able to redirect the pages that had since fallen away to my current website.

Believe it or not, two weeks after launching my new site, I received a wonderful thickly paid assignment as a ghostwriter for a long-term collaboration. The person had found me through Google... I lovingly cancelled another assignment for it.

With this story, I want to let you know that tarot cards, Lenormand cards, oracle cards or any cards are NOT predictive, but that the images or their descriptions can indeed help you gain new insights and thereby be absolutely helpful in making important decisions.

By making your own decision based on what feeling the cards give you, you choose whether or not to make the prediction associated with the cards in question come true.

Would you like to see for yourself whether you are on the right path?

The Great Lenormand is >HERE available.


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