How a tarot consultation works

How does a tarot consultation work, what can you expect? It's actually quite simple. Based on the cards you draw, I have a conversation with you in which the images visualise your problems or insecurities. You will recognise your own feelings, expectations, fears and other emotions in them.

In this way, you will take a look into your own subconscious and gain new insights on how to solve your own problems or what you yourself can do to change your situation or break a certain pattern.

A tarot consultation when you use the cards in this way is a low-threshold form of counselling, psychosocial counselling. Literally translated from English, counselling means advising. The purpose of counselling is to help people with, among other things:

  • identifying the cause of the problem
  • helping to understand the problem
  • Thinking along to solve the problem
  • finding answers to questions
  • developing one's own qualities and talents

When you come to me with questions, I will do an appropriate card session with you, giving you more insight into the situation and making it clear to you how to proceed. If necessary or desired, I will also use other (coach) cards.

Counselling with cards is possible for questions related to:

  • relationship problems
  • problems of a sexual nature
  • problems within the family
  • problemen binnen de familie
  • identity problems
  • stress
  • feeling unable to move forward
  • inner turmoil
  • fear
  • sadness
  • concerns
  • loneliness
  • inability to cope with change
  • not knowing how to tackle something
  • financial problems
  • employment doubts
  • het maken van een belangrijke keuze
  • etc.



A tarot consultation is available through:

Tarot Live Chat, possibly via WhatsApp.

Tarot Live Cam, possibly via WhatsApp, Zoom and Skype.

Tarot consultation via email

Tarot five-minute advice through the ten question



The rates for a live chat or cam consultation are €45.00 per half hour or €65.00 per hour (incl. 21% VAT).

Tenner question, five-minute insight for €10 (incl. 21% VAT).

Payment is possible via tap or bank transfer.



An appointment can be made via:




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