Interference Horoscope

Do you like poking your nose into other people's business or do you prefer to stay at a safe distance when someone needs help? What is your meddling level?

Previously published in VROUW Glossy.



You don't mind people knocking on your door for help. To you, it is a sign that your opinion matters or that you can do something that someone else cannot do (alone). No problem, you are happy to do it. Even when not asked for, Aries is the queen of unsolicited advice.


When it comes to good advice, you are a giver rather than a taker. You think something of everything and do not mince your words. In fact, your vision is the only correct one. Others should be happy that you share it with them. No thanks, you're welcome.


You prefer to stay out of everything. You are so busy doing your own thing that you don't really care much what anyone else is doing. If people do ask you for advice, you come up with such idiotic advice that they will leave it for next time.


When it comes to listening or giving good advice, you are the first person people call. If you are not asked, you remain reticent and mainly mind your own business. Soon you will be asked if you physically want to help with something. So not in the mood...


You have a big heart and are quick to feel involved with others. Yet you will not easily get involved with another person of your own accord. Your schedule is usually so packed that if someone needs your help you have to plan it first. You'll do it, but if you don't have to, it's fine too.


You interfere with others all the time, especially when things don't go right in your eyes or someone makes the wrong decision in your opinion. Unfortunately, few people take your valuable advice. Could it be because you are a little too lavish with it? Something about 'excess damages'?


You want the best for everyone and even the best of the best. Consequently, you often tend to perfect things that are actually already good enough. Basically, you try to fix things that are not broken. Absolutely well-intentioned, but totally unnecessary. Indeed, over-organising often backfires.


Whereas you yourself don't like it when others meddle in your affairs unsolicited, you don't do the same to others. Until one asks you for advice. Then you do not hesitate for a moment to tell them exactly what you think and what you think the other person should or should not do.


Although you are curious, you are definitely not a meddler. Even if someone asks you directly for help, you prefer to get rid of them as soon as possible. You are often short of time yourself and, for that reason alone, find it decidedly unpleasant when someone acts dependent on you.


You have absolutely no use for people who call on you unnecessarily. You won't give them unnecessary or unsolicited advice. You prefer to meddle with really important things, which usually concern your own agenda. Yet you immediately drop everything when the need arises.


You are definitely not a meddler. In order not to get into trouble yourself, you prefer to keep away from any kind of unrest or disagreement as much as possible, let alone interfere unasked. Even when asked to say something about it, you prefer not to get involved.


You often interfere with others uninvited but mostly because you want them to do well. As soon as you notice something unpleasant going on with someone, you have already offered your selfless help, trying to cheer someone up or standing at the door with a pan of soup.


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