Personal dream analysis

Through a personal dream analysis, you can not only put your finger on the sore spot in view of unconscious insecurities or fears, but also find out immediately whether you are on the right track or not. It makes any ambiguities literally crystal clear!

Do you also have a recurring dream that you are dying to know what it actually means? Or did you once have a one-time dream that has always stayed with you? Perhaps I can help you by using your dreams to puzzle out which pieces might still be missing so you can (finally) move on.

Dream psychology is incredibly interesting and, unfortunately, is too often dismissed today as hogwash, when its workings actually make a lot of sense.

Everything we experience during the day is stored in our subconscious. Not only the things we read, see, hear, taste, smell, but also our insecurities, fears, doubts, plans and wishes.

When we sleep, all the new impressions gained during the day are mixed with the range of information that was already stored in our subconscious. 

During our sleep, when our subconscious is at rest, the subconscious emerges by way of processing. These are our dreams.

So our dreams actually consist of newly gained impressions, mixed with our own hopes and fears and a range of memories from childhood to the present.

This is the reason why our dreams contain clues about what occupies us consciously and subconsciously. 

A personal dream analysis is therefore a very good way of using dream psychology to hold up a mirror to yourself in order to find out why you dream what you dream and, above all, what message you can take from this for yourself.

Personal dream analysis

The longer your dream is, the longer it will take me to absorb it properly and unravel and analyse it for you. For this reason, I charge rates per A4 when analysing dreams. The rule of thumb here is: if you send a fully typed A4, you will receive 1 or 2 fully written A4s in return.

When you have sent me your dream, I make an accurate analysis of it based on dream psychology. What does the symbolism mean and how do I relate it to you as a person?

This is why the photo reading I will do for you is so important. After all, a picture says more than a thousand words!

Price: €45.00 incl. 21% VAT.

Submit your dream via e-mail to:

I will contact you as soon as possible.

Want to know what a dream analysis roughly looks like? Previously, I provided the dream column 'Insanely dreamed' on Here you can find some examples and see what you can expect from a personal dream interpretation.


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