Pop astrology, horoscopes in the media

Pop astrology, abbreviated 'popular astrology' (like pop music) is the form of astrology used for the media. Pop astrology was also called 'newspaper astrology', although this has long since ceased to be the correct designation. Horoscopes are now also found in magazines, glossies, websites, apps and you name it.

Pop astrology is a simplified version of the original, comprehensive astrology. Whereas the original form of astrology takes into account all the planets and aspects in the radix (natal chart), in pop astrology the astrologer only looks at the sign the sun is in.

This way of making (general) horoscopes originated in 1930.

Newspaper astrology

Astrologer R.H Naylor used astrology to predict the crash of the R101 airship in Beauvais, France. This made such an impression that he was approached by the Sunday Express newspaper to write an astrological column that everyone could understand. He made a birth chart of the then newborn Princess Margaret (Windsor), which so struck a chord with readers that other newspapers also started posting astrological columns.

The next step was an astro column that would be fun and interesting for everyone with the result that Naylor developed solar astrology, or newspaper astrology with which he wrote a predictive piece for each star sign. In doing so, he limited himself only to the star signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

When making predictions, he looked at which planets were currently in the cosmos in the star signs and based the outlook for the respective constellations on this.

What not many people know is that the star sign the sun is in on your birth chart determines which constellation you are. If at the time of your birth the sun was in Aries, you are an Aries. If at the time of your birth the sun was in Taurus, then your star sign is Taurus.

For example, if someone was constellation Sagittarius and Venus (planet of love and feeling) was in this star sign in the present, then Sagittarians could expect loving events that week and have keen intuition. 

Pop astrology, horoscopes for the media

I am often asked how I write horoscopes for the media. I do this in much the same way as astrologer Naylor only I involve aspects myself.

This makes it just a little less superficial for me although of course it still does not compare to a traditional birth chart.

  • So I look at which planets are in the star signs (constellations) at that time.
  • I look at what aspects these planets make with other planets.

Let's stick with the aforementioned example for a moment. Love planet Venus in constellation Sagittarius.

According to pop astrology, this would mean that Archers can expect loving events that week and have keen intuition.


If the planet Venus makes a sextile with Mercury (planet of communication and learning) at that time, I might add that it will be a happy week where there will be a lot of communication with loved ones and little chance of arguments. 

All horoscopes in media the same

Another question I often get is: 'But you make the horoscopes for several magazines and websites. Does it then say the same thing everywhere?'


&C Would like a horoscope exclusively on love. Porterenee wishes a horoscope that is only about money matters and for the Telegraph I write a more comprehensive horoscope covering the topics of love, finance, work and personal advice.

And so there are a few more clients I write for who have different preferences. Happiness and health are also popular themes. In annual horoscopes, the topics of family, family and friendship are often added.

In this respect, the 'tone of voice' also plays an important role.

&C has a somewhat younger audience that appreciates a goofy word or joke here and there, something I obviously don't need to bring to a serious newspaper like the Telegraph. For that reason alone, the interpretation of the horoscopes is different for each medium.

I always look up how the planets look on each day in my >Astrology calendar


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