Photo reading

I only do a photo reading for business purposes anymore. Requesting a photo reading for individuals is unfortunately no longer possible, apologies for the inconvenience. What is a photo reading and do you have to be psychic to do it? To do a photo reading, you just need to rely on the first feeling you get when you see the person in the photo. The so-called 'first impression'.

The feeling you get with someone when you meet them in person, you also get when you see someone in a photograph. The look in someone's eyes, the pull around the mouth and the facial expression speak volumes.

By far the majority - if not all - psychics work on the basis of their own intuition during a photo reading. Intuition that everyone possesses; no psychic gift or sixth sense is involved here. It is also possible to read a photo based on facial science.

Intuitive photo reading

In an intuitive photo reading, you mainly look at how someone comes across to you. How is someone's appearance, how is the look in someone's eyes? How is his body posture? The intuitive photo reading is particularly suitable for making character descriptions and/or future predictions, whether or not in combination with tarot cards and/or astrology.

Photo reading based on facial science

In a photo reading based on facial science mainly looks at (innate) physical characteristics such as hair implantation, the shape and location of wrinkles, the position of the eyes, the shape of the nose, the size of the lips, and so on. Apart from character traits, you can use this to find out what someone's talents, pitfalls and any physical discomforts might be.

Facial science is not a settled science. Nevertheless, it cannot simply be dismissed as bullshit either. In 'perceptual psychology' as facial science is called these days, there is indeed a kernel of truth.

For Flair I made a comprehensive photo analysis based on facial science for one reader and two readers.




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