
Predictions. Football results, the Elfstedentocht, politics, the royal family, the media; you name it and you can make a prediction about it. Is someone prominent in the news? Is there an important event coming up? What will the new year bring us? Let me spirit you!

Am I clairvoyant or psychic? Certainly not. Nevertheless, do I dare to venture into making future predictions? Absolutely.

Personally, I am of the opinion that no person possesses (paranormal) predictive abilities. Anyone who makes predictive statements does so mainly on the basis of their own intuition, common sense and logical thinking and judgement. The phenomena of chance and luck also play an important role.

I too do my predictions on the basis of 1+1=2 combined with a bit of luck, only I draw inspiration from tarot, astrology, numerology, pendulum and other spiritual tools. Mostly because this is just incredibly fun to do.

Media fortune-teller

What is striking is that, as a non-paranormally gifted 'media soothsayer', I am not wrong more often than reputable mediums, psychics and other clairvoyants. Also, the number of hits I have had in recent years is comparable to that of the fortune-tellers who do claim to have supernatural gifts.

Does this say about me that I am secretly psychic after all, or... that they also work mainly on the basis of human intuition and their own judgement?

In recent years, I have had the opportunity to make predictions for a.o: ParaVisie, Hart van Nederland, VROUW, Telegraaf, &C.

Some examples:

General predictions

Source: Heart of the Netherlands

See also:

When the coronavirus will be under control in the Netherlands

This is how coronavirus develops in the Netherlands

FC Twente becomes Dutch champions

Donald Trump will be America's new president (WOMENSENEWS)

Geert Wilders new prime minister? (WOMENSENEWS)

Bright spots: 2018 won't be nearly as bad! (Telegraph)



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