Slimming down in the sauna a fable?

slimming in the sauna a fable

Slimming down in the sauna a fable? I am a great lover of the sauna and for that reason alone would have liked to answer this question with a resounding 'yes'. However, the answer to this question is not so black and white. In fact, it is not 'no' either.

You do not lose weight directly from using the sauna. The only thing you lose after spending some time in the sauna is fluid (perspiration), but you should replenish this immediately afterwards by drinking water, herbal tea or fruit juice.

Nevertheless, going to the sauna regularly does indirectly support the weight-loss process to a very slight extent. This is because during the warming up of the body in the sauna, a cleansing process is triggered. As a result of the artificial "chord effect" created by the elevated temperatures, waste products are released through the pores by perspiration.

While sweating, your heart rate goes up, forcing your body to work hard to cool down again. In the process, your heart rate goes up and you burn calories just as you would during a brisk walk.

During intense exercise, you don't slim down thanks to perspiration, but because you burn fat through strenuous activity.

In the sauna, there is no 'evaporation' after physical exertion, only heat dissipation associated with the high temperature.

However, you do lose waste products through perspiration, so it is definitely not wrong to sweat a little every now and then.

nb. Those who are in better shape will sweat less because the heart rate of someone who is in good shape tends to be lower.

Those who get used to exercising will also start sweating later and later during exercise, this is no different in the sauna. The better the condition, the later the sweating starts. A hot shower beforehand and drinking two glasses of water helps in this case to get the sweating going earlier.

Personally, I find spending time in the sauna a wonderful way to relax, which gives me a mental boost anyway.

If you really want to know exactly what support the sauna gives your body, read these interesting articles on:

Read >HERE more about my own experience with the infrared sauna at home.

Also interested in the luxury of your own sauna? Click on the link below to view the various options. A new one-person infrared sauna is available from as little as € 650.00.

Sauna for home


The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.

The Balance Book


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