Slimming down, about satiety. Tip of the week 35

When you sit down to eat and feel that your body has received enough nutrition, stop eating even if your plate is not yet empty. Often, we scoop up too much and think it's 'a waste to throw away' or we eat the kids' leftovers for the same reason: 'A waste to throw away'.
Of course, it is a waste to throw food away. Therefore, try not to overcook and, when preparing the meal, take into account how much each family member normally eats.
People often make an extra piece of meat because it is sold in pairs or more. What is left over 'will be used up', with the result that nobody likes the leftover piece of meat and it is eaten anyway, sometimes even against all odds, so as not to have to throw it away.
You can also freeze the extra or two extra slices, or save a (large) leftover hot food for the next day or give it in a pan to the single neighbour.
Even when we eat out, we often overindulge. Actually 'you are full' as they say, but on your plate and on the table there is still a lot of chips and meat. At such times, be strong and think: Enough is enough.
Even if you paid for it, there is no need to get all stuffed and store extra fat reserves for what you paid for.
Listen to your body, and don't have another big slice of ice cream 'for fun'. Having a cup of coffee (without sugar) or a glass of fresh mint tea for fun is just as nice.
This week you may also weigh yourself! Click >HERE for handy weighing and measuring tips.
The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.
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