Slimming with apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar natural slimming aid

Slimming down with apple cider vinegar, fact or fable? Apple cider vinegar has traditionally been a natural slimming aid. Not infrequently, in the 1970s, photo models were advised to swallow apple cider vinegar a week before a photo shoot for some extra weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural product derived from fermented apples and therefore possesses vitamins and minerals. Apple cider vinegar is among dietary supplements and is said to contribute to metabolism and reduce cravings between meals.

Some people say they benefit a lot from using apple cider vinegar, others not at all.

It is known to be mainly diuretic, so for those who retain a lot of fluids, it could be a good (temporary) aid.

Personally, I do have good experiences with apple cider vinegar capsules. It has never been shown to be harmful to health. Indeed, it increases resistance.

Apple cider vinegar is not so nice to drink. If you choose to drink it, mix it with water and some honey. Above all, do not drink it pure!

Personally, I prefer apple cider vinegar in capsule form. I swallow three a day, one before each meal. The glass of water with which I take the capsule also makes me feel full earlier during meals and therefore eat less; win win!

Already after the first day you notice how often you have to go to the toilet to pee. If you use the apple cider vinegar capsules in combination with six glasses of water/tea a day and add little to no sweets, exercise a lot and eat regularly, my experience is that it is quite possible to lose two kilos in the first week already!

Take a capsule with water about half an hour before a meal. Your stomach then seems to have the ideal acidity to digest the food by the time it gets there.

Want to try slimming down with apple cider vinegar yourself? Then click >HERE for the different forms of apple cider vinegar. Pure vinegar, pure capsules and capsules with added fat burners, the choice is vast.


The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.

The Balance Book


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