Sponsored content, advertorials

You can also contact open Kaart Productions for sponsored content or advertorials. As a 'Spiriblogger', I like to blog a lot about 'the spiritual' in the broadest sense of the word.

Mindfulness, the human psyche, psychological slimming, dream psychology, tarot, astrology, the sense and nonsense of fortune telling, my own experiences in the spiritual field and anything that even remotely smacks of spirituality.

Sponsored content c.q. advertorials can be recognised on my blog by the word 'ADVERTORIAL' that I have embedded in the featured image.

Please note that I only write on commission on topics or products when I actually support them myself.

My blog is and will always be my blog and not a receptacle for all kinds of random advertising. It is absolutely fine to be able to earn something on the side as a blogger but not if it is at the expense of my integrity or my readers.

Will you nevertheless (or perhaps precisely because of this) grant me your assignment and does your product appeal to me? Once we have come to an agreement, you can rest assured that I will devote my full 100% to you.

In that case, your advertorial can be written (on request) as SEO text and, if you wish, you can also specify one or more keywords on which the article should be found in Google.

If you are open to an honest collaboration with Open Card Productions, I would like to cordially invite you to take a look at www.spiriblogger.nl

My media kit, rates and most up-to-date statistics can be found >HERE.



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