Spring Horoscope

On 21 March, spring begins. The seeds that have been planted are already busy forming their roots underground or even poking their heads above the ground. All the winter plants and shrubs that survived the cold are regaining green leaves on their branches and expanding their existing roots to grow even more. Everything indicates a new cycle, a new beginning. For you too!

Previously published on VROUW.nl 2020



Sun: You get positive energy from helping and advising others. Especially when you see that others really benefit from your help it really cheers you up. Learning new skills is also something you take great pleasure in.

Rain: What is not always timely but nevertheless important to grow is learning patience. You will have to deal with unexpected situations at the most unwelcome times this season where your adaptability will be called upon. Yet after rain, sunshine always follows. A cliché, but absolutely true!

Seeds: What is important to think about is the fact that you simply cannot bend everything and everyone to your will. Some people just happen to be as stubborn as you are and won't let you tell them what to do. Turn it around, what would you yourself do if someone else ordered you around?

Sprouting: What you may grow considerably this spring is your willpower and courage. You are not easily undermined and this will become especially clear this season. In addition, you have the power to make others aware of the need to confront and persevere rather than give up.



Sun: You get happy with order and tidiness. Although you don't always feel like cleaning and tidying up, you are very happy when it is finally done. Try to push yourself to do it a little more often. If you keep it up, you'll have less work and also immediate peace of mind a bit more often.

Rain: Although you really hate dominant people who try to roll over you, you can also learn a lot from them, this season will show. Soft-hearted masters make stinky wounds. To grow in your self-confidence and gain more respect, it really is necessary to stand your ground more, no matter how difficult you find this.

Seeds: A little less sloppiness won't do you any harm. This is a great time to work on being more careful in everything. Not just at work, but also at home and with regard to friendships. Who or what deserves more care and attention? Time to give this some thought.

Shooting: While you are normally good with money, your bank account did not fare so well last winter. Therefore, this is a good time to let your balance grow a little as you are used to. Despite a minor setback, you won't end the spring on the wrong foot financially. Let that financial acumen thrive!



Sun: Being busy and chatting makes you incredibly happy. Especially when these two things go hand in hand, you feel great. So stay active this spring. Accept new challenges and meet up with friends. Is this not possible? Skyping, face-timing, phoning and texting offer the solution. Want to take a course? Do it!

Rain: Although you find it incredibly annoying when someone shuts you up, sometimes you don't do anything else yourself. Letting someone tell their story and actually listening to it is something you usually don't like to do. Yet you could learn a lot from this if you were a little more patient. Listening to learn, so not in the mood, but necessary: come on with that torrent!

Seeds: This is a great time to think about your independence. Although you like to be in control of things and prefer to work independently, unfortunately this is not always possible. Yet there may be more options than you think. Is it possible to take a first step in this?

Kindle: Two of your great positive attributes are your sensible way of thinking and your sense of reasonableness. You can let these run wild where apologising is concerned. Although you are quite capable of saying 'sorry', it always takes some time before you get to that point, it could be a bit earlier.



Sun: Your mood really gets a huge boost from thrifty shopping and grocery shopping. A bag full of food for little, good-as-new clothes at Vinted or superfine offers in the online shoe shop; you literally blossom. And let this very season be at your beck and call!

Rain: Especially when you have nothing to do for a while, you tend to think too much about the past. Here, unpleasant memories can just cause you to become angry or sad again in the present too. Still, all past events have made you stronger and wiser. Try to remember this and be proud of yourself.

Seeds: Where you sometimes struggle quite a bit are social skills. Sure, you are social, gentle and sensitive, but because of this, your latent shyness or insecurity also plays up in unfamiliar situations. High time to take a closer look at the things that bother you and why, so you can get to the root of this problem later on.

Kindle: You are enormously sensitive and your intuition is growing by the day. This season, you would do well to listen to your gut feeling a bit more often, even if it doesn't seem logical. In hindsight, you'll be glad you didn't just listen to your intellect. Especially in view of your children, you now know exactly how to act. You just know!



Sun: You can be really happy with a day of doing nothing now and then. Unfortunately, you are often so busy with all kinds of things that this still slips in too often. Try to enjoy your free time a bit more this season and don't plan your calendar full of social engagements. Take a day just for yourself.

Rain: What you really have trouble with are people who are so closed off that there is no meaningful word to exchange with them. Yet you can learn something from them. Because... don't you wear your heart on your sleeve a little too much? Weaken your biggest annoyance a little and you have your challenge. However difficult: sometimes silence is real gold.

Seeds: This spring, you would do well to take a moment to reflect on the fact that there really is no harm in taking a little less risk every now and then. You're a real daredevil and most of the time it works out well, but still, you can't deny that sometimes it makes you fall flat on your face. Sow a little more caution now for the right balance in the near future.

Sprouting out: What you are really allowed to give space to grow is your independence and self-respect. You are currently so comfortable in your skin in this area that it really tastes like more. You do what you want and are also learning to say 'no' better and better. This combined with your generous and helpful nature definitely makes you a pleasant person.



Sun: You are really happy with a clean and nice smelling house and ditto bedding. For you, this is the season of choice for a literal spring clean. Curtains down, big appliances off the wall and nice cleaning and polishing. To finish it off, put a beautiful bunch of flowers on the table; your mood can't get any better. You will be the sunshine in your home all spring long!

Rain: You have a low irritation threshold which means you can get annoyed rather quickly by other people's statements or behaviour. However annoying you find it, this is a good time to teach yourself some patience and not to respond to everything, let alone interfere (unasked). Even if the water is up to your lips: bite your tongue and swallow your words....

Seeds: Precisely because you want to do everything well and preferably everything at the same time, you find that this sometimes causes you to make mistakes. Multi-tasking is good as long as it remains responsible, both for yourself and for others. A quick call at the wheel, wanting to be everywhere at once, wanting to help everyone when you are actually tired; a good time to think about how you can better unburden yourself later.

Kindle: What you get to let loose this spring is your inquisitive nature and your eye for detail. If you manage to combine these two things in a handy way, you could well come up with a brilliant idea that will certainly benefit you in the near future. Your commitment will not be lacking, it is already top notch!



Sun: The sun immediately starts shining when you see something beautiful in the form of fashion, jewellery, make-up or other things that make all your positive aspects stand out even more. Feel free to give yourself something to tinker and combine this spring. When you look good, you feel good; why not treat yourself to that?

Rain: Someone who cannot cooperate and can also be quite blunt in the process makes your neck hairs stand up straight. Although you tend to raise your voice, this will not have the desired effect. You defy this storm not by blowing back but rather by standing inside out of the wind and closing the door. Done with.

Seeds: Whereas in some areas you are a great organisational talent, in others you are somewhat lazy or even downright lax. This is a good time to take a moment to reflect on the things you could really do with a bit more action on soon. Sow insight now and reap results later.

Shooting: What is absolutely allowed to sprout nicely is your unbiased attitude. This is where you are going to make it extremely easy for yourself in the time ahead. Facing everything and everyone with an open attitude will save you a lot of fretting beforehand. Bears on the road? Where?



Sun: This season lends itself perfectly to delving more deeply into spirituality. Not in the sense of dancing tables, but especially in view of your inner experience. What do you need to balance physically and spiritually? And how can you bring this about? More inner peace is what will make you incredibly happy right now.

Rain: You are annoyed blue at someone who shoots into victimhood and shows little backbone to improve his or her situation. Could it be that this irritates you so much because you yourself are the opposite? Do you have too much of what the other person has too little of? Perhaps, on the contrary, you overstep your own boundaries too often; in that respect, you can indeed learn something from this annoyance.

Seeds: Delicacy. This is something that is sometimes lacking. You would be wise to reflect on recent times and think about where you might have reacted a little less rudely or bluntly. Sow tact and you will soon be able to say in a friendly way what you don't like.

Kindle: Despite your critical attitude and sometimes sharp tongue, you are genuinely understanding and loyal. These very traits deserve to be given free rein this season. Whether you're annoyed with someone or not, you won't let someone down easily and that really does you great credit.



Sun: You are incredibly eager to learn. So what makes you genuinely happy is continuing to develop yourself in a positive way. Reading, self-study, taking a course or new training: the more wisdom you gain, the more you can help not only others but yourself. New insights are worth their weight in gold, you realise this all too well.

Rain: The very fact that things are currently not moving as fast as you would like makes you realise that patience really is a virtue. Whereas normally you alternate impatience with impulsiveness, now you will really just have to wait and see. If you don't, you might end up going from bad to worse.

Seeds: Although you are incredibly good at what you do, a little extra modesty wouldn't go amiss for you. If you sow a bit of humility now, you will soon have the perfect balance between modesty and intellect.

Kindle: What you can absolutely put on display is your entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm. Without knowing it, you inspire others with this too. Besides, if you do what you love, you are never really at work. Win!



Sun: You love solving problems. You see diving into everything and then coming up with an outcome as a real sport. Puzzling, on the other hand, is not your thing; your remedy should preferably be useful. All the more reason to throw yourself into your (home) work and dig deeper than ever.

Rain: Especially in this time of uncertainty, you will sometimes have to relinquish control and get on with the things you do have control over. However difficult you find this, even - or especially - this can teach you and makes you grow as a person.

Seeds: Although you have your thoughts in order just fine, putting them into words sometimes falls rather hard on you. If you sow some communication skills this spring and take a moment to think about who you would like to apply them to, you will probably manage to express things more clearly in a while.

Kindle: Your patience and ability to concentrate is commendable. Although you love to be in charge yourself, you manage to be patient with the current situation and concentrate on other things. Above all, continue this in the coming weeks and let the new things you are working on grow and flourish.



Sun: Being there for someone, helping someone and offering a listening ear makes you feel useful. On the other hand, you also feel like a fish out of water in your own home, with your own things and your own pursuits. Fair is fair, you are your own best friend and don't need anyone to entertain you. You just enjoy doing that yourself.

Rain: Although you sometimes find it hard to stay above negativity, you do your best to keep seeing the sunny side above all. Good, especially in difficult times you realise even more that not everything can be taken for granted and that hope makes you live. Remember that you are never obliged to listen to someone else's doom and gloom. Good afternoon, have a nice day!

Seeds: However flexible you often are, when you are caught off guard by an unexpected situation this season, you have great difficulty in switching gears immediately. Panic takes hold of you and you may unintentionally turn catty. Calm down and think about what you should and should not say.

Kindle: Your original view of things combined with your resourcefulness makes you discover how handy you actually are in the coming period. Creatively, you know how to create or repair things you never thought possible. Let it develop nicely, these talents!



Sun: Youth sentiment grips you. Old music, music videos, films, books, anything that reminds you of your childhood makes you happy and joyful. Have you ever visited 'Sound and Vision'? Commercials from adolescence bring back even more memories than you already have.

Rain: Although star sign Pisces is usually known for being sensitive, you genuinely have trouble revealing your deeper feelings. When someone around you almost literally tries to pull things out, you clam up. Don't let yourself be pushed into something you are uncomfortable with and, above all, stick to your point of view. You don't want to talk about it. Full stop.

Seeds: Precisely because you are rather easily distracted, a more organised schedule is definitely not a luxury. Provided you stick to it, of course. If you are able to start thinking now about where you could use some more structure, you will not only have a better overview but also more time to spare.

Shooting: Without hurting anyone, you can make clear in neat words what you are unhappy about. Your sense of empathy combined with your thoughtfulness makes you immensely popular besides being diplomatic. Traits that will come in handy several times this season, so let it go, you'll be fine!

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