Tarot annual card

The tarot year chart shows what the coming year will look like for you. In this article, I explain how you can calculate your own tarot year card in no time. The calculation is very simple, you don't even need your own tarot deck for this! The meanings of the cards described in this blog will suffice.

The texts below have previously appeared in the book Numerology and Tarot in a pinch.

The book is now sold out, but can still be ordered second-hand via the link below.

Numerology and Tarot in a jiffy


For more interesting articles on tarot, see the Tarot Blog.

Copyrights of the Rider Waite Tarot on this page: U.S. Games Systems.



You can make a tarot year calculation at any time of the year, not just on your birthday or New Year's Day! The result of your calculation is valid for the period from your last birthday to your next birthday.

When you make the calculation halfway through 'your year', it is interesting to see how part of this 'prediction' is now behind you. If all goes well, you will recognise the advice offered by the tarot and see how you could have applied it in the past period.

The tarot year calculation goes as follows.

You take the sum of the date of your last birthday. (So not the date of your birthday!)

For example:

You were born on 14-04-1972, but it is currently 25-06-2005.

Then your last birthday was on:



1 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 16 (your tarot year card in this case is 16: the Tower).

This number consists of two digits. If your sum consists of two digits, you need to add them together to get an additional opinion for next year.

When the tarot year card calculation is 16, the additional message for this year is thus:

1 + 6 = 7 (the Zegewagen.)

This second card here represents the additional opportunities for this year

The outcome of the first calculation (in this case 16: the Tower) shows a drastic event you will face in the coming year. The second calculation (in this case 7: the Blessing Chariot) shows you how best to deal with this.

If the sum of your tarot year card calculation consists of one number, this card concerns both the message and the advice.

The tarot year card

To get an even more complete picture of the year ahead, you may also want to do the tarot year - card calculation. This goes as follows.

You count all the digits of the year we are currently living in together. For example:

2006 > 2 + 0 + 0 + 6 = 8

Read carefully the meaning of year card 8 (the Force) and see how this year could bring you advantages or disadvantages. A good year number card can somewhat mitigate any unpleasant personal year cards. On the other hand, a less good year number card can also provide you with an extra warning when your personal year card for that year is indeed favourable.

The tarot card images on this page are taken from the
Rider Waite Tarot


The tarot year cards


Tarot annual card


  1. The Magician as tarot annual chart


Events next year:

You are a mentally very strong person and therefore do not need anyone to help you make important decisions. You know exactly what you want and how you want it. You are at the beginning of a new development in your life. Unlike the Fool, you do not hesitate but know exactly how you are going to go about it. Whatever it is you want: this is a good year to pursue your goal. A new beginning... but by your own efforts! With the Magician as tarot year card, you can count on pleasant (unexpected) events, positive change and happiness in love. Flexibility, creativity and hard work will certainly be rewarded.


Despite the fact that you are very capable of making choices and decisions on your own, you cannot completely do without the help of others this year either. Try to see that however strong you are mentally, it is still not possible to realise all your plans on your own. Sometimes you just need help or support from others. So you would be wise to keep certain contacts warm. Magician or not: alone is only alone....


You are highly intelligent and creative and when you combine these two talents, you stand head and shoulders above the rest. You have that extra something that makes success inevitable. What is needed, however, is for you to also make yourself known as creative and smart. Dare to promote yourself, dare to show what you can do. The Magician rarely has an either/or situation, most of the time it is and/and, precisely because the Magician is capable of getting everything he wants done. In the beginning, choices will have to be made, but it will soon become clear that you are capable of doing several things at once because you will automatically learn to combine your talents in the right way. Take earth and water, for example. They are two totally different elements, but if you use them together in the right way, you will be able to grow something completely new! Above all, keep believing in yourself. It would be a shame if you missed out on a great opportunity because of doubts about your own abilities at that very moment. If you are not (currently) working, try to apply the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


For the coming year, pay attention to daring, above all, to remain yourself in the company of others or within your relationship. There is absolutely no need to talk down to others or constantly adapt yourself to others. You are such a strong personality yourself, so... dare to show it. Someone who has their own opinion and dares to express it is usually appreciated more than someone who blows in all directions. Stay yourself, but make sure not to be too emphatic in the company of others, as this might just backfire and reduce your popularity.


Tarot annual card


  1. The High Priestess as tarot year card


Events next year:

You will start to gain more insight into spirituality and your inner self. When you learn how to make yourself happy, you can make others happy too. Get to know yourself, but also love yourself. With patience and an understanding attitude, you will be able to go far in the year ahead. Be open to others when you are asked for advice. Your intuition will grow bit by bit next year and you will radiate more peace. Do dare to trust your inner voice, your own intuition. Even if you suddenly 'hear' something in your mind that you may not be happy about: you do not get this inner message for nothing! It is your own intuition trying to warn you about something.


Dreaming is allowed, but be careful not to lose yourself in a dream world. Above all, keep both feet on the ground, otherwise you risk 'floating'. Being patient is good, but try to be careful not to be so patient that nothing comes of your plans because you are forever waiting for the right moment to take action. What is it that you want, and... what are the chances that you can actually start realising it? Or will it remain just dreams and be wasted energy better spent on something that is achievable?


The High Priestess represents patience, understanding, calmness and intuitive skills. Maybe it would be good to take up work that is also related to this? Perhaps you could do something in the social field, could you become a social worker, therapist, psychologist or volunteer? Perhaps you could develop in the spiritual field, for example as a Reiki master, tarotist or an employee in an esoteric shop. If you already have a nice job, maybe this is some advice to be calmer, more open and understanding towards your colleagues. In any case, keep listening carefully to your own feelings and do what your heart tells you. In any case, keep doing your own thing at work and do not let yourself be rushed or manipulated by others. Above all, keep following your own feelings. If you are not (currently) working, try to apply the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Follow your gut with both old and new contacts. Does someone feel 'right' or do you not quite trust the person in question? Actually, you should just learn to trust your inner voice and not give the persons about whom you have certain doubts the benefit of the doubt. After all, your first impression is often correct! Be patient, understanding and helpful towards your partner and friends. Do you feel that there is something wrong with someone close to you or does your intuition tell you that your partner has a problem that he or she is not expressing? Then try to calmly find out what it is that is bothering him or her. Be patient and, above all, don't dive straight in to pull it out. This will always backfire.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Empress as tarot year card


Events next year:

You will notice growth in everything you are involved in: everything around you slowly begins to grow and flourish and the time is almost ripe to reap the benefits. You will be noticed and appreciated for your efforts and for what you can do. Both in your work and in personal relationships, everything will go very well next year and you will be particularly comfortable in your own skin. Fruitful times will present themselves and you will enjoy them! Your creativity and past efforts are finally starting to bear fruit. You have earned it! Spend some time in nature every now and then too. Walk, cycle and relax! This year is one of progress in all areas. Sometimes this card represents fertility in the sense of a literal pregnancy for yourself or someone close to you.


You feel beautiful and good about yourself, but keep focusing on the inner self, both in terms of health and beauty. Continue to eat healthy food, drink enough (water), exercise often and take enough rest. Also continue to be selflessly helpful to others and be understanding and supportive, even if you don't gain anything materially from this yourself. Make sure your beauty is not only seen on the outside, but mainly comes from within. Those who are beautiful on the inside are also beautiful on the outside!


You can start preparing for a change for the better! The Empress usually announces a new development in the working sphere, and not infrequently this involves advancement! An entirely new position is also a possibility, usually preceded by your own efforts. If you are not (currently) working, try to apply the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Use your creativity in your relationships and/or friendships too. Surprise your partner without having to make amends and if you do have to make amends, surprise him or her unexpectedly. Take something for your best friend or mother-in-law without it being her birthday. It certainly doesn't have to be something expensive; a tin of homemade biscuits or a bag of someone's favourite liquorice always does the trick. However, do not forget that it is also okay to say 'no' once in a while (more often)!


Tarot annual card


  1. The Emperor as tarot year card


Events next year:

Now is the time to take matters into your own hands, to take control of your life or a particular situation. Above all, be clear to those around you and stick to your point of view. Doors to success will open for you as this is the card of power, influence and energy. Stay as focused as possible yourself too, so that you can actually recognise and deal with these opportunities! If you are looking for love, there is a chance that a mentally strong person will enter your life. There will also be a period when you should dare to stand up for your ideas and make use of the lessons you have learned so far. This is a perfect year to take control of your life yourself. The Emperor gives you strength and insight, allowing you to bring more structure to your life. Great opportunities in both personal and business areas present themselves and because the Emperor is such a powerful card, it is even possible to realise certain dreams, provided you stay alert, show commitment and make known what you want.


It is good to take control of your own life, but be careful not to become a control freak. There is no need to be too strict. You can be more flexible with others as well as with yourself. Stay open to the good ideas of others. Make sure you do not behave stubbornly or dominantly, which can sometimes make your environment perceive you as 'ruling'. Sometimes this card also represents just the opposite; that you tend to let others roll over your boundaries. Of course, try to avoid this too at all times!


Chances are you will take a step forward on the work front next year. Your mental strength will allow you to start realising certain ideas. You are reliable and steadfast, but above all you remain human and be careful not to be too rigid towards others. Your will is not a law, even if you sometimes wish it were otherwise. You are disciplined and responsible and it is best to expect the same from your colleagues. However, try to put it in such a way that it does not come across as commanding. You have worked hard on your career and it is precisely because of your own perseverance that you will find that certain opportunities will arise in the coming year, but even then you will have to remain disciplined to make it a success. Above all, do not let yourself be taken advantage of. Sometimes people take advantage of the fact that you feel responsible for everything and everyone or that others cannot do what you can do. If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


It is good to clearly state your boundaries within a friendship or relationship. Especially this coming year, it is good to be clear towards others. When you have the Emperor as your year card, it may be that your partner is or was successful at work and continues to maintain this delegating attitude at home. Of course, this is not the intention. Is this really the case, you will also have to clearly state your boundaries towards your partner! Also with regard to friendships, it is important not to cross the boundaries of others. In addition, continue to guard your own boundaries. Do not behave like a strict emperor, but also do not let yourself be dominated by another person who may behave like a dictator! Be clear to friends and family, but treat them as you should be treated: with respect.


Tarot annual card


  1. The High Priest as tarot year card


Events next year:

With the High Priest as a tarot year card, you are 'blessed', so to speak, for the coming year. Think about what problem or problems you would like to see solved and tackle it by seeking (traditional) help. Feel free to ask for help, it has never made anyone worse and it is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Ask a teacher, good friend, family doctor or therapist for advice, but don't forget to listen to your own inner voice! You are blessed by the High Priest, so do not worry too much because the problems you are currently struggling with or will face in the coming year will be solved. Perhaps by being able to support someone yourself, but you may also be helped by someone else. In terms of your health, too, it is good to take to heart the regularity and traditional ways of the High Priest. Make sure you not only get enough exercise, but also good nutrition and sufficient (night) rest. Ensure a regular pattern of living! It is possible that a commitment will be made this year in the form of cohabitation, marriage or signing a purchase, lease or work contract.


The High Priest is happy to offer you a helping hand, but you are not meant to lean on him forever. It is good to ask someone for advice, but try to function independently again in the coming year. If you are struggling with a problem, next year is the time to get out of it. However, it is important that you continue to make an effort yourself. Do not leave solving the problem to someone else, but use someone else's help as a stepping stone to continue independently afterwards. You need to make an effort yourself! You will probably have to leave certain things or take more action, but if you really try your best, the problem will be solved this year! If you are the one offering help to someone else, the same applies: help them along the way, but be careful that the person in question does not constantly take advantage of your good intentions. Make sure that he or she does not remain stuck in the victim role, but also puts his or her shoulders to the wheel!


On the work front, it is possible that a contract will be signed next year or that you will get good help from someone in the workplace to move forward. Adopt an honest, trustworthy and helpful attitude. This attitude will take you a long way in your career in the coming year. You may also find that someone else looks up to you and is keen to learn things from you. Feel free to take time for this - if possible. This will be a year of learning and passing on lessons. If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


On the love front, you can expect a serious commitment. You may enter into a steady relationship that will result in serious future plans. Perhaps you will move in together or even get married. The High Priest represents traditions and commitments so a serious step in love is to be expected. If you are not very involved in this yet, the High Priest advises you to think about it anyway. Also be open to friends in need, help them on their way if asked for advice, but be a little careful not to provide your friends and family with unsolicited advice all the time.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Beloved as tarot year card


Events next year:

You are facing an important choice. This may be to do with a relationship but could very well relate to work, friendship, a move or something else. However, it is important that you think carefully before making a decision. You can decide whether or not to listen to 'the snake' that represents your inner voice! The snake is a selfish animal, it will never take others into account but always goes its own way. Does this feel right for you too? Or would you rather make a decision that does take someone else into account? Before making a final choice, listen to your heart and your feelings and choose for yourself! . It is clear that love will come your way this year. Maybe even great love! It could also be that you will experience a wonderful romance with someone you will meet in the coming year or that your current relationship will suddenly blossom again! In any case, there is a good chance that this love is not transient and is therefore definitely more than just a fling!


The choice(s) you need to make next year may have to do with love but also with other goals in your life. Be it work or a move, the choice you need to make also indirectly has to do with your lover or your loving friends and/or family. Of course, it is a nice attitude to want to take everyone into account, but what is especially important is that you make certain (important) decisions mainly with your own feelings! You can make a choice assuming it will make your partner, your children or your mother very happy, but is it also a good choice for yourself? Will your partner, your children and/or your mother be happy with this decision if you are not happy with it yourself? And if they are, why doesn't it matter to them how you feel about it? Remember that certain choices can sometimes be very important for the rest of your life and that you should listen to your inner voice rather than the voice of others when making those choices!


In the coming year, make sure you do something for a living that you really enjoy. If you are faced with a work-related choice, try to listen to your own feelings when making your decision. Perhaps you will not immediately be presented with something new, but you will find out in the coming year that what you are currently doing is what you want to keep doing and that you will therefore choose your current job for the full 100%. If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


You will also have to make a choice in love in the coming year. Perhaps a very important one. You may already be in a relationship and have doubts about it. But maybe someone else will come your way and you have doubts about this person too? We all have a dream image of how our partner should look or dress or behave, but try to remain realistic. Fairy tales do not exist and maybe that is just as well. Perhaps a lot of characteristics are hidden in your (new) partner and you will have to make the choice this coming year whether you want to find them or not. You may also decide to make the final choice to move on with your current partner. Whatever you decide, choose first with your feelings and only then with your mind. Regarding friendships, you will be faced with the choice of whether or not to break off a particular contact or to undertake something special with someone where you will be in each other's company for more than a day. Will this affect the friendship positively or negatively, do you think?


Tarot annual card


  1. The Sea Chariot as a tarot year card


Events next year:

Next year, you can count on a departure. This departure may involve a (distant) journey but also a move or a change of job. In any case, it will be a departure in which you will pursue your goal; the departure is entirely voluntary. Remember that you may still have much to learn and that your path will not be all roses. The black and white horse on the card symbolise the disagreements you are likely to encounter on your road to success. Remember, however, that you cannot be friends with everyone. Once you know what you want, don't let others influence you or let the slightest setback throw you off course. However, if the obstacles are (too) big, be sensible too. In that case, it might be better to take a little breather and try again at a later date. It is good to dare to take a risk every now and then, provided you do not overestimate yourself in the process.


The main thing you need to consider in the coming year is the fact that you may be rushing too fast. Self-exaggeration is therefore lurking. Especially when you have already had a fair amount of success, you may feel that you can do everything, which is of course not true. Nobody can really do everything. Think carefully before taking a big step. First think about what could go right, but don't forget what could go wrong! If something does go wrong, feel free to admit that this was perhaps not the right moment and take a step back. Taking a risk is fine, but going against your better judgment could turn out to be completely wrong.


You can count on a big leap forward. If you have already taken this leap recently, you can assume that you will (continue to) be successful in your new position, that you will be given more responsibility and will probably be able to work more independently. You are well on your way and you will continue to grow. At the same time, the Sea Chariot warns you to be careful not to do more than you can handle and to make sure your attitude towards others remains positive. If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.

Love/ friendships:

You may be entering a new relationship that makes you so over the moon that there is a danger that you will burn all ships behind you for this without thinking twice. Possibly you are so sure of yourself that you give up home and hearth without hesitation to be with your beloved. Again, the Sea Chariot warns to think things through calmly before taking a leap of faith. Alternatively, if you are already in a relationship, it could get a big boost. So a big leap forward can also be expected in an existing relationship. Friendships can thrive under the influence of the Sea Chariot as a tarot year card, provided you don't spend too much and too often in each other's company. Excess harms. Booking a trip together is in itself a good idea provided one also respects each other's freedom during the stay at the holiday destination.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Force as tarot annual chart


Events next year:

In every field, you feel strong. You show willpower and sometimes courage when needed. You possess great inner energy, which finally comes out bit by bit. You can do much more than you think, provided you know what you want, are patient and take the time to see through others so that you can take advantage of them. An unexpected opportunity presents itself, and if you dare to seize it, a spectacular positive change will result!


You are good at seeing through people when you allow yourself the time to observe others from a distance. Seeing through people can work to your advantage, but not if you show this to the outside world, if you show off that you know how others work and what they are up to. Keep this to yourself, use it to your advantage and stay one step ahead of others. It is also a good idea to pay attention to your body language so that you send out the right signals and use this to keep people you would rather not have anything to do with at a distance and to attract the people you would like to get to know better.


You are full of energy and this is also noticeable at work. By listening to your body (good nutrition and sufficient exercise) you are in great shape; this is the power behind your performance. When you feel good in your skin, you are better able to perform well and, more importantly, you enjoy it! Keep your inner strength hidden at work too, but let it out all at once at the right moment, e.g. when you are sure that a plan will be taken seriously and will allow you to get ahead. Make sure you keep certain insecurities or doubts to yourself, but do try to discover the insecurities and doubts of others; then you will always be one step ahead of them! You will also find that you will make more of an impression by calmly yet firmly stating your opinion than if you raise your voice or even actually start shouting. If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


In love, the power of this card is also reflected. There is great physical attraction and fiery passion! There is abandonment and passion, but sometimes also great drama, as small events can be blown up into a true spectacle. Your relationship will be powerful and its influence on you will not escape others either. You feel good and this gives you strength and energy! You shine! As for friendships, the Force gives you extra insight. With patience and discipline, you can see through those around you and can distance yourself a bit more from some people without using too many words. It is better for everyone when this is possible without arguing. Those you do enjoy spending time with will naturally notice this too. This year, you will learn that you can be very honest using (non verbal) behaviour without hurting anyone. People will naturally notice it from you, basically just as a lion expresses himself by using his body language.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Hermit as tarot year card


Events in the coming year:

A special year awaits you in which you will get to know yourself well. The Hermit advises you to isolate yourself a bit more this year and look at the situations around you from a distance. You will gain more insight into the people around you, but above all into yourself! Spending some time alone will do you good and increase your self-knowledge. Try meditating too, you will find more inner peace. If you have a problem, try to solve it on your own. After all, all the answers are inside yourself! Being alone is not the same as being lonely... Caution is also advised this year. Think carefully before stepping into anything. Despite a difficult period that you have just gone through or that you may currently still be in the middle of, you will eventually find happiness, if only you take the time to create some (inner) peace for yourself.


You possess a lot of inner wisdom, and if you retreat into your own little world every now and then, this wisdom will only grow. You will gain more and more insight not only into your own life, but also into the lives of others! You will see why some people around you stay together despite not being happy together. You will gain more and more insight into why some people around you cannot or do not want to be alone. You will gain more and more insight into the characters of the people around you and you will also begin to see more and more what one could do to feel more comfortable, happy, healthy and fit. Despite this, try to stay focused on yourself. Don't let it happen to yourself but don't interfere in other people's private lives either. When someone wants your advice, they will ask for it. Often they know what is wrong, but do not want to change for fear of changes or problems the changes will bring. Be glad that you do have self-insight. Others are slower to learn. Don't let their problems become your problems and don't become a know-it-all.


You will find that - when you spend more time with your inner self next year - you will start looking at your surroundings differently. Especially at work too. Maybe you used to think that earning as much money as possible and making a career were among the most important things in your life, but are you suddenly going to start thinking very differently about this? Try to see that success and a fat bank account have nothing to do with being truly happy. Happiness cannot be bought! True happiness is inside and not in the bank. After all, what good is a million if you were seriously ill? Material possessions are then suddenly not important at all. You would give up everything to be healthy again. You would go and live in a little hut on the heath if necessary, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, many people do not realise that the things they already possess are actually the greatest wealth on earth that one could wish for! The most valuable things often cost nothing. Love, happiness, health, sense of humour, creativity. Perhaps by going on an inner quest in the coming year, this will also make you behave differently at work. Less stress, more free time. Maybe less salary, less success, but a greater sense of fulfilment! Above all, stay calm at work, don't be rushed and keep thinking about everything calmly before making a decision. If you are not (currently) working, try to apply the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Being lonely is no fun, but what is sometimes even worse: being lonely as a couple! Perhaps you are currently in a relationship in which you do not feel completely happy. What is the cause of this? Perhaps you also feel lonely when you are sitting together on the sofa at home? Is there no more conversation? Are you bored when you are at home together, or even worse, when you are on holiday together? If so, it would be a good idea to take a break from each other and see what this period of solitude does to you. Maybe you don't even miss your partner and are still together 'because that's how it grew'. Does your partner still add something to your life or are you together out of habit? Sometimes it is good to spend some time alone, because it not only gives you more insight into yourself, but also into your relationship! If your relationship is good, it is also advisable to spend some time alone every now and then and do something for yourself. If both of you can also enjoy being alone every now and then, this will only strengthen your relationship. You give the other person a chance to miss you for a while, which in turn makes being together more fun (provided the relationship is good!).


Tarot annual card


  1. The Wheel of Fortune as a tarot year card


Events next year:

Next year is very important for you to dare to step out of the circle you have been walking around in for so long. Are you not completely satisfied with the current state of affairs but have accepted it for the moment? That is good, but remember that there is no need to accept it for the rest of your life too if you are not completely happy with it anyway. In fact, this is a good year to jump off the 'spinning Wheel' at the right time and start a new path! You can also expect a spontaneous, sudden change, which may at first seem to entail a slight setback, but which in the end turns out to be beneficial for you. You will achieve success if you dare to take your chances! Wheel of Fortune is always a good omen in the end.


Have you learnt your 'lesson'? Then stay equally alert. Do not think, if you have dared to take a risk, that things will (continue to) go well now. Stay vigilant; after all, a new opportunity could just spontaneously present itself out of nowhere. After all, the Wheel is the card of great (positive!) changes, even if they cause some confusion at first. Afterwards, it will turn out that 'fate' is especially good to you if you give it a hand every now and then and respond well to it. Don't just turn down an offer either, you might miss a wonderful opportunity!


You are in a vicious circle and somehow keep getting stuck in the same position over and over again. Break your old pattern! Dare to break the rut and try new ideas! If necessary, take a course that could take you forward, ask for a meeting with your manager or discuss certain things with your colleagues. If necessary, look out for another job if you are no longer enjoying yourself at work. Wheel of Fortune usually represents accepting things 'because that's the way they are' and the idea that the situation cannot be changed. Nothing could be further from the truth! Sometimes, the Wheel is even a harbinger of luck in gambling, and thus also in the gamble to try something new in the field of work! 'Fate' does not determine how you arrange your life, you do that yourself! If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Don't make your heart a murder pit! It happens so often that friends or lovers are afraid to tell each other what they don't like about the other person. The irritations mount, until eventually the bomb bursts and the whole pile of misery is thrown out in one go during a trivial argument. As soon as you don't like something about the other person, bring it up in a calm manner. In any case, talking about it together is better than taking your frustrations about the person in question out on others; gossiping will certainly not solve the problem. If this honest conversation does end the friendship or relationship, remember that it may be better than if you had gone on silently, gulping and choking for another ten years. What is very important: look at your own behaviour and way of thinking! Dare to be honest with and about yourself, but also dare to admit your own mistakes during your conversation with the other person.


With tarot year card 10: the Wheel of Fortune, there is also tarot year card 1: the Magician. Please also read the description of tarot year card 1, the Magician, at your leisure, because this card shows you how you could change the direction of your life yourself in the coming year.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Justice as tarot year card


Events next year:

This is a good year to make firm commitments. It is a good time to sign a contract, create a balanced situation and fight injustice. If you are involved in a court case, the final verdict - if you are actually in your right - will most likely be in your favour. Justice will prevail. A victory can be achieved, provided you get the right help. Also, conduct yourself according to the law and do not do anything that you know is actually wrong. The law can sometimes be circumvented, but fairness always lasts the longest. Everyone gets what is due to him or her! Remember that everything you do wrong (consciously) will eventually come back to you like a boomerang. So always take responsibility for your own actions, especially this year!


Try to judge everyone fairly and don't just go by what you see. Remain responsible at all times for what you do or have done in the past. You cannot simply blame the things that have gone wrong on someone else because after all, you were there yourself. The truth always comes out, so you had better learn to recognise that you yourself have also done certain things wrong and do it differently in the future. Making mistakes is not a bad thing, everyone does. What is bad is passing the buck and making the exact same mistake next time. After all, you won't get anywhere this way. Especially next year, this is something you should pay attention to and learn to deal with.


Remain honest and sincere at all times. This is the only way you can move forward. Anyone who lies and cheats will always be judged for this sooner or later! Perform your duties as expected of you and if something should go wrong unexpectedly, come out honestly and take responsibility. To err is human and your honesty will be appreciated. Do you often have conflicts with colleagues? Are there frequent misunderstandings with your supervisor? Then ask yourself what your own role in this is. Is everything really just down to the others or are you perhaps not always clear yourself? If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


He who does good, meets good. What goes around comes around. Do you behave within your relationship the way you would like your partner to behave? Be honest, balanced and make sure that give and take are in balance. Not only in love, but also in friendships. In doing so, also feel free to look in the mirror from time to time. In general, Justice as a tarot year card means that harmony and balance can be expected, but in the literal sense it can also refer to a court case, divorce or other legal matters.


To tarot year card 11: Justice, also belongs tarot year card 2: the High Priestess. Please also read the description of tarot year card 2, the High Priestess, at your leisure, as this card shows you how to learn to be fair to yourself (and others) and make the right decisions next year.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Hanged as a tarot year card


Events next year:

This coming year, you will have to sacrifice something of yourself to finally move forward. It will bring you more (inner) peace and give your life a whole new direction. A change in your mindset or adopting a new lifestyle will eventually bring you more insight and prosperity. You will probably encounter an obstacle in your path, resulting in delay or postponement. In this case, feel free to take your time and wait. The right moment will present itself automatically; forcing you to find ways to realise your plans sooner will only end in failure. This is just a waste of your time and energy and besides, procrastination does not always mean abandonment, especially next year. Everything will work out in the end. Your expectations and way of thinking will be subjected to a reversal but maybe that's a good thing? Learn to be patient and accept the delay. There is nothing you can change about it anyway, so just focus on something else for a while.


While waiting, try not to sulk because negative thoughts also attract negative events. However, if you keep thinking positively, it will actually attract positive energy! Accept what you cannot change, otherwise the situation will only bring you more frustration.


In the coming year, you can expect quite a few delays on the work front. Certain plans cannot (yet) be realised, a promotion does not materialise, you do not find (new?) work, at least not the work you actually like. The annoying thing is that there is nothing you can do to change this, except accept the stagnation and quietly wait for the tide to turn. Learn to accept that stagnation and opposition are sometimes the only ways to gain more insight and learn to understand that some things should just be different, especially at work! Perhaps you yourself have been doing something wrong all along, or not handling something properly and this is only now becoming clear to you? If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Also in the area of love, the Hanged One advises you not to take a forced approach to improve the situation, but to accept that things are no different for the moment and learn to recognise what you yourself may not be handling quite right within the relationship. Perhaps you have unsympathetic habits that make your partner more distant? Or did you yourself overlook certain irritating qualities of your partner when you fell in love with him/her and have the things you found so charming in the beginning now become a source of annoyance? Do you spend too much time in front of the computer and does your partner go out too often without you, so that you are growing apart? Don't have a partner yet but would like one so you might be too claimy while dating? Being patient and spending your time thinking and learning well can sometimes offer simple but very good solutions! Friendships suffer from self-pity, procrastination, stagnation and disappointment. Since there is a high probability of a kink, this is not a suitable year to make important commitments....


To tarot year card 12: the Hanged One, also belongs tarot year card 3: the Empress. Please also read the description of tarot year card 3, the Empress, at your leisure, as this card shows you how to learn to be patient and wait for the right moment when you can reap the fruits of your previous efforts.


Tarot annual card


  1. Death as tarot year card


Events next year:

Next year, you will have to start closing a certain chapter, a certain era, once and for all. If you don't do this, you won't give the new that will come your way any space to manifest itself. Do not hesitate any longer and dare to draw a thick line under the past and focus on the future. Learn to accept that certain things, as well as people, change and that nothing stays the same. An important event will cause your life to take a completely different turn and not infrequently it will also mean an end to problems or a difficult period. Coming year is the right time for a big clean-up in your life: tidy up and start with a clean slate!


When something or someone threatens to disappear from your life, don't resist it but try to accept it and resign yourself to it. When one door closes, another always opens. So something new will definitely take its place. However, if you continue to resist the goodbye tooth and nail, you will hinder the new thing from coming your way. The goodbye will have to happen anyway, and if it can't be done amicably, chances are it will be done maliciously which will probably cause you even more grief than if you had said goodbye voluntarily....


Chances are that the job is over for you, that it is time to look for something else. Again, accept it. The idea is not to rush headlong into something new; proceed with caution. The parting in itself is currently more important than finding something new. This must be done properly so that you are not left with doubts or questions later. Only when the farewell is neatly completed and you are also at peace with this can you be open to new possibilities. It is also possible that it is just a transition period, that you are done doing certain work and new tasks are waiting for you within the same company. Whatever it is, you are ready for something new. And even if you don't like the idea of saying goodbye at the moment, be open to it, because a goodbye by no means always means you will lose out. Sometimes even something better will take its place! If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Chances are that a friendship or relationship is coming to an end and you will have to say goodbye to each other for good next year. Apparently, this friendship or relationship is not meant to last longer and it is high time to meet new people. Resign yourself to this and accept the parting and any accompanying sadness. It's part of the deal, but if you don't want to accept it and keep delaying the goodbye (unnecessarily), the grief will only increase. It is better to let go of each other peacefully without arguments or recriminations back and forth. This will make the farewell a lot more bearable than when a, nevertheless nice, period ends with angry looks and harsh words. This goodbye is inevitable, so why would you want to delay it and torment yourself with this any longer? Sometimes Death as a tarot year card represents drawing a line under the past and continuing the friendship or relationship together in a better way.


To tarot year card 13: Death, also belongs tarot year card 4: the Emperor. Please also read through the description of tarot year card 4, the Emperor, at your leisure, as this card shows you how to learn to take control (again) of the situation and of your own life.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Moderation as a tarot year card


Events next year:

Next year, it is very important for you to distribute your energy well and not do too much at once, but on the other hand, do not sit still either. Try to keep your time, energy and activities, as well as your income and expenses, well balanced. When everything is well balanced, you will feel fine in your skin and be more relaxed in life. There will be more peace in your life and you will notice that things will go more easily for you. Above all, try to enjoy the things you do more. In addition, pay more attention to your eating and drinking pattern and you will have a fantastic year in which you will feel better on all fronts. A difficult period has come to an end; you are finally entering calmer waters. At least, you will get the chance to do so. Ultimately, you are the one who chooses how to handle this.


It is good to get your life in balance, to do everything in moderation and not overdo it. Yet it is also very important to let yourself go every now and then. As long as you enjoy it and don't constantly worry about being out of balance. Tomorrow is another day, and as long as you really enjoy it and live by the book the next day, there is nothing wrong! Just be careful not to spread that one day of partying or sinning into the whole week. Again, you need to balance balancing keeping and having fun. Also, do not think, if you have balanced everything well for a while, that you are already there. It is not only important to keep your commitment to rest and balance; it is above all important to keep it that way.


Don't rush anything. It's better to build everything bit by bit and keep growing than to go hard all at once, give everything and then stand still. It will take you much more time, energy and strength this way while the final result will be the same with the only difference being that in a few months you will be at the end of your rope. If you start at a slower pace, in a few months you will still have enough strength and energy left to keep going nicely and keep growing. Moderation indicates that you will have a great time at work next year, not least because you can do your work in your own way and at your own pace. This does not mean that you are lazy or disinterested, but rather that you do not allow yourself to be rushed. In addition to your work, try not to overdo it. An overloaded agenda is unnecessary, even when it comes to maintaining social contacts. Here too, you need to find the balance between 'working' (yes, even meeting social obligations takes energy) and relaxing. So enjoy your time off to the full, the better you will be when the working week starts again. If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Even in relationships and friendships, everything in moderation applies. It is better to focus on the handful of good friends you know you can use than to spend a lot of time and energy on all kinds of vague (new) acquaintances. See for yourself what you find more important: paying attention to the people you have known for so long and with whom you feel familiar, or making appointments with all kinds of new people who will have to prove whether they are really worthy of the title 'friend'. Of course it is good to make new contacts and establish new friendships, but... be selective and try to find the right balance here too. Be careful not to overload your agenda with all kinds of appointments so that you hardly have time for yourself and/or your partner. Be forgiving when someone wants to settle an argument or compromise. For love relationships, this is a great card. Give and take are in balance, you complement each other in a very pleasant way. In short; the relationship is in balance!


To tarot year card 14: the Moderation, also belongs tarot year card 5: the High Priest. Please also read the description of tarot year card 5, the High Priest, at your leisure, as this card will show you how to learn to live a traditional life where you will find the right balance and how you can possibly ask for help in finding the right balance. Perhaps you yourself can start guiding others to bring more balance into their lives.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Devil as tarot year card


Events next year:

The Devil has a message for you: in the coming year, there is a danger that you will become unbalanced with yourself, lose your natural balance and indulge in everything that is actually not good for your physical and mental health. This may involve eating, drinking, working out, exercising, sex, drugs or other things that can be dealt with in an unhealthy way. Anything that has 'too' in front of it is not good. Being too preoccupied with material things, working too hard, holding on to thoughts that make you feel uncomfortable (e.g. guilt, jealousy, fear or possessiveness). Are you perhaps obsessed with something or someone so that you are actually a slave to your own desires? Does this make you do things that you know are not right, but you just can't help yourself? See what applies to you and, above all, dare to be honest with yourself; the coming year is a perfect time to let go, forgive yourself and set yourself free! Next year, take a close look at your (bad) habits and ask yourself whether you really cannot live without them or would you like to believe that you cannot live without them? The same goes for the people around you: is there anyone you know who is a bad influence on you? Do you actually want to break free from this but don't know how? You cannot hold anyone else responsible for the choices you make yourself


Beware - when this card may be a bit confrontational - of denying very harshly what applies to you, leaving you even more stuck in your old pattern of thinking or living. Dare to see that something is not quite right. First of all, be honest with yourself; the rest comes later. When you dare to be honest with yourself, you will gradually dare to tell the truth to others. Perhaps you will dare to detach yourself from this or that person, or you will succeed in overcoming an addiction or phobia, with or without help! The Devil as a year number card is not there to scare you. On the contrary, it encourages you and shows you that you will succeed in the coming year, provided you dare to see things for yourself and remain honest with yourself.


This is not the right year to simply confide in people. Scammers, liars and profiteers lurk. Try not to take up a particular offer too eagerly but first investigate whether what they claim is true and whether they can fulfil the promises they make at all. Do not be influenced by people with smooth talks and nice promises. A greedy attitude will definitely win you over, as will selfishness. Be open to people who have your best interests at heart and warn you of those who may want to take advantage of you. The Devil as tarot year card holds an important warning: keep your eyes peeled! If you are not (currently) working, try to apply the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


This coming year, you would be wise to reflect on your relationship and/or certain friendships. The Devil shows that something is clearly not right and that there is someone using someone else, a friendship being 'bought', a friendship or relationship suffering from jealousy and/or possessiveness, someone lying to you or having a wrong influence on you. Maybe you are afraid that - if you say something about it - the person in question will let you down, but... so what? Can you really do without him/her? Does he/she give you something you think you need and therefore you take his/her behaviour towards you at face value? Are you dependent on someone or is someone dependent on you? Do you keep coming to someone out of a sense of duty and actually want to get rid of this? Why do you think you cannot do this? The Devil is never a good sign, think about that this year. Is it someone close to you who is jealous and possessive, or... is it perhaps you yourself?


To tarot year card 15, the Devil, also belongs card 6: the Beloved. Please also read through the description of card 6, the Beloved, at your leisure, because this card will show you how to learn to be honest with yourself and make the right decisions for next year, because it is clear that you are facing an important choice.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Tower as tarot year card


Events next year:

In the coming year, you can count on an unexpected event that will turn everything upside down. Usually, this is an event that seems negative at first but then triggers completely new insights in you and causes you to start all over again. At first you may be terribly frightened, angry or sad, but afterwards you will be glad it happened. When you have the Tower as your tarot year card, the setbacks you face will have a reason. Don't resign yourself to it, but see it as a liberation! If this (unexpected) unpleasant event had not happened, you would probably have had a much harder time letting go of certain things in the long run.


When an unexpected event occurs that clearly makes you realise that it is time to draw a big line under something, say goodbye and start again, you may often be completely upset and/or panic. After all, you don't want to say goodbye or draw a line under something! In fact, precisely because you don't want to lose things, you may do everything you can to keep things as they are. Don't do this... the Tower appears on your path for a reason. That which has suddenly ceased no longer suits you. It is time to take a new path. Try not to panic but instead accept the loss, break-up or goodbye and recognise that it is actually better to call it a day. Start again with fresh courage and you will come out stronger!


If you are suddenly faced with an unexpected event - negative for you - in the coming year, such as the termination of your contract, a reorganisation or another situation that prevents you from carrying out your current work, do not panic. If it hadn't happened now, it would have happened at another time. It had been coming for some time, only you were not yet aware of it. For every unexpected change, accept it and try to see that it doesn't just happen. Every event has a reason. Try to understand the reason for this unexpected event. You might even see it as a liberation in the end! If you are not (currently) working, try to apply the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


In friendships and/or relationships, the Tower as tarot year card means that an unexpected event can cause a friendship or relationship to suddenly end. Perhaps the break-up has been imminent for some time but suddenly escalates because of a small matter and all the irritations and frustrations from the past are thrown out at once like a volcanic eruption that has been threatening for some time. Perhaps you can still prevent a permanent rift by talking about it calmly together and both of you expressing your displeasure towards each other in a mature way. Should the friendship or relationship not withstand this after all, you may be able to say goodbye in a normal way without too many quarrels and mutual recriminations.


To tarot year card 16: the Tower, also belongs card 7: the Sea Chariot. Please also read the description of card 7, the Chariot of the Sea, at your leisure, because this card shows you how you can learn to overcome an unexpected setback and then start again. So that you can learn from it, become stronger and still achieve your goal.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Star as tarot year card


Events next year:

The Star is a beautiful card that you really have nothing to worry about next year. The Star is a harbinger of prosperity, calmness, inner peace, happiness and hope. After a more difficult period, things will finally get better. You may have confidence in the future and you will get the chance to start implementing possible plans. Be optimistic and start working on new ideas; this is a great year for it. Not only are the stars favourable to you, so is this 'Star'! You are a source of peace and strength, you give and have a positive influence on other people. Your efforts will be rewarded and you can even expect help from an unexpected quarter. He who does good, meets good, says the Star: you will receive what you give. Next year will be a year of health, love, new opportunities and broadening your horizons!


Next year looks very good for you and because of this you will also feel fine, both physically and mentally. You are in a great mood and as a result you are more open to other people. You are helpful, generous and happy to let others share in your success. The only danger lurking in this is the fact that, unfortunately, there are also people with whom things will not go so well in the coming year and these individuals may try to take advantage of your goodness. Therefore, try to keep a close eye on who you give something to, whether this person is really worth your gift, or whether they are just taking advantage of you. Be helpful, but remember that your own energy does not come from a bottomless pit either. It is good to want to help others solve their problems, or offer a listening ear, but beware of wasting your own energy in doing so. You go and visit someone who is sad or has problems, cheerful and rested. He or she is depressed and tired, but when you return home in the evening, you actually feel a bit down and tired. In contrast, the person you have been talking to is happier and not tired at all. He or she probably needed energy and took it away from you! If you feel you are getting tired while listening to someone, who is probably drawing your energy away from you during the conversation, place a large glass plate between yourself and the person sitting opposite you, or cross your legs and cross your arms. This way, you are less 'open' and protect yourself from draining energy. Feel free to say no if someone invites you, if you know in advance that they will probably talk about themselves all evening and you do not feel like it. Saying "no" once does not make you a bad person! It is okay to think about yourself a little more often.


Believe in your dreams and don't settle for less. When you really want something, you will be able to achieve it, and next year is not a year to compromise. Be creative, have faith in your own abilities and keep pursuing your goal. Try to realise your dream: chances are you will succeed! Also, feel free to take a risk if you get the chance to invest in your ideal. Little can go wrong next year, provided you keep believing in yourself. Are you offered a job that pays well, but you still feel that it does not really suit you? Then feel free to say 'no' too. What good is a job that pays well but to which you reluctantly go every day? Believe in your dreams; where there is a will, there is a way, especially with the Star as an annual ticket! If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Next year is all about the Star, which means it will be a fantastic year in all aspects, including friendships and relationships. What you can expect is: new encounters, attraction, excitement and excitement or an improvement in your current relationship. You are selfless, reliable, optimistic, full of joy and hope. Everyone will enjoy being in your company in the coming year.


With tarot year card 17, the Star, there is also card 8: the Power. Read through the description of card 8, the Power, at your leisure: this card shows you how to realise your dreams by seizing your opportunity at the right time and believing in yourself.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Moon as tarot year card


Events next year:

This will be a difficult year. The Moon as a year card represents fear and uncertainty, problems that need to be resolved before moving forward. The Moon shows that there are certain fears and/or insecurities stored deep inside, which come to the surface during sleep, sometimes causing you to have bad dreams. Perhaps you have experienced something nasty in your childhood or shortly after, you have seen something nasty or you have been very afraid, and you have tucked away certain feelings and/or emotions very deeply. Perhaps somewhere deep inside there is still a lot of unprocessed sadness. You have hidden it so deeply that you don't even know where it is anymore, but... it is still there! Acknowledge your fears and insecurities; this is the only way to finally deal with them. Don't keep running away from them, but confront the past in the coming year. The only way to overcome fear is to accept that you have anxiety instead of masking or hiding your fear by pretending to be different. There is no need to be ashamed: everyone has fears and insecurities. Dare to be afraid, the sooner you will be able to overcome your fear so that you are no longer hindered or blocked by it. The Moon also represents intuition, so dare to follow your feelings. If you don't trust something, listen to that little voice inside; chances are you are right, because the Moon also stands for deception and illusion. So that too is something you should keep in mind this coming year.


In the coming year, deal with your fears and insecurities. If you are willing to get to know and understand yourself better, do not try to escape into a dream world. Beware of drugs and alcohol and keep both feet on the ground when working on your spiritual side. It is good to learn to trust your intuition, but there is a danger that you may become a little too suspicious and look for something behind everything, which may make you a bit paranoid. Try to find the golden mean between not blindly trusting everyone and distrusting everything and everyone. Be open to the spiritual and the invisible, but guard against floating. After all, we still live here, on earth. So we need to make sure we can function well here. A little help from the invisible, the spiritual, is good, but don't go all the way. When you think you feel a 'presence', first check if there is a window open somewhere, and if the light goes on and off, check the bulb first. Also, stay realistic...


In your work in the coming year, you might also feel anxious. Fear of failure, insecurity, exam anxiety or not trusting your colleagues. Don't try to avoid certain situations, but rise to the challenge! Perhaps the fear of the unknown is greater than the fear of failure. Therefore, confront your own fears and insecurities to find out that the leap into the unknown can also be a positive one! Still, next year is not the right time to make important decisions or serious plans for the future. Instead, next year it is important to listen a lot to your own feelings, your inner self, your dreams and your visions. Try out different things, including those you are unsure about or afraid of, and make a decision at a later date. But every challenge you face in the coming year is the first step towards a more secure future and every victory is one! If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


Don't let yourself get screwed in friendships and/or your relationship this coming year. Remember that the Moon also stands for deception, illusion, dishonesty and delusion. Follow your gut and trust your intuition when it tells you to distrust someone close to you. Also guard against jealousy and superficiality within your relationship.


To tarot year card 18: the Moon, also belongs card 9: the Hermit. Please also read the description of card 9, the Hermit, at your leisure, as this card shows you how to further your spiritual development and get to know yourself better, so that you can accept and eventually overcome your fears and insecurities.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Sun as tarot year card


Events next year:

With the Sun as your annual chart, you are in the right place: positivity, optimism, happiness, warmth, love and health. What more could you want? You will gain more self-insight in the coming year, become more confident and discover the sunny side of your own personality. Good news, success, growth and renewal can be expected in the year of the Sun, perhaps even a wonderful, sunny holiday or symbolically a holiday that brings you contentment and joy. The Sun is a true bringer of happiness. Whatever it is that you would like: in the coming year, there is a chance to realise your dreams!


The only thing to watch out for in the coming year is that you don't push yourself too hard. When everything seems to be going well, there is a danger that you will become overconfident and take unnecessary risks or overdo it physically. When everything is going well, make sure it stays that way. Accept that for once things are going well for you, cherish it and... don't analyse it too much. You may wonder: things are going so well now... when will the big setback come? Isn't it going too well? What is the price I have to pay for this? No, no, no... you have worked hard enough, done your best, and... this is 'just' your reward! Enjoy all the beauty around you, don't worry and... enjoy life! Of course, you are not supposed to become complacent. The fact that you are doing well does not mean that you will always be doing well. This is a reward for your own efforts of late, a sign that you are doing well, but if you become lazy and somewhat lazy, you will soon notice the turnaround. Cherish what you have now and don't forget how you got it! It is not a present, but a reward!


The Sun indicates that you will enjoy your work in the coming year. Creativity and implementing your ideas are definitely among the possibilities. The atmosphere at work will be good and obstacles can definitely be overcome. Convey your plans convincingly, enthusiastically and remain optimistic at all times. Positive thinking and a positive attitude will take you further than stressed chasing your plans and forcibly creating opportunities. You are better off being tidy, cheerful and benevolent without too many qualifications in your pocket, than a sourpuss with all the possible papers. In the work environment, the right attitude towards others is very important! The Sun as a year number card also represents knowledge, innovation and luck in gambling! If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


The Sun indicates an excellent love life and stands for mutual understanding and respect, cheerfulness, warmth and again: positivity! Radiate like the Sun and you will get back what you give: love, light and warmth, kindness, humour and cheerfulness. For those who wish for children, this card is a good omen! Marriage is also a possibility.


To tarot year card 19: the Sun, also belongs card 10: The Wheel of Fortune. Please also read the description of year card 10, The Wheel of Fortune, at your leisure, because this card shows you how you can learn to ensure that things will continue to go as well as they do now and how you can determine your own 'Destiny'. Year card 1, The Magician, also belongs in this list.


Tarot annual card


  1. The Judgement as a tarot year card


Events next year:

Next year, you can expect a significant change for the better. Were you perhaps caught up in a nasty situation, or did you feel uncomfortable in a relationship or job, next year will bring a release. A change for the better. Judgement does not represent closure, but change of the existing. So your relationship may become more enjoyable thanks to a good (and especially honest!) conversation, your job may become more interesting thanks to expansion of your position or transfer to another department, change of location, etc. The Judgement always points to a new opportunity, reviving something that had dormant. Judgement as a year number card represents a reward, new opportunities or picking up the thread after a hiatus or breather. This is a perfect year to finally voice your displeasure and have an adult discussion with the person (friend, girlfriend, partner, etc.) to whom you have long wanted to say what is bothering you. The rapport between the two of you will improve.


Make sure you are truly honest with those around you. Truly communicating is not always easy; an 'open' attitude and cosy 'chatting' with everyone is not yet the same as truly communicating. One can talk a lot but say nothing, whereas in the coming year it is very important to really communicate with those who are important to you and with whom you would like to improve relations.


In the coming year, feel free to speak up openly and honestly and express your own plans. Show clearly how you feel about your colleagues, and feel free to offer constructive criticism. When doing so, do not forget to recognise and mention your own shortcomings. Only criticising is usually not appreciated, but having a conversation in which you also freely admit your own mistakes will have a beneficial effect on the working atmosphere. Honesty lasts the longest, so do not do things that are not part of your job description that you do not really feel like doing. Don't make excuses, but be honest and calmly explain why you don't feel like it. If you make an excuse, the next time you are approached for the same odd job in between or you will be asked if you feel like working overtime, etc. Honesty is appreciated, as long as you present it calmly. You will notice.


Next year, it is quite possible that you will revive your relationship and have a good conversation with each other, clarifying what you both expect from this relationship and from each other. It is also possible that you enter into a relationship (again) with an ex-lover and that the coming year will turn out better than the last time you were together. What does remain important with Judgement as the year number card: communicate and be honest with each other. Don't be a murderer's fool, be honest about what you don't like in this relationship and feel free to say what behaviour you don't like from your partner. Do you dislike the fact that he/she spends nights at the PC or often comes home drunk? Would you like to do something together more often or have more time for yourself and your friends? Discuss everything, even your sex life; can anything be changed or improved? How. Talk about it, ask how he/she experiences things and also give your own opinion. Don't only look at the other person's shortcomings, but also at your own! The relationship will improve and your love for each other will grow! For friendships, an old friendship can be revived in the coming year, or a date can be made with someone you haven't seen for a while. Talk out any problems in a calm and mature way. New opportunities, new rounds with Judgement as your year card!


To year card 20: the Judgement, also belongs card 2: the High Priestess. Please also read the description of year number card 2, the High Priestess, at your leisure, because this card shows you how to learn to be honest with yourself and make the right decisions for next year.


Tarot annual card


  1. The World as tarot annual chart


Events next year:

This coming year, there is a good chance that you will take the final step in a project that is important to you. There is a completion of something so that you can then move on to something new, something bigger, something better. You have already learned and done a lot, and next year you can finally finish everything and move on to another and better level! A fine time is dawning for you, with little or no room for major worries; a positive outlook! Included in this map are any contacts abroad and/or long trips where you will have a good time.


Even if you have completed an important phase in your life, learned a lot and reached your goal, there are of course many people around you who have not yet made it as far as you have. Make sure you continue to see these people as equals and treat them as such. Sometimes you may use the word 'stupid', but what is stupid? Is someone who thinks differently from you stupid? Is someone who learns his lessons more slowly in this life stupid? Maybe he or she is just setting different priorities? In the coming year, continue to be open and understanding to everyone. This is precisely why you got to where you are today. Be grateful that you have been given and taken the opportunity to achieve your goals and do not put yourself above others because of this. Pride comes before a fall; even with the World as a year card....


In terms of work, you are in good shape: you are in your place and are good at what you do. Also in your work, important projects will be completed in the coming year, so you can start something else with fresh courage. The World points to success and a good working atmosphere. Maybe even a foreign (business) trip or foreign contacts.


You feel good in your relationship, you feel at home with your partner and you are happy together. You have both managed to find the right balance between love and friendship, and that's good! That is the right way to maintain a relationship: treat each other equally, be open and honest with each other and appreciate each other. Keep complementing each other and, above all, learning from each other. In this way, you will grow closer and closer to each other and a kind of twoness, a feeling of 'being at home', will emerge. If you do not yet have a partner, there is a good chance that you will meet someone in the coming year with whom you will click very well: you may feel as if you have known each other for years.


Year card 21, the World, also includes card 3: the Empress. Please also read the description of year card 3, the Empress, at your leisure, as this card shows you how to learn to enjoy your success and be grateful for what you have been able to achieve.


Tarot annual card


  1. (0.) The Fool as tarot year card


Events in the coming year:

You are at the beginning of something new; a new period of your life is upon you. Dare to go your own way, do not neglect yourself for others, but dare to do what you like and what feels right! Listen to your feelings and dare to take that leap of faith, but do not act rashly. It does not matter if you are at the very beginning of something (e.g. learning, a course, a new job or a new relationship) because it will be very good for you to start again with something completely new. It will greatly enhance your personal growth!


While it is a good year to start something new, it is wise to keep trusting your own intuition when doing so. You may want to start doing something new, but which you know in your heart that you may not be doing the right thing. In that case, don't do it! Starting something new is fine, as long as you are fully behind it, both with your feelings and your common sense!

If one thing doesn't work out, something else will come along that might suit you better. Remain responsible, thoughtful and do not "just" dive into something without thinking carefully beforehand whether you can make enough time for it, whether you are able to commit yourself fully to it, and whether it really feels good inside. Enthusiasm sometimes goes hand in hand with thoughtlessness, and it would be a pity if you made yourself or someone else happy at first, only to disappoint them later on. Also guard against indifference.


Perhaps you have doubts about whether you belong here. Maybe you want to do something different, but are not sure what yet. Dare to make your own decisions and don't let others steer you in a certain direction. No one can see into your heart or your head, so no one knows what you really want. Do not adapt to others, but make your own plan and follow your feelings. Start a new course if you like it, apply for a job if it feels right. Dare to go your own way, also when it comes to work. If you are not (currently) working, try applying the above advice in your daily life and in your dealings with others.


When it comes to relationships and/or friendships, it is also good to be open to new contacts. The people you feel comfortable with will naturally remain loyal, but from the people around you who you feel add less to your life, you can feel free to distance yourself a little more, leaving you more time to make new contacts. You may find that you want to cut off any contact with someone, but it could also very well be that you might just want a little breather and a little more sense of freedom. This year is a good year to be open to new contacts and to start new friendships or a relationship.


To year card 22 (0): the Fool, also belongs card 4: the Emperor. Please also read the description of year card 4, the Emperor, at your leisure, as this card shows you how to learn to be more assertive, set your limits and not let others control you.


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