Tarot Agenda

From 2008 to 2013, I had the pleasure of creating the tarot diary for publisher Schors entirely at my own discretion, a joy to do every year. Each edition has its own theme that is given extensive attention with a view to interpreting the tarot.

All tarot diaries are now sold out.

© The copyright of all tarot decks on this page belongs to Lo Scarabeo.


tarot calendar

Tarot Agenda 2008

The Tarot Agenda 2011 discusses all 78 cards of the tarot game, this year The Universal Goddess Tarot. The calendar explains the origins and meaning of the tarot game, various tarot readings and information on recent tarot publications. Each week, it discusses a card and relates its explanation to the wisdom and myths of goddesses, which is the theme of this diary.Tarot Agenda



tarot calendar

Tarot Agenda 2009

The Tarot Agenda 2011 discusses all 78 cards of the tarot game, this year the Lo Scarabeo Tarot. The calendar explains the origins and meaning of the tarot game, various tarot readings and information on recent tarot publications. Each week, it discusses a card from the Lo Scarabeo Tarot and relates its explanation to future predictions, which is the theme of this diary.

Tarot Agenda


tarot calendar

Tarot Agenda 2010

The Tarot Agenda 2011 discusses all 78 cards of the tarot game, this year the Tarot of the Sensual Wicca Tarot. The calendar explains the origins and meaning of the tarot game, various tarot readings and information on recent tarot publications. Each week, it discusses a card from the Sensual Wicca Tarot and relates its explanation to love and relationships, which is the theme of this diary.

Tarot Agenda


tarot calendarTarot Agenda 2011

The Tarot Agenda 2011 discusses all 78 cards of the tarot game, this year the tarot of the 78 Doors. The agenda explains the origins and meaning of the tarot deck, various tarot readings and information on recent tarot publications. Each week, it discusses a card from the 78 Doors Tarot and relates its explanation to wellbeing and health, which is the theme of this diary.

Tarot Agenda


tarot calendar

Tarot Agenda 2012

The Tarot Agenda 2011 discusses all 78 cards of the tarot game, this year the Wheel of the year Tarot. The calendar explains the origins and meaning of the tarot game, various tarot readings and information on recent tarot publications. Each week a card from the Wheel of the year Tarot is discussed and its explanation is related to intuitive development, which is the theme of this diary.

Tarot Agenda

tarot calendar

Tarot Agenda 2013

The Tarot Agenda 2011 discusses all 78 cards of the tarot game, this year the Law of attraction Tarot. The agenda explains the origins and meaning of the tarot game, various tarot readings and information on recent tarot publications. Each week it discusses a card from the Law of Attraction Tarot and relates its explanation to the Law of Attraction (the Secret), which is the theme of this diary.

Tarot Agenda




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