Meanings tarot cards intuitive development
What are the meanings of the tarot in terms of your own intuitive development? Anyone who is delving into their own intuitive skills is usually keen to know how they are developing in this area. After all, we don't all develop in the same way or at the same pace.
While some people go through life's lessons smoothly and do their homework neatly, others may have more difficulty with the subject matter. Or has simply neglected it for a while because his interests lay elsewhere. Just like at school, everyone learns his lessons in his own way, so everyone develops his own spirituality or intuition at his own pace.
By drawing just one card, you can see what your way is. And what you could possibly work on a bit more. Where do your own talents lie? Are you on the right track? What do you need to pay attention to? What needs extra attention and how will you proceed?
With a bit of practice and experience, the 78 cards of the tarot can be applied to anything, including certainly your personal developments and progress on the spiritual path!
- Sit with your cards in a place where the atmosphere is good, light a candle and/or incense if you feel comfortable doing so.
- With eyes closed, shuffle the cards as you ask your question.
- Spread the cards (blind) on the table.
- Open your eyes and choose the card that 'jumps out' for you.
- Grab this card and look up its meaning in the chart below.
The texts below have previously appeared in the book The Intuitive Tarot.
The book is now sold out, but can still be ordered second-hand via the link below.
Copyrights of the Rider Waite Tarot on this page: U.S. Games Systems.
Major Arcana
0. The Fool
Intuitive development: Je are at the beginning of a new phase in your life spiritually and are becoming increasingly aware of who you are, what you want and what you are capable of. However, you still have some doubts about which direction you will choose on the spiritual path.
Tip: LWhen making choices and choosing the right spiritual direction for you, listen to your feelings and do only what actually feels right for you.
1. The Magician
Intuitive development: Je possesses willpower, creativity and intellect. The perfect combination to achieve everything you want, especially on a spiritual level. Especially now is a good time to (continue to) work on your own personal growth because now is also the time to achieve the more difficult things. The Magician shows you that you can achieve anything you wish, as long as you believe in yourself. And you have every reason to do so!
Tip: Don't think you can do everything either, as sometimes the Magician represents self-aggrandisement. Keep reading a lot and stay open to learning from others too. No one is ever completely unlearned; not even a Magician....
2. The High Priestess
Intuitive development: Je have an innate talent for spiritual skills. You can empathise with others enormously well and know how to deal with this appropriately. You are curious in a healthy way, but can be discreet at the right time. Your independence and trust in your own intuition ensure that you will (continue to) develop well on the spiritual plane according to your own insights.
Tip: Prob yourself into astrology, commuting or the Tarot. You probably have talents in this area that you have not yet used (to the full).
3. The Empress
Intuitive development: Je are determined to develop yourself further, making good use of all the experiences you have gained so far and all the (life) lessons you have learned so far. You are guided by your feelings and will continue to grow because of this.
Tip: Laat yourself not influenced by the opinions of others; keep following your own path. Also, keep thinking of yourself and don't constantly consider others. This is a nice trait, but sometimes inhibits you in your own growth and progress.
4. The Emperor
Intuitive development: Je want to control everything as much as possible, both yourself and others. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and this sometimes bothers you. You like to be in control. You try to approach everything as practically as possible, thinking mainly with your mind instead of your feelings. And here's the rub. If you want to keep developing on a spiritual level, try thinking more with your heart instead of your head. Not every feeling can be analysed and not every inspiration has a logical explanation.
Tip: Jhe self-control and sense of responsibility can work to your advantage, but on a spiritual level, sometimes to your disadvantage. Don't be afraid to make a mistake sometimes. Sometimes you can actually learn a lot from certain mistakes and undefined premonitions turn out to lead to something very beautiful! It is a shame not to follow these premonitions just because you are afraid you could be wrong.
5. The High Priest
Intuitive development: Je are ready for new lessons, a new teacher, or... you have learned so much that you are ready to guide others on the spiritual path (maybe even both: you can help others and keep learning in the meantime). You are responsible and value values, traditions and beliefs but are sometimes a bit conservative when it comes to trying something new.
Tip: WWhen you are ready for something new, feel free to ask for some help. Everyone needs a push in the right direction to continue on their own. Others can also ask you for help. Do not be afraid to support others. You are ready and people will thank you. However, don't let others lean on you unnecessarily. Eventually, they also have to be able to do it on their own.
6. The Beloved
Intuitive development: Je have chosen a particular direction in the spiritual field, or now is the right time to make this choice. This is a choice you need to stand behind with all your heart and soul. It is also important that you love what you do.
Tip: Wees not uncertain, do not hesitate. As long as you continue to doubt, the signs or messages will remain vague. As long as you doubt what you see or feel, you will not be able to move forward. Don't try to analyse everything, but mostly dare to go by your feelings and first impressions. However, keep thinking about the consequences of what you intuitively decide! Act according to your heart without losing sight of the consequences.
7. The Zegewagen
Intuitive development: Je are making huge leaps forward with regard to your own spiritual development. Nevertheless, sometimes things do not go fast enough for you, which is a pity. With a bit more patience you could get even further than where you are now. Also, sometimes you don't seem to know which direction to take. You can do a lot, but sometimes you can't keep up and in your mind you are already much further ahead than you really are.
Tip: Wann when you have actually been able to make a choice, you can count on great success. Especially if you are able to keep yourself in check every now and then. Sometimes the time is just not right for certain things. It is very important not to force anything, but to wait until the right moment presents itself.
8. The Force
Intuitive development: Je are passionate about what you do. It is your calling and you are willing to give your all. You are also extremely powerful and that is a good thing. When you give advice and counsel to others, it is important that they have support from you.
Tip: Hhe important thing is to be and remain firm about what you see and feel. When someone doesn't seem to be able to do anything with your advice, don't get distracted but don't try to force anything on them either. Although you are on the right track and have already learned a lot, patience is something you could work on a bit more. Let the insights you have received and passed on sink in quietly with the other person.
9. The Hermit
Intuitive development: Je have learnt an awful lot. Not only about others but also about yourself. You now know very well what you want and, more importantly, what you don't want. That is fine. Only when you know for sure what you want can you develop optimally in this. And also support others, guide them.
Tip: Bspend as much time alone as possible. Don't let yourself be manipulated or steered. Don't do things you don't feel like doing and dare to be clear about this. If you don't feel like going to a busy party or annoying job, don't make up an excuse. They will invite you again next time or ask you for help and then? Then you will make up another excuse to get out of it. This will make you feel uncomfortable in the end and these white lies could hinder your further development. Calmly say 'no' when you are asked to do something you do not feel up to. And tell them honestly why. If people can't or won't understand, it's their problem, not yours. If you haven't meditated before, now is a good time to start doing it or get more into it. It is a good time to get to know yourself better.....
10. Wheel of Fortune
Intuitive development: Je feel that certain developments are taking too long. Ideally, you would like to take action now, but at the same time you are in doubt about which direction to take next. You need change, but which one?
Tip: Vfollow your gut and don't just wait for a certain change to present itself. That will not happen. You bring about change mainly by stepping in or out of something at the right moment. This also applies to your own spiritual development. Sign up for a course, study a subject that appeals to you and in which you want to develop further, ask for help if necessary, it doesn't matter, but visit something.
11. The Justice
Intuitive development: GRighteousness is a high priority for you. You act according to your conscience as much as possible and are very quick to see through those who do not. You have learned a lot from the past. Also from your own mistakes. The very mistakes you have made have made you think (and act) differently. What others have done to you has also brought you to insights. Your past has shaped you into who you are today. You are now to the point where you are able to take responsibility for your own actions.
Tip: Bbody as objectively as possible. When someone asks you for help, go into it 'openly' and be aware at all times that you only hear the story from one side. Do not judge or condemn, but give tailor-made advice without putting the blame on anyone.
12. The Hanged Man
Intuitive development: MOften, you feel that your development is at a standstill. Use this pause to think things through. Why does your spiritual development seem to have come to a standstill? Are you working on something that doesn't suit you? Are you consumed by something (or someone) else? Try to keep thinking about yourself and try to change certain things in your life so that you have more time to work on your own personal growth.
Tip: HDon't get old thinking patterns or old beliefs. Sometimes, after a while, you start to doubt certain things and your opinion about them changes. Allow this to happen. Who knows, maybe new thoughts will give you new ideas and have a very positive influence on your personal growth.
13. Death
Intuitive development: Je are ready for a new phase in your life spiritually. You may be ready to conclude certain work or the time has come to turn your back on certain ways of thinking. Either way, this card represents a major change. A transformation. Give your personal development a hefty boost by really bringing to an end what you have actually wanted to stop doing for some time. Only then will there be room to open yourself up to the new.
Tip: You may not dare to close the old completely because you don't know what will take its place. On the other hand, by closing down the old, you make room for the new. After an action always follows a reaction and after cause always comes a consequence. By closing something now that you haven't been happy with for a while, you set the energy in motion for the next thing. Compare it to a lock, if it stays closed nothing happens. The water stands still, there is no flow, everything always stays the same.
14. The Moderation
Intuitive development: Je are at a point where you feel completely well balanced. This will definitely benefit your personal development. You have also learnt an enormous amount from your own past and experiences. You've probably been learning and reading about spiritual matters for a while, which means you've also gained a lot of experience in this area.
Tip: Zorg make sure you keep a proper balance between the earthly and the spiritual. Keep trusting your intuition as well as common sense. Make sure at all times that one side does not take over, causing the balance to be lost (again?). You are doing just so well, try to hold on to this. Also keep taking care of sufficient rest and relaxation so that you keep feeling good mentally as well as physically.
15. The Devil
Intuitive development: Mould you sometimes feel incredibly drawn to black magic or other dark things. Things like lies, addiction, greed and dishonesty are also represented by the Devil. Beware that these things do not become an obsession that prevents you from keeping both feet on the ground. There is a danger of letting yourself go with all the consequences.
Tip: Beexamine for yourself why you feel attracted to certain non-pure things. And above all, what you could do about this. Make a choice and follow your heart until it matches your conscience again. After all, you know the difference between right and wrong. Why should you choose the latter? And why do things at all that harm your body or mind?
16. The Tower
Intuitive development: Momently, you are brimming with energy but chances are that a (unexpected) event or setback will require you to adjust all your sails. However, you will feel very good about this afterwards. Keep trusting that everything will work out in the end. Sometimes it is necessary to (learn to) face certain things, however disappointing this may be. Only then can you move on in a better way. Building further on a perceived certainty leads to nothing.
Tip: Sta open to new insights and dare to let go of old beliefs. Experience this not as loss but as gain. Sometimes it is necessary to tear something down and rebuild it. Complete cleansing (fasting, detoxification, sauna visits) could also make you feel reborn. Both your body and your mind sometimes need a complete renovation so that you can continue learning and not stand still. After all, stagnation is regression.
17. The Star
Intuitive development: Hhe looks like you are ready for complete surrender. You believe and not just a little bit. You stand by what you believe and have an optimistic, positive and hopeful attitude. Above all, you try to see the good in people and are forgiving. You are doing good, but watch out that people do not abuse your goodness. If you only give, there is a chance that you will one day end up empty-handed; that does not feel good. Feel free to express your limits every now and then. Not only yourself but also others will ultimately benefit from this. Everyone needs boundaries. It gives a sense of security when you know how far you can go.
Tip: Bbody work on the future. Try to work out your plans and realise your dreams. Pay attention to the stars, if necessary. Take an astrology course if you are interested in this or read all about your own star sign, ascendant and/or those of your partner, children, etc. New insights are always welcome. After all, no one is ever done learning.
18. The Moon
Intuitive development: Je are quite sensitive by nature so you pick up a lot from your surroundings. You also sometimes find it scary to take the plunge. Unknown territory is not your favourite destination. As a result, you sometimes get stuck. Fear of the unknown does not usually come out of the blue. Try to identify for yourself what causes your insecurity in certain areas. Often it is about something that happened in the past. Only when you can name why you are often so emotional or anxious can you start to process this and move on in a better way. As long as you keep avoiding the confrontation with what you are afraid of, the fear will continue to overwhelm you at the most unexpected moments.
Tip: Laat not be influenced by others and keep trusting your feelings when you have doubts about someone's good intentions or sincerity. From time to time, if necessary with the help of a dream dictionary, try to explain your dreams. Often during sleep, our own subconscious emerges in dreams. The things that concern us unconsciously show themselves and what we have experienced during the day is processed. Explaining your own dreams can sometimes offer you many new insights. Both in yourself and certain situations you are currently in.
The Sun
Intuitive development: Je focus mostly on the positive things spiritually and will only continue to grow as a result. Despite your positive attitude, you don't let people walk all over you or take advantage of you and that's a good thing! You have a warm aura and are an inspiration to many. Creativity is one of your strengths. It would be nice if you could do something with this.
Tip: WMake sure you don't run ahead of yourself. Do good, meet good, but haste is rarely good. Keep doing the things you like to do, but take your time. Have you ever thought of doing something with children? (E.g. child therapist, kindergarten teacher, nanny parent, foster parent, nanny parent, read-aloud parent, stay-at-home parent, etc.) Pay attention to your own Inner Child. It will do you good!
20. The Judgement
Intuitive development: Je have learned an awful lot and now have quite a bit of self-knowledge. You know what you want and especially what you don't want. You know where your talents lie and where your shortcomings are (everyone has them). Nevertheless, you keep looking ahead, remain eager to learn and have learned to control yourself when it comes to greed, lust, jealousy and other nature-related issues. This attitude makes it increasingly easy for you to be happy. Now that is wealth!
Tip: You are homesick for something from the past and would like to revive it. What do you mind? Is there perhaps also something you have never done before but have thought about (maybe even several times)? This is a good time to actually do something with it.
21. The World
Intuitive development: Eindise you have come to the point where you know who you are, what you are, how you are. And much more importantly; you have accepted this. You have accepted yourself with all your talents and shortcomings. You are no longer afraid of being yourself. No longer afraid of what others will think of you. That is freedom! However, be careful not to elevate yourself above others. The harder you will eventually fall again and have to start all over again.
Tip: NYou have learnt so much about others and yourself, it might be a good time to give some creative form to this. Have you ever thought of painting (intuitively or otherwise) or writing a book? Pottery, modelling, soldering, welding or creating art in any way with any materials? Either way, it's a great time to start a whole new chapter in your life.
The Minor Arcana, Staves
Rod Ace
Intuitive development: Dhe time is ripe to develop your spiritual aptitude. Do not postpone (any longer) what has been coming for so long. When it becomes clear what your talent is in the spiritual field and you stick to your values, you are about to gain a lot of self-knowledge and through this you will get to know others better. And to 'see through'.
Tip: PTry to understand everything you see, hear or experience. Try to see why you see, hear and experience this so you can take advantage of it.
Rod two
Intuitive development: Je have already learned a lot, yet you may (still) feel like you have a long road ahead of you and sometimes doubt what you can do. Maybe you (still) need a little help in the form of tutor or mentor. Feel free to ask for this help too. You will be allowed to receive it at the right time and tailored to your needs.
Tip: Hhe more often you make an effort to help others, the more knowledge you acquire, the stronger your spiritual aptitude will emerge. It is not necessary to completely obliterate yourself, but putting the interests of others (briefly) in the foreground is usually highly appreciated.
Rod three
Intuitive development: Slittle by little, you gain more confidence in your own abilities and your doubts fade into the background. You have laid a stable foundation for yourself that makes you come across as stable, too, to others. They will trust you and be happy with what you have to tell them.
Rod four
Intuitive development: HIt does you good to know that others appreciate your help and that you will meet the right people who appreciate you for who you are and appreciate your help. You may also meet people who can teach you more spiritually themselves.
Tip: Waak sure that you overexert yourself by giving too much of yourself during meetings and/or readings. Try to take a break where you leave the spiritual for a while to avoid too much energy loss and 'ground' yourself a bit more before you are forced to take a rest later.
Rod five
Intuitive development: Hhe last thing desired in the spiritual field is a 'competition'. Everyone has their own qualities and their own specialities. Nor should there be any 'bread envy'. Every therapist has their own clients. Either it clicks or it doesn't.
Tip: Prob do not try to prove yourself or be tempted to compete with other therapists. Positivity is a prerequisite. A positive attitude and positive thoughts, also attract positive energy. Disagreement or jealousy within a group or with colleagues always radiates a form of negativity and should be avoided at all times. Apart from the fact that it costs unnecessary energy, it can also cause nasty (unwanted) surprises!
Bar six
Intuitive development: Na lot of effort (going through a difficult period), you notice that certain skills in the spiritual field are better for you. People around you also notice this and see you grow.
Tip: Bbody be open to new experiences. Possibly your personal development will take an unexpected turn as special and especially unexpected events will take place.
Rod seven
Intuitive development: On spite of some people not trusting you or not agreeing with certain decisions you took, you will increasingly gain attention in a positive way and it will turn out that you acted correctly and made the right choices. Your development is taking bigger forms.
Rod eight
Intuitive development: Onexpectedly, your spiritual development takes a giant leap! That which you have long wanted, or a goal you have long envisioned, suddenly becomes a reality.
Tip: Bbody pay close attention to who has good intentions and who does not. Sometimes, haste is seldom good and you overlook important things. Stay alert.
Bar nine
Intuitive development: MPerhaps you didn't trust in yourself for a while or you closed yourself off because of previous less pleasant or good spiritual experiences, so that you no longer dared to trust your intuition and your development in this area stagnated. This will now change.
Tip: DThrough new experiences and developments, your self-confidence will grow and you will discover that without evil 'good' would not exist either, thus reducing your fear and insecurity. Nevertheless, keep protecting yourself from the negativity of others that they may try to project onto you.
Bar ten
Intuitive development: MPerhaps you need to take a break, take a step back spiritually. You are busy with all kinds of things at once, so sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees.
Tip: Ptry to focus on one thing at a time, make a choice and specialise in this. You will then be able to start developing optimally and continue your development at a higher level. But... take it slow and take your time.
Bars Squire
Intuitive development: Je learn to concentrate better and better, or at least notice that better concentration is needed to achieve your goals. Stay alert and remain open to unexpected 'messages'.
Tip: PTry to find a good balance. Wanting to explain or necessarily bring about spiritual events can actually stagnate your development. Work on your concentration, but do not expect too much within a (too) short time and do not force anything!
Rod Knight
Intuitive development: Eand certain impatience takes hold of you. Slow down! You are clearly ready for change, but take your time otherwise your actions will only have a negative impact or you will not achieve the desired result.
Tip: Eand change of course is desirable and certainly advisable, but don't be too impulsive. When you are ready, this change in your development will happen naturally.
Rod Queen
Intuitive development: You thoroughly enjoy your own development spiritually. You feel connected to nature and are happy to help others. You are able to perceive both good and evil, but sometimes you forget a little too much about yourself.
Tip: You gain an awful lot of experiences but do not always take care of yourself in the process. Beware of exhaustion. When you are at work, you are brimming with energy, but afterwards it often wanes. Keep protecting and recharging yourself and take sufficient rest.
Rod King
Intuitive development: Hhe development of you spiritually is definitely going in the right direction. You take your responsibilities and think well ahead about what might happen if you do or don't do something. Excellent!
Tip: WWhenever you see or feel something, take it for granted and don't try to analyse everything. When there is no 'logical explanation' for a certain phenomenon, you can assume that you have gained another experience on the intuitive plane. Just go with the flow and you will notice how easily certain things will come to you in the long run.
Minor Arcana, Swords
Swords Ace
Intuitive development: Je get more and more insight into how and why. Why you 'see' certain things and what you can do with them.
Tip: Ptry to make a decision for yourself about the direction you want to go in spiritually. Perhaps it is important to say goodbye to certain thoughts or insecurities. Or persons that hinder you in your personal development.
Swords two
Intuitive development: JYou learn more and more how to pass on the messages you receive in a tactful way, while switching off your feelings. It will affect you less and less personally in the future because you learn to put into perspective which emotions are your own and which belong to someone else.
Tip: Bbody trying to see through others. A friendly smile is not always as friendly as it initially appears. Pay attention to other details like eyes, posture, voice. The overall picture is important.
Swords three
Intuitive development: You learn more and more to surround yourself with positivity instead of negativity and this definitely has a beneficial effect on your own development.
Tip: Verwork previous negative experiences that have caused you grief. As long as you are (too) emotional yourself, you are also more likely to take on grief from others and there is a chance that you will cry at the slightest thing.
Swords four
Intuitive development: Lslowly but surely you begin to learn how to help others simply by teaching people to think positively and see themselves as such.
Tip: Wees not afraid of doing something wrong. As long as you act from your own positive thoughts and feelings, in good conscience, nothing can go wrong. Have faith in yourself, that's half the battle.
Swords five
Intuitive development: DOne becomes wise by trial and error, and in the spiritual realm, too, it sometimes happens that you get it wrong. This card shows that you don't let yourself get down so easily and that you are very capable of overcoming disappointment.
Tip: Ga never argue with others who think they know it all better. Acknowledge that you don't know everything either but remember that no one ever learns. Not even the know-it-alls.
Swords six
Intuitive development: VA change of environment can do wonders for your spiritual development. Look for a safe, restful (work) place and make sure that others do not project their negativity onto you, giving you the feeling of not being able to work purely because of this, of not understanding the messages you receive or of having to 'flee'.
Tip: Bedenjoy that you are only fully ready for new lessons or a new task when you can put your own past to rest.
Sifting swords
Intuitive development: Wabove all, be honest with yourself. Try to actually believe what you see, hear or 'get through' in another way, but don't exaggerate things by 'floating' or 'making things up' because you want to pass on messages to others. You will never be able to develop optimally if you fool yourself (and/or others) and want to see a message in everything or, on the contrary, question everything you see. Both settings are not conducive to good spiritual development.
Tip: Kand your own responsibilities and never shift them onto others. When something goes wrong, you yourself always have a part in it. Keep facing this honestly at all times.
Swords eight
Intuitive development: Je have so much inside you, but it doesn't come out. This is because you are holding back your own development with your own thoughts. Thoughts are forces and if you think you can't do something, you can't do it. And vice versa.
Tip: Pep yourself up and try not to feel self-pity. From self-pity, no one has ever moved forward. You tie yourself up, so to speak, with negative thoughts that pull you into a downward spiral. Leave that!
Swords nine
Intuitive development: Je learn to face things better and better. Not only the beautiful and good things, but also the sad and angry things. Your fear subsides and you learn to put things into perspective and to follow your intuition. Two things that need to be in balance with each other, and with you they are getting better and better.
Tip: Beexamine what you are worried about and which worries are unfounded. Release these worries immediately and find a solution for the grounded ones so that you can continue working on your own spiritual development as soon as possible. Worries, whether well-founded or not, are a brake!
Swords ten
Intuitive development: You learn to control situations better and better and to exert your own influence on them! The hardest part is behind you; your development will follow an upward trend from now on!
Tip: Hoe more you can leave your problems behind, the clearer your (self) understanding becomes. Grief clouds.
Swords Squire
Intuitive development: Je get increasingly clear insights into what people try to keep to themselves. This card can be a warning to yourself as well as to another. Gaining dexterity in a particular skill can sometimes lead to 'play' and even 'cheating'.
Tip: Bbody pure work and don't use tricks. But... also don't be fooled by another person who has dealt with this axe more often....
Swords Knight
Intuitive development: Je are no longer afraid, on the contrary. Sometimes you may even get angry when something or someone (from the hereafter or from the here and now?) tries to confront you. Or you try it yourself in a somewhat (too) direct way.
Tip: BBody calm at all times, take it easy and don't let yourself be put out of sorts either.
Swords Queen
Intuitive development: Je are increasingly able to express your feelings and thereby free yourself from stuck emotions. Your knowledge of the spiritual grows and grows and grows, but... which side do you choose? The positive or the negative?
Tip: Soms, this card is associated with a witch or witchcraft. You may be predisposed to Wicca or Paganism, but... try to focus mostly on the positive, however much you may be able to. Remember that negative 'spells' or rituals never go unpunished. Not even for someone who knows and can do a lot...
Swords King
Intuitive development: Jow talent is definitely thought power. By visualising your wishes, you can eventually fulfil them. However, be careful what you wish for. Soon you will get it and it will turn out completely different from what you actually intended...
Tip: Don't get involved with dark powers!
Minor Arcana, Cups
Cups Bait
Intuitive development: You are comfortable in your own skin, which also makes you open to others and able to help selflessly. The beauty of this is that you are also able to help and 'heal' yourself from stress or other negative energy. So don't forget yourself and take care of your own needs too.
Tip: Express your intuition in creative ways: painting, drawing, writing, modelling, making music, etc. You have the talent to be able to go into a trance and intuitively create beautiful things.
Cups two
Intuitive development: JYou learn to be more and more open to the signals you receive, regardless of what you think of them. You also learn to feel others more and more, which makes you better able to pick up on their emotions, feelings and even thoughts and allows you to put yourself in their shoes.
Tip: Doeach some telepathic exercises together with someone else. You will see that you score well!
Cups three
Intuitive development: Jhe spiritual development is reaching a peak. What you are trying to specialise in is getting better and better. The training of your intuition really begins to bear fruit!
Tip: Bbody especially be open to your own inner voice, your own intuition. Listen to the 'gut-feeling' that gives you confirmation about something that does or does not feel right even though your mind sometimes says otherwise.
Cups four
Intuitive development: Jhe feeling of standing still for a while. You may be somewhat dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and are so preoccupied with this that you may not see other possibilities while they are certainly there.
Tip: Besteed a little more attention to your understanding, compassion and sympathy for others. As long as you are mostly preoccupied with yourself, with especially the things you don't like and thus all in all have some negative thoughts or feelings, your personal development will stagnate.
Cups five
Intuitive development: Je are probably not very comfortable in your own skin, which can affect your own development. Perhaps you yourself are still feeling a lot of grief about something or someone you lost, or you are uncertain about certain choices you made and are paying more attention to grief than to your growth.
Tip: Bbody have confidence in yourself and in your own abilities. Your own development is really in your own hands. You always make your own choices about how you want to feel and how you want to move forward. Don't let sadness or uncertainty dominate and, above all, don't get stuck in them. This creates 'noise' on the line to the subconscious, to your intuition. Once you have made a decision that is right for you, your personal growth will also be stimulated again and your personal development will continue.
Cups six
Intuitive development: MIt is possible that you had paranormal experiences as a child and that you often think back to these incidents. Perhaps now you can also place things better and understand better why certain things happened or why you were shown certain things.
Tip: Bedengine what you used to be afraid of or what you really liked and, based on that, continue your development. Overcome your fears and enjoy what you feel comfortable with. And grow!
Sifting cups
Intuitive development: Mishould you find it difficult to choose from all the options that are now coming your way. Try to specialise in what you do best, the more likely you are to succeed. Tap into your talent and make a choice. An unexpected psychic experience will be able to give you more insight into this, but don't set too high expectations for yourself; then you can only end up disappointed.
Tip: Bbody with both feet on the ground. It is good to (continue to) develop but I always advise everyone against 'floating'. After all, we live in the here and now. Spirituality is a good tool but should never take over. Avoid stimulants to get 'in the mood', you don't need them at all....
Cups eight
Intuitive development: Je are in the process of breaking away from (wrong) habits and/or certain beliefs and are opening up more and more to the spiritual. You may also be faced with a choice and find it difficult to choose a particular spiritual direction.
Tip: LLet no one influence you in choosing the right direction for you. Follow your gut and gradually it will become clear whether you have taken the right step. You can always change, but if you let your intuition guide you, chances are you will automatically make the right decision.
Cups nine
Intuitive development: Dit is a good time to pay more attention to your personal development, or rather to enjoy what you have already achieved so far. You are capable of helping others, but... don't always let them ask for it themselves. When you feel that someone could really use help, feel free to take the first step and gently sound out how they feel without immediately overwhelming someone with unsolicited advice.
Tip: Dit is a good time to give or undergo healing. The chances of a positive outcome are especially high right now. Keep ensuring a good balance between body and mind and avoid overdoing it in all areas....
Cups ten
Intuitive development: Je are happy with what has happened to you and what you have already achieved spiritually. Keep working on your personal growth in this area in a positive way and don't take anything for granted. Stay grateful and remain open to new (life) lessons.
Tip: Dhe chances are that you are entering a new phase concerning your personal development and can start to close an old phase. You are ready for new experiences at a higher and probably better level. Beautiful things are coming your way, enjoy them!
Goblets Squire
Intuitive development: Je start to become increasingly aware of the fact that your inner voice, your intuition, almost always speaks the truth and that you don't have to question what the voice says so often (anymore). Especially in your dreams, you see and hear things that contain a message for you (or for someone else!). Try to be open to this and remember your dreams so you can pass on the message to the person for whom it is intended after waking up.
Tip: Wbe aware that, however intuitive you are, you still have a lot to learn. You have everything you need to become a good therapist, but after all, no one ever learns! Meditating is something that could benefit you a lot at this very moment. Do this on your own or in a guided group, whatever you feel most comfortable with. Chances are you will see/hear things you did not expect but which will make you very happy!
Goblets Knight
intuitive development: Op this moment, the most important thing is that you enjoy what you are doing. That you love what you are learning or putting into practice. Everything you do is done with love and pleasure and that is already half the battle! In addition, you have great empathy, which is indispensable if you want to develop spiritually.
Tip: Je radiates gentleness, kindness and love that makes others trust you and gladly surrender their hearts and souls to you. However, keep thinking of yourself as well and don't give away all your energy. Recharge yourself from time to time, relax and give yourself as much love as you give to others!
Cups Queen
Intuitive development: Hhe is fine that you are developing yourself, after all, no one ever stops learning, but it is fair to say that you are a 'natural talent'. A born, natural therapist. You often have premonitions, prophetic dreams and maybe even visions that come true. You also possess great empathy, a lot of caring and a hefty dose of creativity.
Tip: Je are very receptive and there sometimes lies the danger. Therefore, keep protecting yourself from less positive energies and/or entities that also sense that you are receptive and want to abuse this. As long as you stay positive, keep thinking positive, you will attract mostly positive energy. See this only as a small warning, because you are definitely doing good!
Cups King
Intuitive development: Je are particularly sensitive and possess the power to provide everyone with appropriate advice. This is thanks to your great empathy, compassion and creative thinking. You are even capable of healing, so if you haven't thought about this yet, a course in Reiki, magnetisation or other means of natural healing is absolutely recommended.
Tip: Je are a rock for many, a confidant, but also continue to take good care of yourself. Be moderate with food and drink and make sure you get enough (night) rest. Keep fulfilling your responsibilities, especially towards yourself!
Minor Arcana, Pentacles
Pentacles Ace
Intuitive development: Je have found something that you really enjoy and also appear to be very good at. You are at the start of yet another phase in your development with very good prospects for the future.
Tip: Je are completely open to the spiritual and, as a result, you will notice that your personal talents in this area are increasingly developing. Especially good sensing of persons/situations and telepathy are among your personal talents in this area.
Pentacles two
Intuitive development: Je generally adapt well to different situations and/or different consultants who come to you for advice. Yet you don't really seem to have found one particular specialisation that you want to devote yourself to, to develop further. Bear in mind that it is better to do one or two things really well than six things halfway.
Tip: Bbody alert to what you get through from the Spirit or through other channels. Always make the right choice by feeling without analysing too much. Doubt always causes 'noise'. Also on the line to your own subconscious.
Pentacles three
Intuitive development: You are truly on the right path to becoming a reputable and respected therapist(e). You are committed to the full 100%, learning from your own experiences as well as those of others and using all your acquired knowledge in a positive way.
Tip: You manage to expand your innate talents again and again by continuing to learn and always being open to new experiences in the spiritual field. You grow and keep growing if you continue in this way.
Pentacles four
Intuitive development: Je are currently too frenetic in developing yourself spiritually. Your (too) great need for certainty at the moment actually puts a brake on your own development. When you want to explain everything you feel or see, you block your innate intuition. Dare to trust your feelings more, and try not to analyse them all the time (why does it feel right/not right?) Looking for proof of what you see or feel is also counterproductive. Often what you foretold or foresaw only falls into place much later, the universe decides when predictions or premonitions come true. Not you yourself.
Tip: Prob try not to manipulate or direct the spiritual. This will be counterproductive. Take a look in the mirror: why do you question everything you 'feel'? Stop analysing everything and dare to trust more. Also and especially in yourself!
Pentacles five
Intuitive development: You seem to be in a slump with regard to your own development. Perhaps you don't feel so comfortable in your own skin, you don't feel optimally healthy (physically or mentally), you feel a bit insecure and you actually need some help to pull you out of your slump. Dare to ask for that help and find someone who can guide you (temporarily) until things get better again.
Tip: Je prefer to go it alone and don't want to bother others with your requests for help and advice. This is the wrong attitude. If you keep 'muddling through' on your own, things will not get better, but only go further downhill. If you are honest with those around you, they will gladly help you!
Pentacles six
Intuitive development: You try to help others the best you can, but sometimes lose track of what the consultant needs and what you give him/her. Sometimes this card represents a too businesslike attitude towards spirituality, sometimes it represents a too generous attitude. You can best judge for yourself which meaning applies to you.
Tip: Bbody ensure that the help given remains in balance with what the requester needs. Don't give too little, but don't give too much either. Try to assess exactly what the consultant needs and try to adjust your help accordingly. If you do too much, it will cost you too much energy which can be detrimental to your own health. If you give too little, the consultant will not be satisfied and will tell others, which can bring your good name into disrepute.
Pentacles seven
Intuitive development: You seem to feel that your development on a spiritual level is at a standstill for a while. You are doing your best but the results you want are taking a while to come. This may cause you to lose motivation and tend to do nothing for a while.
Tip: Force nothing, but keep doing what you are doing calmly and, above all, at your own pace and have faith that when the time is right you will automatically move another step forward. Some phases take a long time, some a bit shorter. Sometimes things move fast, sometimes slowly. Accept this and keep enjoying what you are doing without having too high expectations. Patience is a virtue, but it is always rewarded in the end.
Pentacles eight
Intuitive development: You are at the start of something new (again). You may be trying to master a new technique or way of working. It may cost you a lot of time and energy, but the pleasure you take in it is evident and will ensure that you can slowly but surely expand this new interest into something bigger.
Tip: Bbody trust your own intuition and your own abilities. You're definitely on the right track, so by all means continue on your chosen path. Haste is seldom good and why rush? You have all the time in the world to let this grow into something beautiful!
Pentacles nine
Intuitive development: You feel good about what you do and know for yourself that you have made the right choices. Working intuitively becomes more and more easy for you and you need to make less and less effort because you trust yourself more and more without wanting to analyse all the messages you receive (from your subconscious or from the Other Side). That's the spirit! People know your name by now and often come to you for help of their own accord without you having to ask. Sometimes it even gets too much for you and you tend to withdraw or even close yourself off completely from your surroundings.
Tip: BDespite your success, keep both feet on the ground and make sure your intentions are and remain good and pure. Be practical with your talents and keep realising that you are no better than anyone else; after all, everyone has their own qualities.
Pentacles ten
Intuitive development: You have learned an awful lot and are clearly ready to share this acquired knowledge with others. You have gained much more self-confidence and are confident enough about yourself and the situations you face to be able to assist others and... actually enjoy it. Even in front of groups of people, you stand your ground and people enjoy both you (as a person) and what you have to tell them.
Tip: Je are now able to manage all possible situations related to spirituality. Keep observing yourself, but above all keep having fun in what you do and helping people with the right intentions.
Pentacles Tawny
Intuitive development: You are constantly open to relearning new things. You are also willing to work hard on yourself and your own spiritual development. You are also helpful, can sense others well and always see new opportunities to progress spiritually, both for yourself and for others.
Tip: Je are doing very well. Perhaps you could consider starting a new study on a spiritual level again. Also, try meditating more often; you will be amazed at the insights you can get during a good meditation.
Pentacles Knight
Intuitive development: You are stable and reliable, but sometimes have trouble following your intuition. This is because you are quite grounded, perhaps even a bit 'too'. You are steadfast and also have a lot of need for certainty which can sometimes make you a bit slow in interpreting your feelings correctly, because you want to be sure of your feelings before you dare to actually take action.
Tip: Durf to trust your intuition a bit more without trying to analyse everything to see why something feels right or not. Try to follow your feelings a bit more; something feels good or not. The why doesn't really matter that much. Follow your heart! Animals also follow their instincts without analysing a certain restlessness or fear. They simply live by their feelings, which usually allows them to escape unforeseen dangers as well.
Pentacles Queen
Intuitive development: You are caring, reliable and protective by nature. If you keep following the right path, you will develop better and faster spiritually. Especially when you can take on a nurturing role, you are completely in your element. Preferably in a domestic setting.
Tip: Vdelve into natural medicine. Plants, herbs, oils. Nature has a lot to offer in the field of healing and you can learn to work with it very well if you are willing to open your mind. The positive forces of nature are absolutely suitable for you to learn to work with so that you can offer both yourself and others appropriate help.
Pentacles King
Intuitive development: You are protective, practical-minded and reliable. In addition, you possess more than enough courage to try something new every time and go one step further. Especially on a spiritual level. You will find that you will become increasingly successful in what you are immersing yourself in and can even become one of the better ones in this field. This is because you are not only willing (and able) to offer others appropriate help, but also know how to set your own limits.
Tip: Althing to do with coaching, counselling or healing is something you could very well learn. Choose a particular direction to specialise in so you can start your own practice or expand your own practice with it.
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