Tarot life stage cards calculation

Tarot life phase cards give you insight into how you have gone through and will go through the four phases of your life. What might you have done wrong during these phases but learnt from? What makes you feel good and what exactly should you avoid to keep yourself feeling good?

On this page, I explain how to calculate your personal life stage cards.


The text below appeared earlier in the book: Numerology and Tarot in a pinch.

The book is now sold out, but can still be ordered second-hand via the link below.

Numerology and Tarot in a jiffy


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Copyrights of the Rider Waite Tarot on this page: U.S. Games Systems.



First life stage map calculation

The result of this calculation represents the tarot card that shows in which sign the first 30 years of your life stands or has stood. For example: what you learned or had to learn.

30 years is a long time, but we often find that it is precisely in the first 30 years of our lives that we regularly make the same mistakes or attract the same kind of people (who are far from making us happy) before we know who we really are, what we really want and learn how to change things.

Second life stage map calculation

The result of this calculation represents the tarot card that shows in which sign your life of your 30th to your 39th year stands or has stood. Here, you can see whether you have made progress on the first stage of life. Whether you have learnt your life lessons or whether you still have certain obstacles to overcome.

Third life stage map calculation

The result of this calculation represents the tarot card that shows in which sign your life of your 40th to your 49th year stands or has stood.

Fourth life stage map calculation

The result of this calculation represents the tarot card that shows in which sign your life of your 50th to your 80th year (and older) stands or has stood.

Life stage tarot card calculation

The first phase of life (your youth) you calculate by your day and month of birth add up, e.g. when your date of birth is 14-04-1972 is:

14 + 4 = 18 (the Moon)

The first stage of life lasts 30 years, and the Moon in this case represents what was important to you during the first 30 years of your life (including overcoming fears and insecurities, developing your own intuition).

If we take the number 18 reduce to a single-digit number, we arrive at 9, the Hermit (1 + 8). This card shows how you can overcome your fears and insecurities and how you could develop further. In this case, the second card can be seen as additional advice for the stage of life in question.

The second phase of life (the 9 years after your 30th birthday) is calculated by your birthday to your year of birth add up. Here, all numbers above 21 are added back together. For example, if your date of birth 14-04-1972 is:

14 + 1972 = 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 24 > 6 (the Beloved)

This card represents paying attention to love, but also learning to make important decisions. Here, it is also important to love oneself above all else and listen carefully to one's own feelings, something this person has learned well in the first 30 years of life, given the Moon.

The third life stage (your 40th year of life to your 49th year of life, again 9 years) you calculate by taking the outcomes of your first and second phases of life add up. In this case, you then arrive at:

18 + 6 = 24 > 2 + 4 = 6 (the Beloved)

Because the major arcana of the tarot has only 22 cards, it is important that you continue to see the outcome reduce until a number is left that does not exceed 22.

Given the outcome (6, the Beloved), this person will therefore have to continue to pay attention to love from his 40th to his 49th year and (learn to) make decisions that he fully supports with his feelings without constantly taking others into account!

Your last stage of life, the fourth stage of life, (this phase, like the first stage of life, lasts for 30 years, so roughly from age 50 to age 80 and all the years thereafter) you calculate by taking your month of birth to your year of birth add up. At 14-04-1972 you then arrive at:

4 + 1972 = 4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 23 > 2 + 3 = 5 (the High Priest)

So, in this case, it looks like this person has passed sentence life lessons well and, as a result, will engage in guiding others in his final stage of life. In doing so, he will continue his existence in a traditional way that places great value on spirituality and certain traditions.

Interpreting life stage cards

Once you have calculated your personal life phase number cards for all four phases of your life, you can look up below which sign each phase of your life is, has been, or will be in!

Tarot life stage cards calculation

The Magician as a life stage card

At this stage of your life, it is very important to focus on communication. Express clearly what you want, show what you can do, promote yourself! What do you want to change and how best to go about it? Do not underestimate yourself, but become aware of your creative talents and your willpower, and certainly do not underestimate your own intellect either! You are capable of getting others to do what you want. You possess tremendous charisma and a certain leadership that you should become aware of. Basically, you can get anything done that you would like done. You have true magic in you! The Magician shows us that he is able to make what is above grow below. He is good at manipulating situations. He has charisma and an iron willpower that he also knows how to use! You also possess these skills, but... are you already using them?




Tarot life stage cards calculation

The High Priestess as a life stage card

At this stage of your life, it is very important that you learn to trust your own inner voice. You are probably very intuitive and easily pick up moods of others and/or emotions of those you live with. Try to distinguish which are your own emotions and which are not. Also learn not to be too wait-and-see. Having too much patience can lead to passivity and inaction. So listening well to your inner self is important for you now, but keep both feet on the ground. After all, we live here and not 'over there' in the higher realms. Find the right balance to use your intuition here without floating too much or feeling elevated above others. Don't overreact and stay calm in emotional situations. Apart from your intuition, be sure to keep using your common sense and do not let yourself be influenced by others. Sometimes people may call on you because you are good at mediating, but beware of the finger being pointed in your direction. Take a neutral stance in family disagreements or other disputes and remain honest with yourself at all times. Do not try to force yourself to take sides or make choices. Feel free to take your time to make your own choices but don't wait too long because procrastination often leads to delay.


Tarot life stage cards calculation

The Empress as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, it is advisable to start taking action for what you really want to do or achieve. Your ideas and plans are really 'fruitful' and you have high chances of your actions being successful or coming to fruition. Creativity plays a very important role in this phase of your life and it is advisable to make full use of it. Implement your plans! Accomplish what you had in mind all along and allow your project to be 'born', so to speak. If you have already done your best to shape your plans, this is the period when you can expect clear progress and start enjoying what you have been working hard on and hoping for all this time. This card represents pregnancy, birth and growth: not only in terms of a physical pregnancy and delivery, but certainly also the figurative 'birth' of something new that has a great possibility of growing into a great success! At this stage of your life, it is also good to pay attention to your own maternal feelings (giving birth and/or taking care of your own children) or... to your own mother.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Emperor as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, it is important to take control of your own life. It is very important to learn not to let others dominate you, not to let a dominant person around you impose their rules on you, but to stand up for yourself! Also make sure you start living a more organised life. A little more structure certainly can't hurt. If you are already doing this, be careful not to live according to an overly strict regime! Stay flexible, find the golden mean between being disorganised and wanting too much control over everything (and everyone?). Be assertive, but guard your limits and don't become too dominating towards your environment. Be disciplined, but not a control freak. This card also represents a father figure. Is your father or guardian reliable and fair or domineering and dominant? Do you have a good relationship with him and fond memories of him? What did you learn from him? At this stage of your life, it is also important to pay attention to and/or reflect on the relationship you have with your father (or another male person in a leadership position).


Tarot life stage cards calculation5. The High Priest as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, it is important to ask for help yourself or be supportive of someone else. This card represents education, which means that this is what you should focus on at this stage of your life. Do you need support yourself, or are you able to pass on to others the things you have learned yourself in recent years? Spirituality and/or religion can play an important role during this period. Give in to it if you feel the need to pay more attention to this. A traditional lifestyle, regularity, security and stability are also important to you, so it might be good to think about a steady relationship (cohabitation/marriage), a steady job or buying a house, etc., all things related to 'permanence'. If you need help, it is good to ask for it, but if you have received support or a nudge in the right direction from a good friend or therapist, it is very important that you continue on your own after that, and do not keep using the support of others. Basically, you are your own teacher, mentor or priest, so in this phase of your life, pay attention to that inner source of wisdom and if possible, share this wisdom with others who in turn need your help and support.

At this stage of your life, are you the teacher or the learner? Or are you going through both options at this stage of your life? Did you start out as an apprentice and are you now the teacher or are you becoming the teacher? Guidance, support and especially your inner wisdom deserve all your attention during this phase of life, no matter from which angle you look at it.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Beloved as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, you need to pay attention to love. And not just the love between two people, the romantic aspect of this card, but definitely the love for the people around you, the love for what you do and, above all, the love for yourself! Remember that it is necessary to love yourself before you can love someone else, and also: how can another person love you if you don't even love yourself? There is also the possibility that a new (important!) love will come into your life. Maybe even the one! If you are already in a relationship, it is advisable at this stage of your life to pay more attention to improving this relationship. Think for yourself how you could go about this. Spend more time together? Paying more attention to each other and not taking each other for granted?

Making important choices also plays a significant role. Not only in love, but also in living, working, etc. And you should also realise that you need to think very carefully about these choice(s) and can only make a decision if you are truly 100% behind it. With heart and soul, only when it feels 100% right for you, without taking anyone else's opinion into account (what will they think of it, what does it mean for them?), but only when you really look at yourself and ask yourself: what is right for me?

Love yourself, forgive yourself and remember that no one goes through life without error. Mistakes are sometimes necessary to learn from them so that you can make different and (for you) better decisions in the future. Only do things your heart says 'yes' to. In every area!


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Zegewagen as a life stage map

The Zegewagen shows that at this stage of your life, you need to find out what inner contradictions you are struggling with. Where do your doubts lie, what do you find difficult to control and... why? With willpower you can achieve anything, as long as you know how to use it well and you don't rush things. The Chariot of the Sea symbolises a departure that brings progress, provided you don't let obstacles looming in your path or inner struggles hinder your progress. A trip or move is a possibility, as is a change (progress) in your career, but... it is important that you take action for this yourself. Don't make hasty decisions, but try to go straight for your goal and take the shortest route to success. However, if you encounter a lot of resistance from outside, accept that now is not the right time to push forward, but rather to stand still. However, remember what your goal is and try again at a later date.

At this stage of your life, you need to be alert, dare to act quickly, but again not too quickly or thoughtlessly. However, it is time for action and resolving your inner conflicts, so that you can be sure which goal you really want to go all the way for and you can take your chances at the right time.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Force as a life-stage map

At this stage of your life, you may need to pay attention to your inner strength. Deep inside, you possess a great inner strength that has not quite come out so far. This card, 'the Power', exhorts you to be confident and face any setbacks or disappointments that may still come your way, thus freeing the strength within you and letting it out! Physically, you will also start to feel better in this phase of your life, and spiritually stronger! At this stage of your life, be very careful not to let yourself be intimidated (intentionally or unintentionally!) by others, as this could diminish your strength. Believe in yourself, in your skills, your talents and your own creativity. And what else is hidden inside you that you try to push away or deny? A certain desire, passion, aggression, certain emotions? You are stronger and can (handle) much more than you probably think.

Willpower, courage and patience are three qualities you possess deep inside, but which still need some extra attention to really develop properly. Show yourself, stand up for who and what you are and do so in a calm, patient manner and at the right time, but with confidence! Patience and self-confidence usually achieve more than roaring like a lion...

Think calmly, wait and strike at the right moment with a confidence and powerful look that no one can ignore. The lion is loose!


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Hermit as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, you need to learn a lot, both about yourself and others. It is important to spend a lot of time alone and think carefully about everything that concerns you, spiritually, emotionally, socially and psychologically. Look at the people around you. Do you really feel for them what you think you feel for them, or have certain contacts (relationships?) become a habit? Taking a break from yourself can be a good way to find answers to these questions.

It is also important to take a hard look at yourself. Why is it that, despite the fact that you may be young, you have so much inner wisdom? Do you feel lonely when you are alone or do you really enjoy having no one around you from time to time? Do you give in to the need to be alone and not care what others might think of you or what they think of you! Just be yourself and do your own thing. Why go with the herd and allow yourself to be pushed or manoeuvred into a position that is not your own choice? Learning is an important activity at this stage of your life. You will learn a lot if you watch others from a distance. You will learn a lot about yourself when you see others busy. In this way, you will come to understand better and better why you are different, and with whom you do and prefer not to deal anymore.

You are looking for answers and you will find those answers within yourself, provided you take the time to look inside yourself! The Hermit shines his light for you to find the way...


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Wheel of Fortune as a life stage card

Wheel of Fortune shows you that major changes are at the heart of this phase. In fact, it usually concerns a very big change, but... it will not just fall into your lap. Try to pay attention to self-initiative. Are you not completely satisfied with the current state of affairs and are you waiting to see what 'destiny' will bring you? Then don't wait any longer, take initiative yourself! At this stage of your life, you should learn that it is not always necessary to wait for the turn of fate. One does not get happiness, one makes it oneself!

During this period, it is up to you to create your own happiness, direct your own destiny and recognise that sometimes it is important to take a risk or a gamble to step out of an old (living) pattern. The Wheel just turns round and round. Know when to jump off to take a different path! Also read the description under life stage number card 1: the Magician, so that it can help you boost your self-initiative.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Justice as life stage map

Justice shows that it is very important to be honest at this stage of life. Be honest with those around you, but above all be honest with yourself and do not just pass judgment on others, but also on yourself! What went wrong and what was your own part in it? Do not feel like a victim if you are going through a difficult time, but look at the situation from a different angle: what did you do or not do yourself that got you into this situation? Did you not set your boundaries in time, did you perhaps make the wrong decision, were you not honest, etc.? And if someone else has not been fair to you or wronged you, look at how it came to this. Did you really have no part in this? Could you not have broken off contact, could you not have made other decisions? Did you really have no other choice? Dare to look at yourself honestly, so you can learn from your actions and flaws (which everyone has!) for the future!

One learns from mistakes and this can only contribute to a better future, so at this stage of your life, consider: what do I want to change, what should I change? Make sure you are and stay honest, then you can be sure that justice will prevail and everyone will get what is due to him or her. Who are we to judge? Let us leave this to Universal Justice. Let us ourselves be as fair as possible to ourselves and to others and learn from our past so that we will not make the same mistakes again in the future. Often, Justice shows us that we are facing an important decision and should take it with our minds rather than just our feelings. Her sword points straight up, so we know that judgement can be passed, but not by ourselves. Universal Justice always ensures that everyone eventually gets what is due to them, so all we have to do ourselves is to be fair. Both to ourselves and to others.

Also read the description under life stage card 2: the High Priestess, because this information can help you combine your rationale with your intuition and, using this combination, you are better able to make the right decisions.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Hanged as a life stage map

This card symbolises procrastination and patience, which you will often encounter in your path at this stage of life. What is important for you is to accept the situation and not forcefully try to come up with solutions or try to escape the situation. What you should try to do is start thinking about certain things in a completely different way, and look at certain situations and/or people in a different way and then let your thoughts go about this in a calm manner. Accept that things are not going quite (or not fast enough!) the way you would like at the moment, but wait calmly and use this rest period to learn to think differently and see the situation from a completely different perspective. Like the Hanged One, go 'upside down', maybe everything will look very different! Maybe you need to sacrifice something to be better off in the end? If you want a bigger (more expensive) house, you will have to think along the lines of having less money to spend on other things. Is this a sacrifice? Or can you live with this? If you want another job, you might have to sacrifice some of your free time? If you are faced with a difficult choice, think about what you could "give up" to make it easier... Sometimes, thinking differently - looking at a situation differently and giving up something of yourself that you thought you couldn't live without - helps make the situation a lot clearer than it is now.

A different approach to problems and/or procrastination and getting a different perspective on certain situations will be able to help you ease or speed up the situation. Accept that things won't be different for a while, but above all, stay calm. Forcing things or pushing in a certain direction will only backfire. After this period of patience and procrastination, another productive phase will follow, so that you can still enjoy what you want to achieve now, but for which the time is just not right. The Hanged hangs upside down and quietly waits for someone to come and free him. Struggling and shouting won't help, so why waste his energy?

Also read the description under life stage card 3: the Empress, because this information can help you remain confident that your previous efforts will eventually bear fruit and let you see that you can expect personal growth, provided you can be patient and think differently about certain things.


Tarot life stage cards calculationDeath as a life stage map

A difficult phase when you need to learn to let go. Most likely, you will have to deal with a farewell that is difficult for you or you have had to deal with a difficult farewell that you did not want or could not accept. It is vital that you learn to let go of the past and dare to be open to a new period and new possibilities. It is often difficult to leave a period behind because we don't know what will take its place, but ultimately clinging to what has been will continue to block the new. Death indicates a goodbye (work, relationship, friendship) that cannot really be stopped. It was probably coming for some time and you resisted it with all your might, but it is actually best to resign yourself to it, because in this case, procrastination only delays execution. It is better to learn to be open to a new beginning, because it is almost certain to be a positive one, provided you can finally let go of the past and give it a place and cope with the goodbye, the loss. Dare to look forward again, dare to have hope for a good future, for a new beginning! Dare to think differently, dare to let go!

In case you have actually had to deal with the physical death of a loved one, try to accept that grieving is part of it, it is a process you have to go through and which can take quite a while. In many cases, the grief and pain never go away completely, but only take the edge off. However difficult, it is a matter of learning to deal with the loss rather than going through it.

Please read the explanation given under life stage card 4: the Emperor, because this information can help you take control of your life again, even if the goodbye you have had to say or the loss you have suffered is not related to a death.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Moderation as a life stage map

In this phase of your life, you will have to learn how important it is to do everything in moderation and how essential it is to find a good balance in everything you do. When you are well balanced and therefore find your inner peace, you will also feel a lot better physically. This card also often represents healing, so it is quite possible that at this stage of your life you will learn how to remedy your physical discomforts with... rest! With balancing yourself and especially your inner self. It is also important to learn how to handle your finances properly at this stage of your life. Again, balance your affairs well, don't overspend, don't make unnecessary purchases and even try to put some money away for later. Avoid stress in any area, whether at work or in your personal life. Be moderate with everything, including those you hang out with. In this phase, you will find out who your real friends are and who are just vague acquaintances who do not really care about you. Why should you put any more energy into these people?

Take stock at this stage of your life, and you will have a wonderfully peaceful time with plenty of room for rest and relaxation that will make you feel good. Even then, when peace has returned, continue to use your time and energy sparingly! Moderation shows us that she very carefully pours the water from one chalice to the other without wasting a single drop, because who knows how long she will need this water. So she had better be frugal and save something for later!

Please also read the explanation given under life stage card 5: the High Priest, because maybe you need a little help in (re)finding your balance?


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Devil as a life stage map

This will be a phase in your life that you may not always feel comfortable with, but... remember that you always have the choice to deal with someone or do certain things. You may feel that you cannot do otherwise, but that is really not the case! Detach yourself from people who have a negative influence on you of any kind. Avoid situations where you feel uncomfortable, where you feel you are being manipulated or oppressed.

What are you so weighed down by? An addiction (to stimulants, sex or even a person?) or is it your partner who wants control over you? Or... are you yourself the one who wants to keep control over your partner or someone else? Oppression, exercising control in a coercive way, jealousy, dishonesty, possessiveness, etc. can be quite controlling and make you feel 'trapped'. Even if you yourself are the one who does not want to lose control over someone else, this can mean that you yourself are 'trapped' in this feeling, because this is not pleasant for you to feel this way either. What is the cause of this? Or what causes the possessiveness of someone else around you, and tell me honestly: is there really nothing you can do about it? Or have you just resigned yourself to it and let it 'grow' over time? No one has to suffer under the influence of something or someone else.

Never forget that you always have a choice: your own free will to be treated a certain way or not! Is there someone who acts towards you if you don't give him/her his/her way? Is this person worthy of your devotion? And why do you give in to another person's possessiveness, why do you allow someone to control or dominate or even try to possess you? And if you are doing this yourself, do you know why you are doing it? This is a phase in your life when it is very important to detach yourself from people and situations that have a negative impact on you, both emotionally and physically, and probably both...

If you want a better future, do something about it now, because the longer it takes you to take action, the harder it will become. The Devil shows how he keeps people in his power without even tying them down! People themselves choose to serve him or fear him. But do they really have no choice!

Please also read the explanation given under life stage card 6: the Beloved. It is time to pay attention to love, your inner love, the love for yourself(!) and above all, it is time to make a choice that may well be very important for the rest of your life!


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Tower as a life stage map

In this phase, you will encounter major changes. Not all changes have to be negative, but it is almost certain that things will turn out very differently from what you expected or anticipated. Often, the changes come at a very unexpected moment and you often find them very unpleasant at first. You may even be completely upset. Yet these changes are necessary. The Tower never appears 'just like that' and certainly not if the Tower represents a phase of life you have to go through.

He teaches us that we have to accept the changes (which sometimes include bankruptcy, a break-up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or the sudden ending of a relationship), have to suffer them. We just have to let it wash over us, because it is often something stronger than us and we can't change it anyway. Stay strong, keep looking forward and don't get caught up. That is what the Tower wants to tell you at this stage of your life. In fact, in retrospect, it will show that it was necessary; this change was important for your growth. In fact, you will come out stronger and experience the unexpected event as a liberation.

The Tower has appeared because something no longer works or was working. Since you would probably never end a particular situation yourself, the Tower lends you a hand. You yourself will change your mind, think differently about something or someone, or someone else will make the decision to end something for you. But always remember that no matter how sad, angry or upset you are after a setback or setback, it is always good for something and only later will you come to realise this. So let the Tower collapse and then build something new, something more solid on the same foundation, because this foundation (symbolically your own 'foundation') is still intact! You will make it, but in this phase of life you will have to learn to take it in and get back on your feet... Don't look at it as all kinds of things were done to you, but that you learned a lot!

Please also read the explanation given under life stage card 7: the Zegewagen, because this information can teach you willpower and how, despite setbacks, you can still achieve your goals.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Star as a life stage map

The Star shows us the importance of sticking to our ideals, having hope for the future and staying positive. You have probably already gone through a difficult period, or have faced problems or setbacks longer ago, but the Star shows you that this is behind you and that at this stage of your life you can look to the future positively again. A better time is coming, provided you yourself remain hopeful and do your best to fulfil your dreams and realise your plans. You may even be offered help from an unexpected source.

The Star also shows you that you don't have to settle for less. Why do something reluctantly and compromise when it is really possible to start doing something you really like? Try to find something you really enjoy in this stage of life, because with the Star as a life stage number card, it is possible! Of course, compromise is sometimes necessary, but... when the Star appears, more is possible! Why shouldn't you be allowed to think a little more about yourself? Why may you not put your own interests first? Giving is good, but not if it is abused (both privately and at work!). Pay attention to this at this stage of your life and try to learn from it.

In this phase, try to find the importance of giving and the balance between giving and taking. Give without expecting anything in return, from your heart. But... do not overdo it and do not let your kindness be abused... think of yourself too! Do what you enjoy doing and what makes you feel really good, even if it may not bring you as much in financial terms. Put your own ideals first, because now you can! And above all, keep hope and faith! The Star shows us with her nakedness that she is confident, that she is pure. She has nothing to hide. The water that flows from the stream in one jug, she returns to the source through the other. She immediately passes on what she receives, while the sparkling Star looks down on her and will show her the way everywhere in gratitude for what she gives to nature. Give selflessly and it will be rewarded.

Please also read the explanation given under life stage card 8: the Force, because this information can teach you to hold out hope for your wishes to come true, drawing on your inner strength, which can offer you creativity, willpower and perseverance.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Moon as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, it is important to confront your inner insecurities and/or fears! What have you hidden away, but nevertheless continues to haunt you in daily life or in your dreams/nightmares? At this stage of life, you need to learn that running away from your fears or unpleasant past experiences is pointless. If you run away from your fear or hide it deeply, the fear will continue to haunt you and surface at the most unpleasant times. At this stage of your life, it is advisable to address your problems or fears, process them, resolve them and confront them! You will find that the fear of the fear is actually many times worse than the fear itself! You should also be careful in relationships and friendships because with the Moon, nothing is what it seems. There are illusions, lies and premonitions. Nevertheless, the Moon certainly has positive sides too! She invites us to pay more attention to our own spirituality. She encourages you to further develop your own psychic abilities, to listen to your dreams and your own intuition. When you dare to listen to your own intuition and trust it, the impostors around you are more likely to fall through.

Don't be afraid of the unknown. Enter the path to the unknown and, in doing so, the path to your unknown self. Discover what is hidden there, what problems you can or even need to solve there in order to move forward in a better way without feeling insecure about anything. The Moon in this phase of life shows you that this is really necessary, because otherwise it will continue to haunt you and you will never really break free from it. The Moon also shows you that in this phase you can really handle solving your problems or fears! Also give in to your creativity and try to find out what you really want, both in the work sphere and in relationships. Do not commit yourself during this period and do not make long-term plans. Focus mainly on yourself in this phase of life, on the things you have hidden away or run away from. Even if you think you cannot handle this, the Moon with her mysterious powers will help you!

Please also read the explanation given under life stage card 9: the Hermit, because this information can help you take more time for yourself and pay attention to your inner self where all the answers can be found.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Sun as a life stage map

This is a very good phase in your life. The phase of life whose theme is the Sun! Everything you are doing, hoping for and doing seems to be going well. The success, positivity and warmth of the Sun surround you! If things don't quite go according to plan, or if something unexpected does go wrong, remember that the Sun needs to stay warm inside you and keep shining its light outwards to make things better again. It is true: when you are and stay positive, you radiate this outwards and this will have its effect on the people around you and the situation you are in.

In this phase of life, it is important that you learn to stay positive and also that - if everything is going the way you want it to - you have to keep working on it to keep it that way! Standing still is going backwards and even good things deserve attention, so that they don't become 'taken for granted'. If you continue to appreciate that you are doing well, you will continue to do well. Also make sure you radiate positivity to those around you (privately and at work). This will benefit you. This phase of life is all about the Sun, the good things in life, such as success, love, friendship, even a possible marriage and children. As long as you stay positive, you will achieve what you want. At this stage of your life, learn to appreciate it too and, above all, hold on to it. The Sun shows us that a positive aura also attracts positive energy. The more positive attitude you have, the less negative energy will come to you!

Also read life stage number card 10: the Wheel of Fortune, because this information can help you make changes in your life (and in yourself!) in a positive way yourself.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe Judgement as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, it is important to learn to be open. Dare to say what is on your mind, because only then will you be able to revive existing relationships that have fallen apart, or solve problems with your colleague, tell your girlfriend what has been bothering you for a long time, etc. But while doing so, do not forget to look at yourself and also express that you actually know that you yourself could have done things differently or sometimes made the wrong decisions. Clarity, openness and honesty are the theme of this phase of life. Judgement represents starting again with something (a course, making plans, work) that you have been doing in the past, but which was 'bleeding to death'.

This card can also indicate the elimination of ambiguities within a friendship or relationship that was dwindling due to a lack of communication. A good conversation with your colleague, for example, can avoid escalation. You can express your feelings of dissatisfaction without fear of being rejected or getting a big mouth. Openness and honesty also encourage others to be open and honest with you, and if you are able to express it in a reasonable way and, again, dare to admit your own downsides (after all, everyone has them!), this will save a lot of discord and make you better able to deal with the people around you. Not only is it important to express your displeasure and/or frustrations, no, it is also highly recommended to make the nicer things known to those around you! Make your wishes known to those to whom you want to express it. After all, how can your partner cooperate in improving your relationship if he or she does not even know what you would really like, what your future dreams are, your wishes? How can your employer know that you would like to take up another position if you do not indicate this yourself? Dare to talk, dare to indicate what you do and do not want, dare to admit where you have gone wrong yourself and, if necessary, apologise.

The Judgement has nothing to do with the Last Judgement, but only shows you that you are allowed to judge, also about yourself, and that this is often accompanied by a new beginning. And above all: a better beginning (the resurrection after the angel wakes the dead!), a clean slate, a new start, because Judgement is certainly not a prejudice or condemnation; it is only a opinion that you are allowed to have and express, provided you do so reasonably.

Also read the explanation given under life stage card 2: the High Priestess, because this information can help you proceed calmly and patiently (but not waiting too long), look at yourself honestly and act from your feelings.


Tarot life stage cards calculationThe World as a life stage map

At this stage of your life, you will feel predominantly good because you will achieve a lot, learn a lot and be able to complete projects properly and broaden your horizons. You may get the chance to travel or make contacts with people abroad or otherwise push your boundaries. Precisely because you are doing so well, there is a danger that you may start looking down on other people, but try to respect everyone else. You have not always been in the position you are in now; you too have had to learn and grow. Also, keep believing in your dreams, what you still want to achieve, and dare to go for it! Why shouldn't you succeed? You have achieved other things so far and are ready for a new challenge. That is 'pushing your limits', always one step further, keep doing your best, stay positive and spread your wings!

There is something to celebrate in this period of your life, for instance the conclusion of a period, the graduation of a diploma, the realisation of plans and dreams. You may receive the success you have longed for for some time. But whatever happens, above all stay yourself, stay 'ordinary' under your success and people will appreciate and love you for this. And feel free to look beyond. What steps can you start taking now to grow a little further again? How can you take another step forward? Now is the time to start working on this. The World shows us that the journey is complete, but also that we need not rest on our laurels. We may well continue to grow, provided this is done in a positive way.

Please also look under the explanation given under life stage card 3: the Empress, because this information can help you make use of your creative talents and maintain confidence in a good outcome when you are very close to success but just short of it. And to give you a positive outlook in the near future where you can finally enjoy your achieved success.

Tarot life stage cards calculation(0.) the Fool as a life stage card

At this stage of life, you will have to learn the importance of being open to the new. Why 'bury' yourself in ruts? It is especially important for you now to look beyond, to explore what else is available in the world. Don't just resign yourself to what you have if you feel: is this it now?

Dare to take a risk every now and then, dare to say goodbye to what you have been stuck with so far and which no longer feels right. At this stage of your life, freedom is very important. Only when you do not allow yourself to be tied down will you have the opportunity to discover what you really like. Don't let others boss you around, but feel free to experiment a little. You do not have to make any decisions at all yet, now is just not the right time for that. Use this phase of your life to enjoy your freedom, try out new things and break with situations and/or people you have been fed up with for a while. Just make sure you keep your wits about you and avoid debauchery and indifference. Feel free to take a risk now and then, but... only when it feels right!

If you have completed this period of research correctly - as the life stage number cards represent a number of years - please also look under the explanation described under life stage card 4: the Emperor, because this information can help you make use of your reliability and organisational skills to regain stability and fortitude after this period of inquisitive freedom and, perhaps more assertively than before, reshape your life.


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