Tarot Live Chat

Eén van de populairdere services van VIP Tarot is de Tarot Live Chat.

Tarot consultations in Dutch and English. (Translation button at the bottom of the page).

Tijdens de Tarot Live Chat kunt u mij via WhatsApp alles vragen op het gebied van liefde, vriendschap, geld, werk, welzijn en alles daartussenin en krijgt u ook direct een duidelijk antwoord.

Are you facing an important choice, are you walking around with doubts, are you looking for confirmation? Then the Tarot Live Chat is definitely for you.

Ik houd niet van vaagheden. Het is niet de bedoeling dat mijn antwoorden nieuwe vragen bij u oproepen. Aan de andere kant zal ik de dingen ook niet mooier maken dan ze zijn.

If the answer is less rosy, I will tell you honestly.

Of course, in that case, we will also immediately look for a solution or suitable alternative. 


During the WhatsApp tarot consultation, you can choose to remain anonymous, but daring to show me your photo will help the consultation.

A photoreading completes the tarot reading.

It is also possible to show me pictures of any people involved during the Tarot Live Chat so that I can read their pictures too. 

Tarot cards

When you have asked me a question via the app, I shuffle the cards and draw one to three cards for you which I immediately take a picture of to show you.

I then type up for you what I see in the cards and with this you have your complete reading in your hands immediately: a picture of your cards as well as the answer to your question.

Of course, you can respond to this directly.

When the answer is clear you can ask me your next question and I will shuffle and draw the cards again.


The cost for the tarot Live Chat is:

€ 65.00 per hour (incl. 21% VAT)

€ 45.00 per half hour (incl. 21% VAT.)

If you only need a brief insight or advice, the ten question might be a good option.

For €10 you can chat with me for five minutes.


Payment is possible via tap or bank transfer.

Do you prefer a tarot consultation via  Zoom or Skype however, this is also possible.


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Tarot Live Chat

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