Tarot New Year's Eve reflection

At the end of December, it's great to do a tarot New Year's Eve reflection. Just a moment of new insights while looking back at the old year.

You can do the tarot New Year's Eve reflection with your own tarot cards, but if you like to create a slightly melancholic atmosphere, then the Mystic Dreamer Tarot  A delightful tarot deck to work with.

A great book to consult in this regard is: Tarot, rituals, fantasies, facts.

Working method tarot New Year's Eve reflection

During this tarot reading, you will look back on the past year. By clearly charting the old year, you are better able to take stock for the new year.

  1. Sit with your cards in a place where the atmosphere is good, if necessary light a candle and/or incense if you feel comfortable.
  2. With eyes closed, shuffle the cards while focusing on this (December) month.
  3. Spread the cards (blind) on the table.
  4. Open your eyes and choose six cards that 'stand out' for you.

Place the cards in front of you on the table. Each of the six cards you have drawn contains an important insight related to the past year.

  1. What is there to celebrate?
  2. What was your biggest challenge last year?
  3. What did you learn?
  4. What are you saying goodbye to?
  5. What will you continue with in the new year?
  6. What will be your biggest challenge next year?

Identify the cards intuitively or find the meanings on this website on or in a tarot book you like.

If you are interested in more interesting tarot laying patterns, I recommend the book: 365 tarot spreads


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