Tarot workshop Mystic Mirror

At any time, you can sign up for the online tarot workshop: Mystic Mirror. We do this workshop together at leisure via webcam (WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype).

The Tarot workshop Mystic Mirror is perhaps the most surprising workshop of all.

If you are a lover of tarot, you really should not miss this once-in-a-lifetime workshop. (You can actually only do this workshop really well once in your life).

Your mouth will fall open in amazement!

In order not to reveal the mystery of this workshop, no further information follows. There is also little to say about it, you really have to experience this one.


Explanation tarot workshop Mystic Mirror

You draw the cards yourself from your own tarot deck and lay them in a certain pattern at my instruction. I watch with you via cam and let you interpret the cards yourself.

Finally, from my own themed tarot deck for extra insight, I draw a very special card for you that I let you interpret (via a picture on WhatsApp) yourself.

In this way, you will have done your own tarot reading under my guidance.

The Mystic Mirror card reading takes about 45 minutes. The cost for this special tarot consultation is € 45.00



An appointment can be made via:



Payment possible via tap or bank transfer.


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