The most bizarre tip against corona boredom
Quarantine all together: here is the most bizarre tip against corona boredom during lockdown. Before you start laughing uncontrollably during the first lines of this blog and are tempted to click this page away again immediately, I would like to ask you: stay here for a while anyway. You might get the surprise of a lifetime!
Especially if you are struggling with various uncertainties regarding this whole situation or about personal issues, it is advisable to actually be open to what I want to tell you. It will only take you two minutes.
Indeed, the most bizarre tip against corona boredom, but also the most surprising advice in a long time, is: glass spinning!
And no, by this I do NOT mean the outdated corny 'spirit summoning' you probably immediately associate this 'game' with.
I'm talking about the new glass spinning. The glass spinning of NOW. The modern NOT DANGEROUS glass spinning!
This form of glazing involves a psychological tool that gives you the answers to your questions through your own conscious and unconscious memories. It has absolutely nothing to do with infamous spirit summoning in any sense.
Some examples of questions you can answer through this tool answer (click image to enlarge):
What seems like the most bizarre tip against corona boredom at the moment will eventually turn out to be the most useful advice you have received anywhere in recent times at all.
This creative-psychological, spiritual game is a real eye-opener for anyone with questions about love, friendship, money, work, well-being and everything in between. Depending on the kind of questions you would like answered, the new glass spinning game can be played alone, in pairs or with more than one person.
In the richly illustrated book 'Glass spinning is not (un)dangerous' you will find all the explanations, game forms and rules of the new glass spinning and glass spinning light in a row.
It also explains in detail why this form of glazing has nothing to do with the sinister spirit summoning of old.
The fact that no publisher wanted to publish this book does show how deeply ingrained the fear of this 'game' is. And of what? Besides people, rules of the game can change, as this book will abundantly prove.
Do you agree that spirituality is mainly about finding the right balance between body and mind, are you ready to get to know yourself better or could you use some life-changing use insights?
Then click >HERE for more information and the opportunity to order the book that will really change your outlook on many things. Provided you dare to give it a chance and not cling unnecessarily to outdated, old-fashioned views.
Although, old-fashioned and outdated... did you know that in the 19th century it was precisely the intelligent, educated people who used what is described in this book as the 'new glass spinning'? That especially priests, philosophers and people of nobility answered their questions this way?
So actually this 'new glass spinning' is the original way Of glass spinning.
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