The Tarot as a Day Card

The Tarot as a Day Card is a handy little book in bag format that can be used in multiple ways. Handy to take with you and consult briefly at any time of the day.

Based on a short calculation based on the date, you will find out the Tarot Day card that will instantly show you which sign this day is in and how to prepare for general events concerning love, friendship, finances, work and well-being.


The Tarot as a Day CardThe information is supplemented daily with an eye-opener and a spell of the day. Of course, you can also calculate the Tarot Day card of a day in the future when you have an important appointment scheduled or are going on holiday, for example.

Do you prefer to proceed more intuitively? In that case, you can simply draw Tarot Day Card blind from your tarot deck as you would in a regular reading and let yourself be inspired by the explanation that accompanies 'your' card in the booklet.



The book is now out of print but may still be available for pre-order via the link below.

The Tarot as a Day Card


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