This is why losing weight with laxatives is a bad idea, tip of the week 40

slimming laxatives

Laxatives were originally designed to relieve constipation (constipation). Unfortunately, some people use laxatives to lose weight in a quick and unnatural (and unhealthy!) way.

Using laxatives can be addictive and is also very bad for the intestines. The intestines are made lazy, they would rather wait for the next dose of laxative than go to work on their own, and frequent use can even damage the intestine.

Bloating, gas, nausea and vomiting are also unpleasant side effects of excessive use of laxatives.

Frequent vomiting can result in dehydration and diarrhoea can cause heart rhythm disturbances.

Prolonged diarrhoea can cause cardiac arrhythmias because too many mineral salts are secreted through the faeces in this way.

Potassium and sodium are important mineral salts that regulate nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles. They allow muscles to be set in motion.

As the heart is also a muscle, this can cause it to beat irregularly

Or even no more at all!


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The above text previously appeared in the Balance book. The book is now sold out, but may still be available to order second-hand via the link below.

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